The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 552 Decisive Battle

In the following years, Ye Fan and others continued to fight on the battlefield against the strange ethnic groups.

They repeatedly invaded the Soul River, the Ancient Underworld, the Four Pole Floating Earth, the Celestial Emperor's Burial Pit and other places, causing huge losses to the Weird Clan and making the creatures of the Weird Clan fearful.

The dormant ancestors and sacrificial corpses on the plateau often appear and attack the heavens, but unfortunately, they all end in failure.

"Still unable to find a place outside the world...blazing, desolate, and unable to survive even after death, leaving us with such a big trouble." The ancestor whispered coldly.

They have already begun the plan to replenish the ancestors. With the help of the plateau consciousness, it will not be long before it can be realized. By then, it will be the ultimate doomsday for all the heavens.

The heavens also understand this, so those Luji level creatures are trying their best to seek breakthroughs, hoping to become sacrificial beings before the strange ancestors come to the city, so that they can have the ability to resist.

However, the way of sacrifice is so easy to enter when the road to transcendence ends. Throughout the ages and endless years, not many people have succeeded.

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, the gray era has come to an end.

The big sacrifice will be held again.

This time, the mountains and rivers in the world were once again stained with blood, and all souls were killed and injured, becoming sacrifices for the great sacrifice.

The gray matter, like an unstoppable torrent, swept across the world. There were tragic scenes and wailing and mourning sounds everywhere.

In a place outside the world, the Empress of Huafen Road and all the Lu were watching all this, wanting to go out and fight the Weird side. However, more than one of the ancestors had awakened and was overlooking the earth. Going out now would be tantamount to seeking death.

"I feel that an ancestor-level creature has appeared in the gray clan. Perhaps the decisive battle is not far away." Empress Huafenlu sighed.

"We already have an idea of ​​the road to sacrifice, and I hope I can catch up." Liu Shen said.

"This era is the golden era."

The sky after the big sacrifice was gray and dead, with only such an indifferent word floating in every corner.

The years are flowing and rushing, the gray sky is gradually disappearing, and the world is gradually recovering and becoming alive.

Soon, the world became full of vitality and a prosperous scene.

Many civilizations were built on the ruins, experienced brilliance and glory, and then came to an end and were replaced by other civilizations.

Those who are in it naturally do not understand the truth. They write ancient history, create a prosperous age, and look at the past, present and future.

It's a pity that what they don't know is that there are ruins buried under their feet, and one great life after another is buried.

This world seems to be in reincarnation, and the weird clan is the controller of reincarnation.

There are very few creatures in the Outer World, because the number of Weird Ancestors is being replenished little by little. If they go out at will, they are likely to be followed, and the Weird Party will get the coordinates of the Outer World.

They stand outside the world, looking at the prosperous scene of the world, but there is no trace of joy in their hearts, and there is only a touch of sadness.

Wildfires never burn out, and the spring breeze blows and revives. Civilizations are indeed very tenacious. Even if they were once extinct, they will revive and grow again, but they are still grass and will be harvested one day.


In a place outside the world, earth-shaking fluctuations suddenly erupted, and an aura belonging to the sacrificial way filled the sky.

Ye Fan succeeded and became the fourth sacrificial creature in the world after Empress Huafenlu, Chi Cang, and Shi Hao.

Only after standing in this realm did he realize the power of sacrifice.

Even if it cannot be considered a great realm on its own, it is still transcendent.

The Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things hangs high, with all kinds of fairy lights flowing. The laws within it slowly dissipate and are sacrificed. In the end, this blood-stained ancient cauldron becomes mottled, thick, and unimaginable.

Just hanging there will cause the avenue to collapse and break inch by inch.

"Emperor Ye Tian!"

After an entire era passed, a sacrificial creature finally appeared in the heavens, which brought hope to the heavens and inspired people.

Empress Huafenlu and Zhulujin witnessed all this and expressed their congratulations to Ye Fan.

"It's a pity that it's not enough. The ancestor of the weird clan cannot be defeated by two people." Ye Fan sighed.

After that, several more people became sacrificial beings one after another, pushing the power of the Outer World to a peak.

Liu Shen, Wu Ren, and Wu Shi broke through one after another, making the heavens have five sacrificial creatures.

Although the number is still far less than the dozen or so people on the weird side, it is not without any resistance.

The Golden Era was long and deep, and the world reached its peak during this period of respite.

Some of the most favored men born in response to the calamity rose up like lightning, becoming unstoppable, and countless heroes emerged.

At the end of the era, the strange tribe began to show its claws and show terrifying power.

The flames of civilization in the world are like flickering candles, extinguished in large areas under the strange and ominous hurricane.

This time, the Outer World no longer sat idly by and launched an attack on the Weird Clan.

Although there are still many creatures in the world who have the possibility of advancing to the priesthood, according to Ye Fan's calculations, it will take endless years for these people to try to advance. It is impossible to become a priest within one or two epochs.

The Weird Clan will not give them so much time. In other words, five sacrifices are the limit of the heavens.

Since this is the case, there is no need to lie dormant and watch all worlds enter reincarnation.

If we engage in a decisive battle with the Weird Clan in advance, we might be able to break the Weird Party's plan.

As for the coordinates of the extraterrestrial place, although there are so many blessings from the existence of sacrificial paths, they cannot escape the deduction of the weird clan. After all, there is a plateau consciousness with quality above the sacrificial path.

As sacrificial creatures, Ye Fan and others can deduce many things, and they naturally know when to take action.

In this battle, the five great priests were the leaders, many path-breaking creatures were the generals, and the quasi-immortal emperors were the soldiers. With the determination of failure or failure, they swept across the battlefields of the heavens like a torrent.

The Weird Clan suffered heavy losses from this sudden attack and were retreating steadily.

All the creatures in the world shouted, welcoming the savior in the darkest and most desperate moment.

Suddenly, thick fog appeared in the sky, and a huge plateau shadow appeared, with terrifying figures standing on it.

"Ye Fan, Liu Shen, Luo... you are finally willing to come out." A figure spoke, uttering ancient and scary syllables.

"This battle will decide the world!" Ye Fan was glorious and majestic, facing the phantom of the plateau and the ancestor, the emperor's momentum shook the past and present.

"Haha, even if you can't wait, we will still go to find you, a place outside the world... Although this place will often remind us of some deceased friends and some glorious years, it has existed for too long and is It’s time to die.”

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