The Return of the Saint

Shengren return chapter 266

In the golden light, the hands of the week fish shake slightly.

Too strong, it is too strong.

Just blocked a punch, my two hands have been painful.

After a blind, after the attack, the week fish finally rushed to the Rusaver City.

It is a broken wreck here, and the terrain is more complicated.

Zhou fish rushed into the ruins and lost his trace.

White is parked in the center of the ruins.

I didn't feel anything, but I didn't feel anything.

After the week, I took a strange little ball in my hand.

There is a film in the small ball to spread to the surrounding body, and the Taguz is not found in the weekly fish through this film.

Standing in the same place, Taguz suddenly laughed.

"Are you delaying time? If I have not remembered, you should have a few companions, where is the girl who uses water? I am afraid that you are working near your plan, is it?"

Taguz is acknowledged: "Thanks to you, I understand, I have a way to escape my perception, and the reason why you don't have to use it, I am afraid because you can only avoid my perceivement for a short time."

"Since you need you to delay my time, then you are now preparing, and I just need to go around to find a circle, I believe you can find your companions, then kill them again."

Taguz voice just fell, and the survey of the golden light came out, and a punch forated to his chest.

Taguz is unfributing, and the front is directly hitting the knot of the week fish.

The surrounding fish roared, the golden breath on the fist began to be spirally surrounded by his right arm.

This makes his right fist speed dip more, and it is facing the fist of Taguz.

At the moment of two punches, the Tagu waist is slightly shaking by the flesh eye.

Subsequently, the two punches were hit together.

However, an amazing scene has appeared, the fist of the surrounding week, in the moment of the right fist hitting Taguz, actually issued the sound of "" ".

Then I saw the skin on the right fish in the right fish, starting inch turtles from the box.

A large number of bloodsides go all over.

Zhou fish feels that his fist has hit a bomb, a burst of power entered his body from Taguz's right box, and then fried on the week's fist.

The week fish screamed, and the right hand is weak.

Taguz Cold Road:

"You are really superficial to use strength!"

However, Taguz's attack did not end. I saw that Taguz's right box suddenly turned, and the arm was softly and unrelenting. With a strange stick, the right fist with Sweetfish, will pull him from the autonomous In front of it.

Gently, the week fish fell to the side of Takuz.

The right palm of Takuz continued to go upstream from the army of the week, and the momentum is on the back neck of the weekly fish, and the weird man will control the spine of the surrounding fish, so that the week fish is completely movable.

Immediately, Taguz clause the left arm, raise the fist to the head, aiming at the head of the week fish.

Fully shore.

The air has a sound of the sound explosion.

No, but continuous three times.

Every sound explosion, let Taguz's left felings have accelerated.

As Taguz gently shakes three waist, his left fantast has accelerated three times.

The speed is so fast, so that the human eye has seen the left fist of Taguz, the outbreak of the above, let Taguz's left fantas travers this distance, and slamming the brain .

"Bang" sounds, Taguz, this punch actually played the effect of high-explosive bombs.

The soil on the ground was taken for a few hundred meters high, and it was like a large number of TNT explosives from the weekly fish.

174 Moses of the ancient

The head of the week fish lying on the ground is buried in a big pit, and his face is bloody, but he is still alive.

Because Taguz fists fall in the face of the week, did not hit the week fish.

A dark spike, gently label the neck of Taguz.

A flat sound came from the back of Taguz.


It turned out that when the week fish and Taguz battle, Yan Ji has quietly touched the back of Taguz, reached out, pushing Taguz's fists, and launched his own while skill.

I saw that is trying to use the spikes horizontally, but on the hard throat of Taguz, only a white print is left.

But Takuz is still moving, because a slowed whirlpool is trying to twist this space into a point.

Taguz is fully tensioned to resist this huge distortion force.

After the back, after the back, the whole gods maintained the skills, and the forehead was full of sweat.

Just when the two were deadlocked, the week fish slowly drilled from Taguz.

In front of Taguz, Shoufish closed his fist in the waist, the left foot was in front, after the feet were in front of him, and a shackles gathered on him.

Numerous airflows driven, rushing to the weapon, forming a vortex gas field.

The more powerful and stronger, the strong Jin Guang has completely covered his body, it looks like a small sun.

"Faster, I can't help!"

It turned out that when the surplus of the week, Taguz also increased the struggle, and the pressure of the mountain inverted the sea came from the front of this guy.

Yan Ji only felt that he was black in front of him, and it might hang in the past.

At this moment, the strength of the weekly fish finally ended, and a strong golden light instantaneously, and the right hand of the weekly fish gathered into a Yingying glowing dot.

The surrounding fish roared, exhausting the chest of Taguz, is exhausted.

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