The Return of the Saint

Shengren return chapter 268

According to ancient books, Moses ancient array is a mysterious array of more than 3,300 years ago. Legend China Sino-Mosastic is with this array, got a natural power, got the strength of the Red Sea, led Hebrew to leave Egypt."

"And now, this story is probably about some people in this group?"

Taguz not only did not attack Wu Yu and Jin glimmer in front of him, but instead he was in front of the magic array, he began to say itself.

"It seems that in the initial essays, it is not all waste, or there are several good people."

"You can find a way to communicate with the planet, but also use the magic array to activate, although there is still a defect in the sacred sacred sacred, but for your buddh, you can in one Unexpectedly, do this, it is good. "

Standing on a roof, the blood of the blood, looked at this man wearing a broken shorts, shouted:

"Shut up! You are a bastard, you are not qualified to evaluate them, you just need to remember, I will destroy all your plans, let your blood break!"

Taguz bowed, twitching, it seems that I can't help it, haha ​​laughed.

"Look at your wolf, living like a child who has not growing, a thousand years of children, isn't it enough?"

"Standing there, what do you mean? You have to revenge your friends, then you will come over, indicate your will, instead of covering your inner weakness and fear."

After that, Taguz is even richer sitting on the ground.

"Come on, I am here, how can you resist me?"

The gold shinnly wiped the tears of his eyes, facing the humiliation of Taguz, she bite the teeth, and did not send, and the flame of the revenge lick her heart.

I have been quietly suspended in the air Wu Wei, and the opening:

"Seeing that you have a win coupon, isn't it afraid of the gutter?"

Taguz turned, looks at Wu Wei, showing a smile that means deep.

"How? What? Can you let me lose?"

Wu Hao said:

"It's just a little, isn't it?"

Taguz, then laughed.

A plurality of sharp sprorts stabbed to his throat.

Taguz slammed the sprinting of these whistling spurs.

Then he slowly used the water in his hand, cleaned the dust on his face, and sighed:

"Hey ~ young people, it is really impetuous."

Get off the water droplets in your hand.

Taguz reach the finger behind the magic array behind him, and refers to the farther, then the huge light column through the heavens and the earth.

"Your plan, nothing more than dragging me ten minutes, here is ambassador, then by the last elderly, use her endless vitality as a sacrifice, get the help of the planet will."

"If your plan is successful, then the sleeping planet will be awakened by you, my energy extraction will encounter resistance, at the same time, someone among you will have the perfusion of the planet power, will have Strong power sufficient to compete with me. "

"In such cases, I am not careful, it is really possible to be turned over by you."

"Okay, I will find out your plans, now, who can drag me 5 minutes, let you start Moses ancient array without interference?"

Wu Wei is cold:

"Don't you be afraid that we have the second hand to prepare?"

Taguz steady road:

"The development of the world is complicated, trying to perform and control all changes, but the fool's fantasy; the real wise man only needs to grasp the key, it is enough."

"Just like this, I don't have to consider too much, just sit here, you have no choice but to."

"Because this ancient array is the key."

Wu Hao looked at this unusual monster in front of him, and he was really helpless.

Because this monster really doesn't need to be urgent, he only needs to sit here, you can give yourself to live.

Wu Hao tried several times to open the unconscious state, I want to try it out if there is any way to break.

However, she did not have a state, obviously felt that in this monster square, I filled a horrible black gas, Intuitive to tell her, as long as I dare to enter this range, I am afraid it will come.

How to do? The back and neck of Wu Hao, constantly emerged fine sweat.

Standing here, waiting for death; rushing over, there is no time to start ancient array, still dead.

How can I do?

The black giant flowers spurred out of the sky, have begun to become a golden color, and some small places have begun to slowly.

Taguz sitting in front of the magic white looking at the two women in front of the heart, but the heart is slowly comfortable.

Going to this step, all variables have almost already appeared. Next, they only need to hold this magic array, then there is no more thing to stop their own way.

In fact, Taguz is now able to do it directly, and the two women in front will be completely killed.

But Taguz is still not moving in place, but it has chosen to take care of people.

For Taguz, this Moses is too dangerous, and must be adjacent to the next to eliminate all possible factors.

If it is completely ignorant, it represents the variables that always exist.

Because, the elderly who will transient is this ancient key; the girl who controls the water should be the ancient subject.

Therefore, Taguz deliberately made a good appearance, and constantly lure them in words.

Surface lax Takaz, secretly tightened nerves, one of his poisonous snakes, waiting quietly, waiting for a certain one in front of these two women, close to them.

Just kill any one in the two people in front of it, then this bureau, he will completely win.

Golden glitter stands on the roof, the air flow in the sky is constantly blowing her hair.

The naked man is sitting before the magical array, even nearly a thousand meters away, it is also like a mountain.

Gold Sparks I really want to move the past. When I touch this man's moment, I lost him in outer space and turned back.

But every time I want to act, I feel that there is a cold sickle holder on her neck.

Will die, will die.

For thousands of years, there has never been a threat to death.

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