The Return of the Saint

Southern Return Chapter 275

Golden flash transiently, appearing in a tall building, reaching out, touching his back, the hand is full of blood.

In the big shocked, put the outer clothes, but found that your back is clean, no wound.

It turns out that these blood is not her.

So, who will it?

The gold shines, looking at the two gods of the Tongtian light column of the magic array, quietly standing.

A tall man, the right fist is placed on the belly of a girl, and his half of the body is frozen by white frost.

Taguz's hand knife, passed through the girl's chest, revealing a lot of palms behind the back.

The bright red and hot blood flows above, and quickly condenses into a grain ice crystal and falls the ground.

After the two, it was a cold ice tunnel with a long to do ten meters, and the silk was constantly floating in the sun.

Handsome and handsome man standing in the same place, beautiful icy girl is gently leaning on his hand.

Blood, slowly condensed into a red crystallization at the foot of the two.

It looks like a beautiful and moving picture.

The girl's lips have been reddish, but her red lips have emerged two cute sleeves.

The girl laughed, in the sun, laughing in the clouds of the fairy.

The two are looking for a long time.

Taguz was slightly sighed, and the road:

"After all, you still do it."

Wu Hao, I want to say something handsome.

But cough and blood make her breathless.

Taguz has a low head in Wu Hao.

"I am sincere admiration for your will."

Looking up, Taguz uses the hand knife in Wu Hao's body, slowly hold Wu Rong in the air.

"You use life to prove your will, which means you are no longer a human ants, you are a noble soul, which is worth seeing."

Taguz took Wu Rong to the highest place, facing Wu Yu, slowly kneel.

"You are eligible to embark on the road, may your next life, will be fearless and brave blessings, may you, on the road, eternal prosperity!"

The sun shines on the blood of the girl, if the holy light is coming, Jesus is difficult.

Taguz opened, with a monotonic syllable, sang an old song.

No one can listen to what the meaning is, but people are deep in the soul, and they will continue to make a mistake.

Atmospheric, desolate, broad and eternal.

It seems that it is standing in time, and the creation and destruction of this universe are praised and praised.

In the vibration of the heavens and the earth, the wonderful song is passed on the whole world.

The song stops, Taguz stands up from the ground, with a silent or even a devout look.

I extended his left hand against Wu Wei.

Wu Wei in the hand of Taguz in Taguz, strived, and looked at a bright sky.

The sun is so glare, so gentle, just like this world is generally soft and cruel.

I don't know why, Wu Wei is in the last moment of this life, I saw the surrounding fish lying on a wilderness.

He is soft, his face is everywhere.

Looking at the appearance of the week fish, Wu Hao is warm in the heart:

"Sorry, Shoufish, you must work hard to live, brave and strong, want ..."

"", Tagu's right hand reached into the left chest of Wu Hao.

The palm is slowly tightening, the palm is gripped, it is a bright red heart.

Wu Hao smiled, the pain on the body is far away, and consciousness has also begun to understand.

"To bring my one, live together."

The big hand palm is tightened, the bright red heart is packed in a meat sauce.

Wu Wei slowly closed his eyes, it was a calm Taguz, the distance is a crying of gold and Wu Yushu who has been hiding in the room.

Subsequently, it is slowly replaced by darkness.

Wu Wei feels difficult to say, is it, everything is over.

Goodbye, dear the world.

In front of it, a light group slowly emerged, there is a bird, there is a loved ones, and every Wu Hao has died, they stand in the light, smiling in Wu Wei.

On the wilderness of the empty, the losing the awareness is still lying on the ground.

Because the sequelae moves the weekly fish, it has bisted the lips full of blood.

Just a few minutes ago, Wu Hao's concentric lock played a role.

Zhou fish's eyes began to emerge, Wu Wei experienced.

His eyes lie in the same place, looked at Wu Hao to beat the arms, looked at Wu Wei, was bite the ear, looked at Wu Wei by the damn man, stabbed in the air, blood flowed.

I hurt!

Why, I went away from my sister, now I don't have to let go of my friends!

I hate! Why, it's still a powerful look at all! So many years have passed, and now, you have to experience this pain again!

Why is so cruel! Why is this to me! What did I do?

What did I do? ! !

Dramatic pain, rushing in the heart of Sunday, angry flames almost swallowed his eyes.

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