The Return of the Saint

Sorrow Chapter 278

All this change is very slow, and there is an end between the instant.

So Taguz is a sudden moment of being surprised, and he saw Wu Wei who had died, and once again appeared in front of him.

Long-haired girl suspended in the air, slowly opened his eyes and blinking.

A volatility of a naked eye is passed from her, and it has been shot around the world in just one second.

In her eyes, it is full of integrity and peace.

A water drip-shaped mysterious imprint, slowly imposing the forehead of Wu Hao.

Taguz can't suppress the fear and shock in your heart.

"How can it be! Why is the third level of planet will!"

In the empty wilderness, echoed the roar of the Taguz.

"This is impossible!!!"

182 third level

With the roar of Taguz, countless bright spots are surrounded by Wu Hao in the void.

With the mysterious material, it is easy to look.

Wu Hao lightly opened, but it was not her voice, but a voice that mixed countless sounds.

Leisure, , light and smart, no matter how men, women, will not be attracted by themselves.

"Takaz, things have been here, don't you understand?"

Taguz is in the same place.

understand? What do you understand?

It has been clearly confirmed many times, and the planet of the earth is just the level of the second level.

The evolution of the planet level is extremely difficult, and time consuming, it takes thousands of years to complete the evolution, not to mention the middle, and great failure probability.

why? Why is the planet of the earth will have evolved in just a few days?

Taguz in confused, not intentionally looked at it, not far from the black giant flower, in the near-pure white light column, there are some extremely small black spots, do not look at it, you can't see it.

At this moment, Taguz's thinking is fully scheduled, and there is already the key to it.

I saw that the face of Taguz became palemia, a mouth, and spit a large blood.

Wu Hao floating in the air, with a faint pressure, staying in place, quietly looking at all happening.

Taguz's breath becomes rough, and the hands and feet are trembled.

The blood is constantly being surging on his body, and his face has become popular, and a piece of blood flows from his intranasal, but Taguz is unintentional.

The trembling refers to Wu Wei in the air with his fingers, after a long time.

Finally, for a sigh.

"It turned out to start from the beginning, is I am already in your control?"

Taguz only felt that he was full of bitterness, and this world is a gray.

The air in the air, or the planet will be more appropriate.

The planet will open it with its strange voice.

"Yes, from the beginning."

Taguz decadently sat on the ground and grabbed his head.

"My one fell in your eyes, you didn't sleep, but pretend to be sleeping."

"Then you wait for my plan, because my plan is your opportunity for you to prepare for yourself."

The planet will have a good way: "Yes, in two thousand years ago, I was waiting for an opportunity. When you come on my planet, I know, you will become my opportunity."

Taguz force licked his hair with a cold way:

"Yes, so you deliberately let me think you are sleeping."

"I spent me for more than two thousand four hundred years of light and overcast this plan, and when you start it, your opportunity is coming."

The planet will stand in place, quietly nod, agreed.

Taguz continued:

"The biochemical extinction I started is your evolutionary opportunity. When the entire human civilization is about to fall into death, the strong conscious consciousness of the whole planet life is shocked, and it has reached your evolutionary conditions."

"But you still don't want human extinction, so you have found this group of vital guests, small partial destruction, retaining human civilization."

"This is still not enough, because this is the negative spirit field that civilization is endangered by the death, which is too much negative energy, which will cause your evolution."

Taguz puts a huge light column in the middle of the black giant flower in the distance.

"So, my energy extraction plan helps you busy. In the process of me to extract energy, you will succeed in the destructive negative energy, and my energy extracts the light column and turn into your filter. "

"So, after the purification, the success is in a very short time, it has reached the evolution of the opportunity to complete the opportunity to complete."

"My plan, I have been fully utilized by you."

The planet will use a beautiful face, facing Taguz smiling: "Yes, I can successfully evolve, is your credit."

Taguz rubbed his face with his hand, and his shoulders were constantly drawn, and finally couldn't stand it, haha ​​laughed.

"Hahaha! You know that I have been working hard, and I have been working hard, every time I am careful, now I am careful. You told me that every action is a wedding dress for you. What is this? You told me! What is it! "

The planet will float in the air, there is no response, just in the original place, showing a charming smile.

"Good, you are still too big."

Taguz put down his right hand in the will of the planet, and the smile was also exposed.

Just like the appearance of boundless resentment, suddenly disappeared, just like an illusion.

This rapid change, with the huge amount of information, let the Sweet fish standing in the same place, feel that the head is not enough, one does not leave God, the iron rod actually dropped the ground.

Taguz is laughing:

"Finally, win or me! Light column, complete!"

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