The Return of the Saint

Shengren return to Chapter 297

I saw a beautiful face in an eye on a glasses.

Wu Yan sighed, myopia was recovered, and the price was an appearance change.

And still become beautiful, this is also a good thing?

Turned, Wu Hao went into the bathroom and wanted to solve physiological problems.

Wu Yigang went in, and the boys standing quietly came over.

The strange eyes of this row of boys, Wu Wei went to the last urinal position, I just wanted to reach out of the trousers.

At first glance, these boys still stared at themselves with a strange look.

Among the same eyes, it is impossible to bear the powerful heart of Wu Hao.

I can't help but run into the compartment where I am running, I close the door, after a few seconds, I came out.

It was found that this row of boys still looked at themselves, Wu Hao was very embarrassed, retracted, hurry out to wash hands, ready to leave.

Just walked to the door, gotting a boy who bury his mobile phone, saw Wu Yun, showing his face.

I am busy with red road: "To ... I am sorry! I played mobile phones too focused, I didn't pay attention."

Then turn around and run to the female toilet, Wu Wei is trying to remind this buddy.

I saw that he had rightedly rushed into the women's toilet.

A horrible scream came from the female toilet, and then a boy's weak apology, and a continuous "" fan voice.

Wu Yizhou hide and escape ...

Finally, when I was going to school in the afternoon, I suddenly stopped to stop.

The voice of the principal came from the broadcast.

"Distinguished teachers, please pay attention, do things, please take a good order."

"Today! Just in our school, a very shameful thing happened, a male classmate in our school may play mobile phones too focused, we don't deal with him for violations of the mobile phone into the campus, focusing on, he actually In the women's toilet, this is really unbelievable, this is crime! "

People at the class, heard here, girls are red, and boys are laughing.

The teacher shouted: "Quiet! Quiet!"

Broadcast continues.

"This intention to make this bad behavior to deal with the student status, but the students have a good attitude, the school is based on the purpose of teaching and educating people, and decided to give him an opportunity to change their self-friendly, and according to the school discussions, Born, in a declaration of the general public, I hope that the school students will be introduced. "

Then the sound changed to a weak male voice, with a vibrating voice with a crying, and read a book that had been written.

Wu Wei is on the table, can't wait to embed your face into the book.

(PS: Video is true, interested friends can go online to search, very interesting ~)

195, kiss

The anecdote that happened in the school bathroom did not attract more attention.

There is no rumor to come out.

The male classmate who was married by Wu Hao, there was no message after being repented.

Then it is a busy life of the high three party.

Under the counted bell, the mathematics teacher is still unfinished, and the last sentence is, and I will have a little mouth, or I am reluctant to say: "Less lesson."

The favorite teacher is rare, there is a matter of time, Wu Hao has not remembered, the most impressive once, this teacher rings after the courses, dragging a whole 40 minutes.

Listening to the password, I have already jumped the students who want to try it out.

Wu Wei is very mood today. After the end of this afternoon, it is a two-day holiday in the school.

Finally, I can take a good rest for two days.

Busy high school life, so slowly.

It's a calm day ~

Wu Hao ignored the students who whispered in their class, and the path left straight.

I don't know if it is an illusion, Wu Wei felt how many people stared at myself today?

Slightly concentrated attention listening.

"Hey, don't be busy, wait for the top door to see."

"What is good? I have to go back to play the ranking, I have to rise today."

"You come over, I quietly told you."

Then it is a whisper.

"What! No!"

"Really, I am lie to you, you are waiting to see it, so I want to stage it."

Time rush, Wu Wei is too lazy to listen carefully, anyway, no matter.

In a few steps, I came to the door and took a step.

"", a group of people holding a ribbon spray tank, in the sky, spray it in the sky.

Several people also pulled a banner, and the book '313 class Wu Wei' a few big characters, and there is countless pink peach heart next to the big character.

And a boy wearing a white suit, the wind is coming out of the crowd, come to Wu Hao.

From the back, a thin star is taken, gently smoked, turned into a big rose flower, and countless petals were sprinkled.

I saw the boy who walked in a white suit, holding a rose, facing Wu Wei, single knee, looking up, watching Wu, affectionate:

"Wu Wei, the stadium meets, your beauty makes me impressed, please accept this bunch of flowers, this is my little bit."

Wu Wei stands thoroughly in place, what is this?

It seems that Sun Yi?

Does he are shooting youth idol dramas?

I am not blocked by the camera?

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