The Return of the Saint

Shengren return to Chapter 337

Both parties always put their hands on the waist and be alert to each other.

From the two black people, they came out of two men who appeared to lead people.

A casual white suit, looks serious; the other is wearing a beach, with a pure gold thick necklace, looking like an outbreak.

The two people carry a full black suitcase.

The two sides regard, there is no nonsense, just a little one, then the two sides have a tacit understanding of the safe distance, and go to the factory.

From the sky, this abandoned factory has a huge rectangular shape, situated in the center of two straight highways.

However, whether it is a black man, or a small mix.

Both parties are driving the car, driving from different roads into this abandoned factory, so they don't know the existence of each other.

At this moment, a group of armed special police who wear shirts, holding a bulk gun filled with bullets, is quietly ambushing around the plant around the factory, peeping with a high-side plant.

Several sanitary siresses are waiting for the top of the factory, integrating the wealthy into the dark, aiming at the following two party people.

The small factory is about to stage a wonderful chaos.

Who, will it be the last winner?

221 Cheng Jun's memories

Among the unknown grass, it is dispersed a lot of armed special police.

It is about to enter the summer night, and there are many vampire mosquitoes.

It is the season of breeding, pregnant female mosquitoes are also exceptionally excited.

Under the perspective of their infrared, this group of red and bright humans in front of them are the best food tonight, using life as a bet, they will be exchanged to their own needs.

The team leader in the grass is gently taking a slap in the neck, a successful sucking of the bloody mosquito, turned into red dots in his palm.

I have a few words, and the Cheng Jun is secretly stunned.

Finally, so long ambush, used several province's power, after half a year of hidden tracking, finally arrived at the net.

The next consciousness touched the pocket and took a empty.

In the secret action, it is no smoke.

Touched the headphones touched, Cheng Jun patient waiting for the upper level of instructions.

In order to track this action at the internationally rampant drug trafficking organization in China, the light of the undercover police and the line have sacrificed several times.

Finally, today, wait for the buyer behind, as long as the net is complete, this is a perfect anti-drug action.

This task is very dangerous, and the basic people in the body have weapons.

In order to keep confidential, there is no use of ordinary police power, and even these armed special police who are embeiled around are also a Chinese-in-year anti-drug veteran, and only 30 people are not.

Cheng Jun has not been to experience this kind of small soldiers for a long time.

The main force of the entire package is directly used to use the special forces in the army for ambush.

This time, it is clear that it will be in the case.

At this time, Cheng Jun remembered his wife in his family, as well as children who were going to participate in the senior high school entrance examination.

After this time, I will retire, after all, I have been old, some have a strong force, and I should give the position to the young.

The child turned into a high school, and there is no more time to accompany the child at home, and there will be no chance.

During his thoughts, Cheng Jun returned to the eve of the action, the Secretary called him to the office, and the two were in silence.

Among the small rooms, only the smoke of the two people is linger.

"Really no longer thinking?"

Cheng Jun just laughed, and then handed over the will of writing last night.

"Since this is put on this skin, there is a need for the country, can you not be up?"

The director took the will of the process of the army, stood up and went to Cheng Jun.

Cheng Jun returned a gift, and then turned and left.

Headphones came from sound.

"The prey has entered the net, the falcon action enters the network."

"The first action team is completed."

"The second action team is ready."


"The Ninth Action Group is ready."

Cheng Jun raises his hand and facing the microphone

"The tenth movement team is ready."

I don't know if it is an illusion. In his last sentence, the noisy insects around him suddenly became quiet.

Cheng Jun's mouth, perhaps, this is the legendary murderous?

The teammates around Cheng Jun began to be nervous.

It is about to enter the most critical closing network, many years of experience, let them understand, at this time, when it is the most dangerous, the more it is approaching, the more it may lead to casualties.

The secret sucking a sigh of relief, Cheng Jun suddenly remembered a case that he had ever had.

It is a simple suicide case, but it impressed in the mind of Chengjun.

After receiving the report, the reporter said that the second floor, always passed an apod.

When the proceedings and colleagues came to the households of the residential building, Cheng Jun heard the familiar taste.

The body didn't run.

But unexpectedly, after the knocking of the hop, there is a little boy to open the door.

In the door, two young police officers who have just graduated just walked in, and immediately turned to run downstairs. I haven't run it, I spit a stair.

Cheng Jun is also extremely shocking in the hearts of time.

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