The Return of the Saint

Chapter 367 of the saints

The eyes are turned up, and they are fainting.

Xiao Yan, who is coma, Wu Hao light road:

"Because, I am a man."


Just in Xiao Yan was in the air, the moment of losing the perception.

The original fanatics and blind people have stopped rushing to Wu Wei's footsteps.

They all watched four weeks, and their eyes recovered in the Qingming, why were we like to stand here with so many people.

At the moment, the voice, the sound, the sound, the child's cry, and the pain of a person who was stepped by Wu Wei, she fried.

Just in the crowd, panic and helpless emotions were gradually spread.

A military helicopter is rotated and came to the top of people.

Attract all the eyes, for a while, the audience is quiet.

At this time, people noticed that there was a person wearing a pure black military uniform with a person in the center of the venue.

Feeling the sight of people around, Wu Hao stretched out left hand, and uncomfortably put the hat and lowered some.

On both sides of the helicopter, the two ropes were dropped, and the Shangdong Shangdong colonel one of them, down, and the gestures were slidably, and the gestures were stigted to Wu Hao, let him climb the helicopter along the rope.

Wu Yu ran hand will be Xiao Yan against his shoulder, squatting, and tall with a high jump.

At the highest point, Wu Hao grabbed the rope, one pulled, and immediately climbed up again.

In an instant, two people nodded in the instant and the drop of Wei Huada.

After a few seconds, Wu Wei has turned over into the helicopter.

The Shangyu, who is wearing a military uniform, is in the crowd, take over these policemen who have just awake, the heart and the panic coexist.

Ordered to immediately evacuate the population and avoid stepping.

And the outside is also coming to many soldiers, began to evacuate tens of thousands of people gathered here.

Wu Wei turned over to the helicopter. The action is too fast, waiting until the crowd is aware of what happened.

The armed helicopter has stirred a huge propeller and flew in the distance.

No one has come out of the phone, and the scene of this is not common sense is recorded.

They just made a scream, amazed, and confusion.

Ok, under an orderly evacuation of inside and outside, there is no serious stamping accident.

When the crowd with excitement and fear, Wu Wei closed his eyes on his helicopter, and he was bundled in the foot and covered Xiao Yan.

Cui Teng officially gave a thumbs up against Wu Hao, nodded, turned his head, and continued to go far away.

Wu Wei felt so deeply, he did not return to the forefront of the past, in front, waiting for him, will be another dangerous road.

Looking at the sunset that slowly falls in the distance, Wu Hao only feels full of confusedness.

I look down on my hands, Wu Mei muttered:

"Is it ...?"

After that, Wu Hao didn't know, because he was directly sent back to the military camp.

And Xiao Yan is sent to another direction by the helicopter, when sending, Wu Wei does not know.

Standing on the playground in the unmanned playground, the helicopter is getting far away.

Sighted, turned, Wu Wei felt that he was hungry, so he walked to the cafeteria.

At this time, the soldiers who came out were all rounded, and the people in the canteen were full of diligence.

Wu Hao suddenly remembered, because the training time was sturdy, it seems to have never dinner to eat in the food hall.

I looked at the calamating hall, I touched my belly, Wu Wei decided to go to the cafeteria.

A few iron tables in the cafeteria, several soldiers who have just come back from the outside, wearing a casual dress, talking while eating gossip.

A small soldier mysteriously:

"Hey! Have you heard that those guys in 5 rows said that today I saw a black military uniform flew from their head."

"I am going! Really fake? Are you brag?"

"Just, how can someone can fly? They are afraid to be teasing you!"

The little child will be questioned, and it is immediately ridiculous.

"How is it possible? One or two people saw it yet, this time they saw it throughout the row! And the most embarrassing thing is that the whole of the whole row, they did not say anything; still, you know that There is a dormitory building, recently being prohibited, the iron egg is not afraid of dead stupid, not afraid of death, I still hit it on the road, good guy, I directly pull it directly to a week. Small black house, now it is still in it. "

"You think about it, what is the penalty area here? Just a big place, where is it unclear? There is only a penalty area, now there is a rumor, no matter what it is true, it is obvious. Very strange? "

Another big man, heard here, interface:

"To say this, I have heard a matter of the chubby of the cooking class in the past few days, may be related to this."

Even this usual honestone is open, and some of the curiosity of some people are high.

"Stone, you don't ink, hurry to talk about it."

The big man called the stone clear the throat, said:

"I still remember the noon at noon, I'm going to the cafeteria, I am preparing to make a meal, and I am not hungry, do you not do hunger training?"

A soldier whose eyes were dark, only angry: "Of course, remember, the scorpion does not say, suddenly pulling hunger training, harming the old man's stomach and committed, hurting!"

The big man called the stone, the last meal in the mouth, playing a full, talented:

"Xiao Her is told me, that day is a woman wearing black military uniforms, come here to eat the whole camp's lunch, no meal, we have been pulled to engage in hunger training."

The other few people suddenly surprised their eyes.

"Woman?" "Black Military Service?" "A Camp's Lunch?"

Looking at a few people in the portrait, the stone packed up the tableware on the table and shrugged:

"Don't ask me, I don't know what happened? When I heard the chubby, I still laughed him and didn't rely on it. It didn't be true."

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