The Return of the Saint

Shengren return to Chapter 380

But there is an exception on the aircraft, that is, in a selfless preference, the girl who can manipulate water and fire.

When this girl came up, he casually took the foot on the seat of the front row, lazy on the seat.

The officer next to the girl, but the front of the girl is staring in front, and it does not pay attention to this girl's violation.

Sitting selfless, sitting next to Wu Hao, accidentally, and Wu Wei's eyes are right.

He quickly pulled it back, the heart rolled the mad, lowered his head, and he died with his own pants.

Selfless is scared, because until it is at this moment, I will stay in God. The appearance of this girl is so beautiful.

Beautiful is not like human, the more you close, the more you think this kind of appearance is really suffocating.

Sitting next to such a powerful and mysterious person, selfless pressure is very pressure.

Not to mention a word in the helicopter, there is also a masked soldier who is silent and silent.

And wait for a while, can you get the trust of this group?

Can you use a predict to find a way, save the entire Yin City?

These for him, just like a difficult mountain, he never thought, one day, he actually carries the life of people in the whole city.

The more you think, the more nervous in my heart.

The sweat dripped another drop from his forehead.

Suddenly, a chewing gum was handed next to it.

Selfless was shocked, the next consciousness came over, and the hoarse has a thank you.

"Thank you."

Wu Wei just put a swing. After finishing this chewing gum, he continued to curled up like a lazy cat.

I don't know what flavor, I don't know why, my selfless heart suddenly has been much better.

Forget it, I don't use it so much, take a step.

Pang Director suddenly sorcered:


In front, a large-scale commercial building is in the feet of everyone through the red mist, the foggy.

Cui Jiaguan's eyes were condensed, and he looked at Wu Wei. Wu Wei took a deep breath and stood up from the helicopter.

Selfless and Pang Director were scared.

"Jumping down, ah!"

I haven't called a few times, and I suddenly think of Wu Wei just jumped. It seems to be a variety of elements, and then some people seem to be plain looks. I will understand.

After all, he is also an alien that can predict future, so although it is scared, it is still settled quickly.

Poor Pang Director, or the first time to witness this kind of thing, I saw him put on his own chest, trembled, and took a box of medicine from his pocket, shaking a piece, eating, and finally changed Over the gas.

"Sorry, Pang Director."

The Pang Director hooks, after a while, Pang Director also responded.

"Cui Comrade, the mission is tight, you hurry."

Cui Jiao officials did not drag, nodded.

Let the helicopter close to the exterior of the building, and the other soldiers broke the glass and laid into the building.

Pang Director stands in the helicopter of the airflow and looks at the people.

I don't know why, he suddenly felt that this habit often became unfamiliar.

I look down on the medicine box in my hand, never taken the Pang Director, suddenly I feel that I am so fast.

I really miss the years of young people.

Maybe, is it time to give the stage to the young?

Shake your head, close the hatch, Pang Director brings the headphones, at least, before returning, let me take a power to make an old bone.

"The battle unit has been in place, all sniper listening, '' action, official start!"

252 all have to die

Liao Yue's night sky, a strange red fog, noisy city, and feelings and uneasiness slowly float.

A man who shrouded in the black robe, lifted a pale finger, finger the back is a five-piece black nails, and the lips of Yinhong are blood, and sketching a smile of demon.

"Ignorance, vulgar, ordinary people, you are full of bones and compromise, will become great! Thank you, Yin City, today, my blood magic people will let you have new forms, Recommarked in this world! "

"I will also take this, becoming this real world, over the country, real God!"

Suddenly, a fist who fell on the sky, put the black robes from the head, played, leaving only a bright red blood in the ground.

Wearing a black military uniform Wu Wei, standing in the same place, the right faning is too vacant, and the bottom is a big hole that is smoked by the rest.

The red blood of the stalls, quickly flowing into Wu Yizhou, and re-coating into human form.

For a time, the wide roof calm only the whistling wind.

A crazy striker, flew the black hairdry after Wu Yizhen, swaying the black robes to cover his face.

"Sure enough, Hua Guo's mysterious department ..."

The words behind the black robe can't say, because his half face is exploding by a sudden fist.

The black robe broke the blood again, and quickly changed a place, re-condensed.

"I actually interrupt others to talk, you have a good hole in white, no polite!"

Wu Wei is slowly collapsed, turned, and sighed.

"It is the type of trouble."

I looked at the black robes who stood in front of it.

"My business is busy, there is no time to talk nonsense."

Then Wu Wei instantly disappeared in the original place, and the just black robe was ready to find it.

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