The Return of the Saint

Returning to Chapter 553

Therefore, the Institute immediately derived the reason for Wu Hao's power mysterious disappearance.

Due to the awakening of dual abilities, the mysterious substances in Wu Hao brain have an unstable fluctuation.

The fluctuations of mysterious substances have led Wu Hao to temporarily lose their strength.

The meaning of this discovery is very important!

Because, from this time, it will be able to distinguish from the crowd and the ordinary people.

For security systems around the world, it is a great discovery, unable to be a day, will not be able to escape the distinct detection, this discovery will be the management of alien, bring great convenience.

After this discovery, it is not so much attention to the study of Wu Hao double.

As soon as, all conventional means have been tried, still there is still no discovery.

Two, I have been waiting for a long time in the research institute, Wu Wei is very unhappy.

Therefore, after discussion, the research institute let Wu Hao still in the same day, it will provide a blood sample every week.

However, the Institute also warned Wu Wei.

His mysterious power is indeed very powerful, but it will harm to his body and abilities.

This time is a temporary disappearance of his abilities and make the mysterious substances in his body.

And if he uses the mysterious power again, it will definitely let the mysterious substance in his brain continue to decrease.

It is said that he will lose his abilities forever.

Before standing in the gates of the Institute, Wu Hao looked at his hands and secretly picked his fists.

May you lose your ability to use forever?

Shake the head, Wu Wei decided not to think, but secretly warned himself, unless there won't have this strength.

If you lose your own abilities, you will become an ordinary person, saying that Wu Wei is not willing.

After standing at the door, I saw a team opened.

On the car in the center of the team, the captain is sitting.

Today is Wu Wei to leave the research institute, and Wu Yu wants to accept the honor of the country.

For the merits of Wu Hao in the Pacific Memint, the country will naturally reward.

Looking at this nearly ten military vehicles, there are still a lot of soldiers who wear a dress.

Wu Wei is dark in his heart.

After getting on the bus, Wu Hao doubts about the captain next to him:

"The captain, just pick a person, don't you use so exaggeration?"

Captain, laugh:

"The two big heroes in our country are exaggerated."


"Yes, two, except for you, there is still a person, should now have to go to the airport."

"He will accept the same honor with you!"

Wen said, Wu Hao is doubtful in his heart.

Another person also has such a big credit in the military exercise? But in your own impression, it seems that there is no big credit?

In the doubts of Wu Hao, the team is vastly open to a military airport.

374 highest honor

When the team came to a military airport, Wu Hao took off the bus.

There are also many people in other cars.

On the wide military airport, there have been a uniform warner, waiting there.

There is a plane that is slowly open from the distance, and then stops on a red carpet.

The captain took Wu Wei to go, and the people of other cars were consciously row, standing on both sides along the red carpet.

Wu Wei looked at the airplane from not far away, the door of the plane was slowly opened.

I only heard a military scream:

" , salute!"

Suddenly, everyone is neatly uniform, raising hands and salute.

This is also the same as the captain standing next to Wu Wei.

Huh? Do you need to salute this person? Don't you?

Wu Hao also quickly followed his respect.

I saw the soldier before I yell again:

"play music!"

Suddenly, those soldiers of the guards have played a heavy song.

The low horn is depressed, and the officers of the dress are all serious.

At this moment, the hatch is open, and Wu Hao is watching the door of Black Cave, which is confused. Is this a big man?

Slowly, a young soldier has taken out from inside.

Huh? Such a young big person?

However, next second, Wu Yu lived.

No, this time the protagonist is not this young soldier, but the thing lifted behind this army.

With the suppression and tragic music, a glass coffin is carried out from the cabin from the cabin.

I saw two soldiers wearing a dress, slowly lifting the glass coffin after the body, every step is so calm, and there is no fear of shaking.

At this moment, standing into two rows of uniform officers, the posture of the salute, looking at this glass coffin, until the two soldiers lifted the coffin, put on a black car in the team.

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