The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 578

Because, a strong and desperate emotion is in this city.

hate! Strong hate!

There are also the ultimate calls and despair of weak people.

So strong, so that Wu Hao suddenly broke the dead in this city, ignored the shares of the air, if there was no bloody taste.

With a long gun, step by step is on this unhousal street.

During the occasion, I came to a night, and people were crying in pain, and they were desperate in death.

Such a deep pain, let Wu Hao's teeth, bitten.

Floating in this city, the anger of the anger, like finding his parents, all going to Wu Hao.

When all the emotions were absorbed by Wu Hao, Wu Wei also understood, what happened to this city.

At this time, the airspace is launched once a day, and a huge light column that only people in the airspace can see from Wu Wei, and implement this world.

Then, the whole city boils.

Everywhere is an enemy that is hosted.

A circle of rough arrays and patterns, it is awkward in Wu Hao's feet.

The pressure of various capabilities is compressed towards Wu Hao.

The whole city has become a huge fractal, countless mystery patterns, floating from each building.

Among the sky, there is a tens of millions of laminated laws, one picking up one of Wu's pressure.

In the event, Wu Hao felt his head and came into a unmatched horror pressure.

In the eye, the ground around Wu Hao has collapsed on a hundred meters.

Brand, silence, restriction, bundling, constraint, deformed, hurt, curse ...

Hundreds of weakness and restrictions, with the France, controlled Wu Wei together.

Then, those who jumped out from the building, the body is generous, and released their own attack.

Run, artillery, magic, abilities, light column, corrugation, space distorted ...

A variety of wonderful power attacks, the same time came to Wu Hao.

The magnificent fluctuations of energy, let Wu Hao have a moment of floods in the body, and it is invisible to distorted black holes.

At this moment, these are limited to Wu Wei in the attack, and the body is straight in the center of all attacks.

Slowly open your eyes, one thing in a mistake, from his body, passing to the whole city.

On his body, ignited the black flame of the bears, he slowly raised his hand and touched the dark green gun behind him.

Next moment, Wu Wei took out the long gun in the air.

Among the chaos of this energy, a larger energy, from the unscrupulous pour.

Compared to this shares like volcanic eruption, all other restrictions on attacks are like a rush of the stream, delicate and weak.

The black torrent of this flame is from the ground, run through the world.

This time, many challenges saw this high-rise black fire flood.

With the burning of black flames, all the binding ability and attack capabilities for Wu Hao are completely swallowed.

The residual remaining wave, but also put all the attackers to the shock.

At this moment, every challenger looks at the dissipation of the energy remaining wave.

In the sky, the sky is flying in the sky is the challengers of Haowa, and there is countless on the ground because of the fact that the law is broken and vomiting blood.

Without any props, it is possible to block the swallowing of the black flame.

However, Wu Hao did not stop action, and all people were in an instant.

He withdrew his right leg, holding a long gun, holding a gun tip, slowly spitting a breath.

Next moment, he disappeared.

When Wu Wei once again appeared, it was already outside the city, the whole city was taken by a flame passage of 100 meters, and his life was smashed in half.

When Wu Wei took a gun, the battlefield was really dead because it was blocked before the route; 'The eating knife' and his knife were smashed in half; as for '** Len'? Her proud sex figure was burned into a corpus in black.

Under Wu Hao, all the challengers in the small town have lost heavy losses.

"No! It is impossible to be so strong!"

People made a tear-hearted scream.

No one can expect that the gap between the two sides will be so huge.

Such a strong preparation, such a powerful lineup, so many strong, actually, can't stop the opponent gently blow.

In the face of this enemy, the goods exchanged in the airspace have all lost their effectiveness.

Absolute constraints can also be bound, absolutely silent can not be silent, and the time stagnation is also easily shred by the other's strength.

The first discovery that the goods among the airspaces have actually occurred in the case where they are described.

"Why is this? Why?"

Slow a long gun to a single meal, a series of collapses and the sound of the human body.

The whole small town, the blink of an eye is broken.

All the mystery of runes are collapsed in the film, and there are countless bright light.

People or mouth vomiting blood, or have a handfelt, or wrapped around the black flame roll up, and make a burst of bursts.

"The strongest 'brigade of the airspace has been killed;

'Heaven and on the underground, I have a full number of people.

'Live the' brigade has been killed;

............ "

Everyone has a series of aerial symptoms in the ear.

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