The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 598

This room is a small attire at the top of the hotel, and the view is very good, and because of the high advantage, from here, you can see the roof of a house outside, and there is no obstetrical galaxy in the sky.

In the night of the outer city, there is a darkness everywhere, and there are very few windows that are bright.

Because the candles are too expensive, people in the outer city are resting in a night.

Looking at this ancient city, Wu Wei really felt really, how beautiful it is, what is the era of life.

There are countless patterns and hundreds of spices on the food.

Night is also cheap lights and countless night entertainment.

Whether watching TV, Internet, playing games, singing, etc., these entertainment is more comfortable than this lonely silence, but it is necessary to feel comfortable.

But it is precisely because of these gaps, it is deeply aware of Wu Hao, and he is working in a variety of different worlds at this moment, and experiences the history and present of different times and different people.

People living here, maybe you can't think of dreams, people will be able to have a lot of life, how convenient daily.

However, they are in this era, and this life is destined to have such convenient, and even those things may not be able to conscious.

In Wu Hao's cranky, the water temperature drops very fast, whenever the water temperature dropped, Wu Wei put the water back to the wooden barrel, turned into a fire state, put the right hand into the basin, after a few seconds, the bath water will boil again. It is very convenient to get up.

After washing, put it on a new dress, and Wu Wei is planted in bed.

The so-called bed here is actually just a lot of dry straw on the wooden bed, and there is a clean towel on the upper place, but it is more cold than the cold land that sleeps in the wild, or sleeps. It is much better on the branch of the pain.

Close your eyes, Wu Wei quickly caught in deep sleep.

The soft moon is lingering on her smooth cheeks, it is so white and tranquility.

In the no one, only slight breathing sounds, echoing in this ancient hotel room.

Soon, ushered in the morning.

At the moment, there is no bright day, many citizens in the city began a hard work after using breakfast.

Get up early and the slaves early, start to prepare hot water and breakfast for the owner.

The shopkeeper of the shopkeeper opens the window and starts to put the goods.

Plants are pushing a variety of wheeled cars, starting along the street, selling on the car, which is mainly eating more food.

With the rise of the first shining, the street is already very busy, the blacksmith shop began to make a rhythmicity; selling livestock, the lamb, the cow, The snoring of pigs, intertwined with lively people.

In this contrast, it is in the outer city.

New day, start ...

402 plans A and B

In a noise of a person, Wu Hao, he opened his eyes, straight to the body, stretched a big lazy waist.

I feel that this time, the exhaustion in the wilderness, finally swept away.

Because of the daily support of the airspace, there is no tent, Wu Hao is raining, hiding in a cocktail cave, sleeping in the cold wilderness in the cold.

Nothing is murderous in the dream, and the front of the eyes is a big mouth with a sharp sharp-hearted tooth.

In addition to the vermicelli animals like night attacks, there is also a variety of ambushes that must be affected every day.

So, this is this feeling last night, and Wu Hao came to this world, sleeping the most stable.

Having yawn, put on the black robe, Wu Wei went out of the room and came to the first floor hall.

There are only a few sporadic guests in the hall, and the hotel owner is standing at the counter, wiping the glass in the hand with a towel.

See Wu Wei appeared, the owner of the hotel is eager to say, and then give a breakfast on Wu Hao.

A macaroni with a broth with a sauce on a black bread dining plate.

I remembered the taste of the food last night, Wu Hao swayed.

After that, Wu Hao inquate to the shop owner, about this beauty contest.

According to the store owner, the beauty contest will be registered at the time of today, and then it will be officially started tomorrow morning.

It is said that this selection of beauty contests is highly eye-catching.

Because it is an unlimited selection of blood and identity, many of the beautiful women who think that they are good, they have come to the capital, and they want to take this opportunity to leave the original class, step into the upper upper class.

After all, for many civilian girls, even servant born girls, even if they can't get the top ten, as long as they can look at the beautiful contest in this city, it is also a good thing.

What's more, as long as you can enter the finals, the king's adults and prototypes will come to the game, and the whole process will watch the most beautiful women in the Kingdom of Manfrad.

This will be a glorious moment worth remembering for a lifetime for many women.

Therefore, the girls from all over the country are constantly moving in the city.

I didn't see the reasons for too many beautiful girls on the streets in the outside city. It is also because of the successful girls, they will be sent into the inner city, concentrate the accommodation, waiting for the game officially starting.

After Wu Xie got out of the store, he left this store.

When I came to the street, Wu Hao was turned into a dim, gently jumped in place, flying, gotting on the roof of this building.

A butt was sitting on the roof, Wu Hao opened an airspace of gourmet capsules, this morning, Wu Hao prepared today is a bowl of color fragrant light mixes.

I ate all over the face, Wu Hao looked at the inner city, the faint energy fluctuated, thinking in my heart.

Just in this way from the foreign city, it is obviously not feasible, because the energy fluctuations use toes to know, definitely is something such as the alerts under Tang Qipu.

Although it can be directly around the top of the palace from the high altitude, there is also a rigor.

As long as I have been dragged for a while, Tang Qi definitely ran again, and according to his nature, this time was scared, and it would be more difficult to catch him for many days. The next time I want to catch him more difficult. .

I have to think of a way, at least let this guy appear in their own field of view, so that he has more escape methods in his own speed, but also makes him use it.

Under the few things, Wu Wei decided to participate in this beauty contest.

With the appearance of her water form, I will not be a problem.

Moreover, the owner of the hotel also said that when the finals, the king and the guards will come to watch the whole process.

Then, as long as you enter the finals, wait until Tang Qi appeared, immediately kill him three times with the Thunder.

Although Wu Hao can also choose to go to the audience, wait for Tang Qi to show.

But Wu Hao always feels that the caution is cautious in Tang Qi, not necessarily.

After all, I can buy Tang Qi's information, others can also buy, staring at Tang Qi's gods, there is certainly a lot.

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