The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 600

Whenever I personally remove a person's existence, when their loved ones or brothers are killed by themselves, they expose their eyes, and every time I think of Tang Qi's eyes, it is similar, and it is the same. It is an unforgettable hatred for others.

Even if this group is self-sufficient, it is the same, the pain they suffer, is the same.

Because they are also people.

The more killing in your hand, the heart of Wu Hao, the more you feel the sadness that cannot be suppressed.

He is deeply sad for his life that must be lifted by his life.

why? Why do you have to kill?

why? Why do you have to hurt others?

Many times, Wu Hao believes that his life is humble, and it is also worthless.

Because others have a reason to live, there are people who need their guardians, and they have an unforgettable desire to this world.

However, he did not.

He is just simple because he lives.

He didn't have a brother, and he didn't have a friend. He didn't have a parent, and he didn't have a lover.

Compared to those things that others carry, Wu Wei felt that they came to them, their lives were too pale.

Therefore, Wu Hao always can't help but ask.

why? Why do you always live yourself?

why? Why are they so many people, but they can't die, but they are so easy to die.

Obviously let yourself live, only let more people are unfortunate, clearly, just bring more people to pain.

However, why, why is it still ourselves here?

Those who lying on the ground is still someone else?

If it is not autonomous, Wu Wei has been tearing.

He is ashamed to himself, because when he is in the death of others, when the people who have been taken away, when the life of others, it is constantly moving.

He also felt the valuable, more and more feeling of life, and a wonderful thing.

Wu Hao is ashamed for this greedy, he is afraid of death.

The hands cover their faces, the big droplets of tears, constantly through the fingers, drops on the dark Tianzhu.

There is no living person, only the corpse of the body, Wu Wei stands alone, silently crying.

For your own alive, for everything you can feel at the moment, and greedy cry, because, even crying, it is a beautiful and happy ...

After a long time, Wu Wei wiped the tears on his face and turned into a water form.

Clear and calm thoughts, returned to her mind again.

It will become a heavenly weapon, inserting the waist, Wu Wei slightly smashed a robes, flying towards the distance.

The sound of the wind, patted the hem of Wu Hao's black robe, and made a broken voice.

Wu Wei went to the capital of Manfred Kingdom - Balgam, flying quickly.

In flight, Wu Hao searched around the black robe.

A white plush hanging from it was pulled out.

The name of this hanging is called 'lucky rabbit', Wu Wei remembers, this is when there is a female stall owner who sells his husband's relics, Wu Haohua bought.

After all, people who took this thing were killed, so this is called 'lucky rabbit foot' and no one is willing to buy.

Although the sad female stall owner repeatedly stressed, he was because of this thing.

However, people around them do not believe.

Wu Wei is simply a very good look, and I think that the female stall owner seems to be very poor, she only bought.

Moreover, fortunately, it is very mysterious, who knows how much is this thing?

I got the amount of this cute hangover in my hand, Wu Wei raised his hand, hang this 'lucky rabbit foot' in the waist, secretly prayed:

Please, give me a fortunate!

This can't be blamed, it is really that Tang Qi's luck is really metamorphic. Even if Wu Hao is always a guy who is coming to these, I have to want to give myself a spirit.

Wu Yu is dark and talking:

Hope, this thing can bring you good luck!

At least, always make yourself close to Tang Qi, don't let him escape.

404 beauty and registration

At the entrance to the inner city of Balgan, a middle-aged fat man with a fat fat, wearing a gorgeous costume, ten fingers wearing a golden gem ring, and there are several string of treasures on the neck, it looks like a The people who will walk away.

Next to this middle-aged fat man, standing with two servants who give him a fan.

Under the afternoon, the middle-aged fat man is like a strict fat layer, which brings him that is incomparably painful, even if it is sitting in a cool place, some people have been fanborn for him, but his oil is full The forehead is still sweating.

This big fat man named Ditrich is a distinguished marriage.

Ditrich was the initial review of this beauty contest, responsible for the preliminary screening of girls who came to participate.

According to reason, as a distinguished, a big man, this kind of hard blowing in the outside can give it to the family.

Can Datri Son still chooses to stick to the first line of the selection, silently enduring the wind, there is a bitter day of violating the aristocratic style.

Even so painful, he still sits here, unswerving, no shake; it is really a good model of respectful aristocrats.

Of course, Ditri Zizi is so respectful reason, only he only knows himself.

In order to get this fatty, the Dietrism is not to know how many relationships have been made up and down. How many years have made many years of savings, and they have been defeated, and they have lost this fat. Aristocrats.

In order to get all the savings lost, Dietri Zizi can't wait to take it 24 hours a day, and resolutely not let go of everyone who came to register.

As a result, I didn't think of it, and the Ditri Xi Zi was profitable, and it couldn't help but smile.

The savings of the flowers are not only all back, but also earn.

This makes Ditri Zizi's ignorant, and it is even more reluctant to leave.

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