The Return of the Saint

Returning to Chapter 612

When I saw the numbers on the three numbers, Wu Wei was slight.

Huh? Why is the 'No. 1' on each number card.

I only saw a judge opening:

"Beautiful No. 1, worthy of the name of the beautiful god Afdi, her beautiful appearance, leaving a profound impact on us, let us give warm applause for this unparalleled girl."

The audience under the bottom of the audience all the excitement, cheering, as if it is just like this.

Wu Wei turned his head and saw the two girls who were in the eyes of tears. After some performances, they were full of sweat, many people's fingers, filled with years of hard work, and left.

However, when the results are revealed, those audiences sing together, those who laughed because of their performances, those who are intoxicated because of their poetry.

Now it is a do not do any performance, just like a wood person, but I have a victory, and I will take care of it.

Shake the head, Wu Hao smiled and said:

"This is really a world that looks face."

414 two honest people

When Wu Hao returned to the background with the other four girls, they couldn't help but they were on the ground, and they went to cry.

Listening to the cry of the girls, I am sighing slightly in Wu Yu.

Yes, this world is so unfair.

People are always told, work hard, they will have to gain; they will be able to achieve their goals.

However, many times, even if you have exhausted, it is not necessarily the result you want.

Because life is not a game, life rules, all are unknown.

Until the moment, you can never know, everything you do, is it used again and again.

Although Wu Hao won the final qualification, he looked at these crying girls, but Wu Yu did not feel a very joy.

Looking at this lively square, Wu Yu suddenly felt something sorry.

The next round of selection has begun, but Wu Wei, which has been qualified, does not need to continue.

She said with the background manager, she left the selected scene.

I wandered for a while in the city, and Wu Wei began to go to her old place, and continue to meet those challengers who were like moths and fatches.

Compared to the beautiful stadium, Wu Hao prefer the fight on the battlefield.

Not so much bend around, only ** naked killings and death.

The more you walk between life and death, the more superstitious fate and fate.

When it is easy to take another person's life again, when you look at your life again and again, you will pass again and again.

People always continue to issue questions.

Yes, why is someone else's life is so fragile, but it is like a cockroach, and it is alive again?

Before the real unknown, in the confused in the heart, people always desire to grasp some things.

How do I explain my difference with others?

Maybe, is the fate?

The hit is destined to death, so I can live again and again.

When the bullet destined in the game, maybe you will never escape again?

The reached out and touched the hanging ornaments of the waist, Wu Wei was silent, and the third time returned to the Rhinefried Mountains.

Due to this mountain range of the two war, there is a trace of the battle of pits.

The body of the challengers, in the cold frost, was solidified in time.

Wu Hao found a mountain peak, turned into a fire state, will stand by the long shot, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

However, today until noon, no one will challenge Wu.

Wu Wei shook his head, they always like to gain a large group of people to challenge themselves.

Perhaps, can the number can bring them false security? Wu Wei guess it.

For this reason, this unattended situation will occur from time to time.

After all, it is always necessary to make a group of people who are not afraid of damn guys.

In particular, in the face of a presence of a successful success.

After the airspace mark ended for a while, Wu Wei, who stayed in the mountain, feels a bit boring, flying away.

In the flight, Wu Wei did not know that the lucky hangs in the black robes began to emit micro-white light.

When Wu Wei flew in the air, the choice changed back to the water form, I just wanted to bring the hat, suddenly, the distance from two frequently came to the air.

I haven't waited for Wu Hao to respond, I saw two people through the front of themselves, and smashed in the mountains.

The power of the impact is so huge, so that several mountain peaks have been smashed, and the emergence of the commissions.

The air also burst out a horror air explosion, and the Wu Hao in the flight has turned several of them.

After these two people came in, Wu Wei heard a huge snoring from the back.

"The person in front flashes! Let's hit it!"

In the collapse of the mountain, slowly ran two bonus big men.

I saw one of them raised the bald head, the whole body is shining; the other head is covered with a small flat head, and the whole body is shining.

When I saw this person, Wu Wei's consciousness is like a turbulent form.

However, she immediately realized that the appearance of her water form has been seen in front of these two big men.

If you change your body, you will expose your two looks.

Moreover, between the other instant, the other party can directly hit himself, and if you have no alert, you will definitely react.

But I don't know why, these two people have chosen hit together and spread each other.

Feeling the goodness of the other party, I thought about it, Wu Hao did not hurry.

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