The Return of the Saint

Return Chapter 624

Sure enough, the next moment, a one-scale Tang Qi appeared no longer.

Wu Hao looked at it, and the body was still unchanged, and frowned slightly. It turned out that this is this 'resurrection'?

The body that was killed by Wu Wei, still staying in the same place, whether it is his face or the blood cave of the chest, there is no change.

Re-resurrection Tang Qi, the heart has a sense of impatings to touch his own mouth, then fell:

"About summon!"

A multi-layer composite magic array covering a hundred meters, and there is no number of light spots in the magical array, and goes to Tang Qi.

Wu Wei immediately stabbed the heart of this Tang Qi, I saw a huge white tail in front of Tang Qi, and the tail was smashed, and there was a huge soil, which blocked in front of Wu Hao.

The soil wall is unluckted in a long gun in Wu Hao.

But such a delay, Tang Qi has been behind the white fox, escaped in the sky in the distance.

Looking at the Tang Qi sitting on the back of the white fox, Wu Wei was a clear.

"Want to escape?"

I saw the silky cold from Wu Yun, strong cold, blowing Wu Hao's hazag.

Her hair has become more and more, and the black robes are completely covered by a gorgeous skirt, one with a golden crinting crown, which is in the head of Wu Hao.

The water droplets on her forehead also became more profound, flashing with some ice crystals.

I saw that Wu Wei slammed into the ground, countless horrible cold, spreading four sides, and turned into a thousand miles of horror.

The entire Manfred Kingdom is covered by cold.

A huge ice column, which is ground, spread towards the sky.

They are entangled with each other with various strange traces and condense.

Wu Wei also stood on a pillar, just like sitting on a lifting ladder, rising speeding toward high air.

I saw these most unparalleled icicles, while spreading to the sky, stretching each other, condensed into a cold ice platform.

On this ice platform supported by countless ice columns, the high-rise rounds of the ice platform will continue to extend the countless fine icicles, continue to telescopically, and finally aggregate at the highest place.

These fine icicles are like prison, and this round hundred miles of sky are completely locked.

Subsequently, the fence of this ice prison once again expanded, turned into a wall, which truly blocks everything among the transparent thick walls.

Sitting on the white fox, Tang Qi, who is running away in the distance, is also locked in this piece of cage consisting of ice and snow.

The sun is transparent, refracted, reflected in it, reflecting a beautiful and beautiful light effect.

Wu Hao still maintains a single-handed movement, and it is full of cold.

Looking at not far, trapped in the frightened Tang Qiqi, Wu Wei slowly spit, one word:

"Cold! Winter! Dress! Prison!"

421 positive and confrontation

Although Tang Qi is careful, this is not mean that he is very weak.

The people who are weak and fear are can't live in the airspace.

Seeing that the road has been blocked, but the Tang Qi finally horing the heart.

When he turned, he turned around the number of light spots in his week, and he smashed on the ground and

I saw that behind Tang Qi, there was a few huge beasts.

Among them, there is a huge tough turtle, a tall black dragon, one has a huge white fox of nine tails, and the like.

These beasts stand together, as if they become a continuous mountain range, let Tang Qi rose.

Wu Hao, standing opposite Tang Qi, facing the lineup composed of this group of horror beasts, like a small antique.

Her body did not have any momentum, only slowly burning a noble black flame.

The black flame is slowly wound in Wu Hao, his figure has become robust, and the long sword in his hands becomes slender, and a black gun is in his hands.

Wu Hao's fire broke down and danced in black flame.

The flame of his whisper, gradually became condensed, turned into a rolling gorgeous armor, the top of the flame in the forehead, slowly appeared a bright red headband, long tail, in the flame Waiting in the wind.

In the fire, the madness of the evil charm is the madness of the evil charm; the corner of the mouth is smile, making people gum cold.

At the same time as Wu Hao entered the fire form, Tang Qi is also not idle.

I saw him yelling:

"Ultimate armed!"

Standing behind the Tang Qi, the instant is instant into a few beams, which is attached to the Tang Qi, a time, Tang Qi full of colorful blinks.

The black light of the black fire dragon, is attached to the left hand of Tang Qi, turns into an embarrassing metal giant claw.

The gangguang of the huge turtle is attached to the Tang Qi, and it has turned into a guardian turtle armor.

The high-headed giant snakes are attached to the foot of Tang Qi, and it is a pair of violet flashing gorgeous boots.

The huge squirrel is attached to the eyes of Tang Qi, and it has a blessing glasses of a feet of flashing data.

The white light of the tall giant bear is attached to the head of Tang Qi, turns into a beautifully ornate round pointed hat.

The most tall tail fox is attached to the Tang Qi, and the change of nine high hundred meters is attached. The momentum is stunned!

After wearing this gorgeous equipment, Tang Qi also took the hand ** his own heart, slowly took out a hand of the fierce black knife with infinite suffocation.

At this moment, the color of the Tang Qi flashed together and even covered the sun's light.

And Wu Hao, after turning into a complete fire form, it is strong, and the eyes are closed, standing in the ground, moving.

All the flames on him disappeared, and it is just a general person who is draped.

Since I have decided to start, whether it is Tang Qi or Wu Wei, I have not asked each other or asked why habits.

In the airspace, it is bored that the most, it is generally the fastest death.

On the side of the Tang Qi, he kept a vigilance on Wu Hao, while pressing his own glasses:

"Estimate the power immediately."

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