The Return of the Saint

Returning to Chapter 629

Asked Tang Qi, why he is clearly resurrected, but will leave these physical flesh?

Ask Tang Qi, his resurrection is true resurrection?

Looking at this one-time body, it is always unable to guess, will it be the previous Tang Qi's true death?

Now this Tang Qi, just inherited the physical replication of all memories of Tang Qi?

After the question is issued, Tang Qi, who has been full of confidence, is silent.

Yes, this is a very likely speculation, otherwise, where did he die before, where is it?

For Tang Qi, no matter how many times, he didn't feel that the existence of the so-called soul.

Even the pain of death, there is only memory in the mind, and there is no relevant emotion in accumulation.

This feels like yourself, is being re-refreshed.

In this monotonous boring, it is unable to stop in the hunting cage, once you start thinking, you can't stop.

Tang Qi has been escaping, he deliberately let himself think about these problems, but in Wu Hao's wrestling, Tang Qi can't start asking himself, these issues.

What is the definition of a person?

If you die at this moment, another person who has yourself until all memories at this moment is copied at this moment.

So, who is copied, or who is dead before?

If not, but for yourself at this moment, your life, memory is indeed coherent, you can't say exactly, you are just a replica, because all memories and history, In the moment, I have the same true life.

But if it is, how to explain, the body lying here? With the memory of the body disappears?

At this moment, Wu Hao also remembered the soul of his first time, that is, when the week fish died, the little point on him.

But later, no matter how many people killed, many deaths have never seen the existence of the thing again.

Is there really soul in this world?

People, is it consisting of soul? Is it just that the material is spliced ​​from the material body and the memory information on the brain?

Wu Hao's mechanical kill Tang Qi, one side and Tang Qi discussed the existence and definition of people.

This scene is very strange, a person repeatedly killed another person, but the two did not care about the philosophical and existence of problems.

Thinking, Tang Qi began to become crazy.

He has never let himself try to think about these problems. Every time I feel uncomfortable, I will find my own harem to vent, let yourself reduce thinking.

At this moment, I was forced to be here, forced him to constantly think about these heavy, profoundly and even let Tang Qi feel fear.

Tang Qi's spirit began to fall into collapse.

He tends to think that true yourself, already died, now yourself, just a cloning body that copies all their memory.

Because he didn't have the emotions and pain before death, for past, only simple memory.

So, a clone body, thinking that he is still his own guy, is it true?

I think about it, Tang Qi is completely crazy, and later, even if I face Wu Hao's talk, I have never responded.

In the empty winter jail, only the kill of Wu Hao countless times, looked at the eyes, no response, from time to time, self-speaking, like who speaks with who speaks.

Wu Wei began to feel that his head began to become a bit confused.

Do you really make sense?

Tang Qi did so early, then died numerous times, then, do ç ç

In the empty silence of the unmanned, Wu Hao even in the middle of the paralysis, saw the surrounding fish that had already died, and came to himself, starting with himself.

Perhaps, even your own spirit has begun to become something abnormal.

Just when Wu Hao's brain began to fall into chaos.

The cold winter jail, collapsed!

424 first death

Sunlight in the noon, there is no filtering of the ice, which seems to be so dazzling and warm.

Wu Hao is unstoppable to close his eyes, immersed in this short moment.

At this moment, the group of red robe is taken by the murderous murder accumulated by Wu Wei.

Especially this red-haired man, a face of happiness, standing in a corpse of the blood sea.

The strand is almost full of murderous, which makes people feel cold.

This pile has been stacked into the body of the hill, with the sun's irradiation, in the convection of the silk white gas, the frost on the corpse begins to melt.

A unable to describe malodor, which is filled with this.

The red robes people silently put this «Men on the corpse mountain, surrounded by the center.

For people surrounded, Wu Hao turned to look at the eyes and numb, kneeling in the corpse.

Deep sigh, more killing, can you kill Tang Qi?

So how can I kill him?

At this moment, Wu Hao, did not pay attention to the 'lucky rabbit foot of the waist, and has already become a black black and bright unknown.

Wu Hao looked at the red robe around him. They all were silent, and they slowly took out one of the same swords from the waist.

Run your hand to show a dark fire sea, Wu Wei angry:

"Damn, I have no time to entangle now, go to death!"

In the swallowing of the black flame, this group of red robe struggled and lying on the ground.

After you finished all, Wu Wei suddenly felt black.

It has maintained such a powerful force for a long time, and I don't have to eat, and the Tang Dynasty is consumed for a month. Wu Wei is almost the limit.

The feet were shaken, and Wu Hao stepped into the Tang Qi Qi Qi.

Don't kill Tang Qi, Wu Wei is not willing.

Just hear the '', Wu Hao feels a different feeling in the chest.

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