The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 634

However, a beautiful girl who was bundled on the cross in the cross, his face was painful, and a pair of water-wide eyes didn't even have a little touching tear; biting the teeth, under a nice voice, not only feeling No threats, but in turn, add weakness and temptation, let life a desire to conquer it under the body.

Zeus took out a rope from his own wide robe, gently, sent a empty sound in the air, and majestic Road:

"It seems that you have not yet recognized the situation."

Then, Zeus put Wu Yu from the cross, blocking the fist of Wu Hao, and put Wu Wei on the ground.

Wu Hao is desperately twisted on the ground, trying to stand up, but unfortunately after being twisted by Zeus, it is firmly tied with a rope.

Then, the thighs and calves of Wu Hao were also tied together by Zeus.

Wu Wei was punched by Zeus, and the whole body was bundled.

For the first time, Wu Hao feels a fear of weak resistance.

Her brain is a blank, desperately wants to get rid of the current situation, but only can look at the abyss yourself.

Fear, can't describe the fear almost swallowed Wu.

Wu Wei desperately drove its strength, and the blue fluorescent on her body has almost exploded, but no matter how shiny in her body, Wu Hao's two shoulders, the two wounds who were injured by the eagle It will make a more strong electric light, and put the power in Wu Yizhi back.

Zeus looked at the girl who kneelted under him, desperately twisted, and smiled:

"The power of the king, is it you can resist? Hey from me, can be proud of the king, is your honor."

Wu Yu broke the mouth:

"What is the dog! You will kill me! I will kill me immediately! I can't afford you! Do you even despise the majestic mortals? Zeus!"

When Zeus is upset, there is an angry look, but look at the girl in front of it, it is very beautiful, watching her soft blue hair, because sweat is tightly adsormed with her neck, bundled hands, instead The chest is the flexible and flexible feature.

Looking at Wu Hao's greatness, the horror and trembling of the fundamental, which made Zeus calm down.

"All guys who dare to despise God, they have to pay for life as the price!"

Wen Yan, Wu Hao is coming.

Then, the next sentence of Zeus turned her back to the abyss.

"Of course, for your beautiful woman, I will use another punishment to punish you!"

After that, Zeus grabbed Wu Hao's hands, put Wu Wei on the ground, and then took off her black robe and started taking her pants.

Feeling the dirty big hand behind, Wu Hao's pair of blue beauty, there are countless tears flash.

Wu Hao has never been so angry, the only anger with this time, only the time of Sweefish died.

She regrets that she is not careful, she has the same way!

When I started taking her pants in Zeus, Wu Yanye made a scream!

please! Respond me! My anger!

This time, the blue light in Wu Yizhi is boiling with red light.

I saw that the two flipped in Wu Yu, and then hit together.

A dramatic explosion, broke out from Wu Wei, Zeus reappeared outside the explosion, and the body is just a long shirt just opened.

Zeus look at Wu Hao explosion place, Zeus did not expect this woman to block the self-explosion.

Wu Wei, once again died.

After the explosion, Wu Hao disappeared in the same place.

Zeus face is ugly to look at the empty empty, suddenly the look is moving, and the incarnation of a giant eagle, flying away from the Olympus Shenshan.

At this time, Wu Hao opened his eyes and she found that resurrected on an isolated island in the sea.

Listening to the waves of the waves and the tweels of seagulls, Wu Hao sat on the ground, pressed the chest with hand, and the big mouth of the big mouth.

Wu Wei shook his hands and hugged himself, and only felt that there was a chill.

Cheap, good hanging!

Just almost was succumbed by the disgusting hometown.

Wu Hao's consciousness wants to become a fire state, but Wu Hao is discovered.

The two electric lights at her shoulders are still inserted above.

This makes Wu Hao unable to use strength and cannot change the form.

Wu Hao is very angry to hammer his fist on the beach.

"Why? Why is it even if I have resurrected, the wound is gone, can you still be sealed?"

Wu Hao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

I thought I thought, Wu Wei understood.

The resurrection of the airspace seems to be different from Tang Qi.

The resurrection of Tang Qi is like replication refresh.

The resurrection of the airspace is the moment that Wu Wei is about to die, put her flesh to other places.

Because the power of Zeus stayed in Wu Yu is only a seal, it is said that the harmless airspace has not expels the power of Zeus in Wuzi.

Damn! Into!

Just when Wu Wei was angry, a bright eagle made a bright eagle in the sky, let Wu Yu suddenly hop.

Looking up, I saw a giant eagle from far from the distance, the sharpness in the eyes, let Wu Yu immediately understand, this is the big eagle that Zeus changed, she turned and escaped.

Wu Hao, who caught the coat, didn't run a few steps, and was caught by the giant eagle, and once again brought back the hill of Ospin.

This time, Wu Hao was bundled firmly. Zeus put Wu Wei on the ground and wanted to tear off the clothes on Wu Wei.

Then Wu Wei once again chose self-explosion.

However, after she was arrested by Zeus.

Because of the seal of the shoulders, no matter where Wu Hao is resurrected, Zeus can immediately arrive, and grab her back.

Wu Hao attitude is very firm, there is nothing else, no matter how to attack her with lightning, Wu Hao can bear.

But as long as the Zeus has a pair of her hands, Wu Hao does not say, decisive self-explosion.

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