The Return of the Saint

Chapter 639 of the saints

These three gods jointly constitute the three rights of the existing spirit, of which God Zeus is located at the vertices of the entire Shenshimi system.

The rights they have now have, which was the result of the successful overturning of the top of the Titan family in the three powerful versatile giants.

But now, the door of the hell is broken, and the three hundred boat giants, one person lives, and the other two people don't know.

The God of the Shang Dynasty, led the old rulers of the past, not only fled hell, but also led a horrible hell arm, launched an attack to the gods of Zeus.

The tragic war has no unexpected start.

This battle is no longer a battle that can make the gods high, with a leisurely attache.

It is all over the gods, people, and the three trips!

The gods on the mountains of Olympus, I heard that when I god King Clonos fled the news of hell, it was shocked.

For the long-term years of the gods, the tragic war with the God of the Shang Dynasty, as if it was yesterday.

Now the gods on the Olympus gods, most of them are involved in the tragic war of the year.

In the war, the gods were in a disadvantage.

If it is not later Zeus to hell, it will be disgusting because of the ugly king of the God, and the three hundred arms giants who have been released in hell will be released.

Then, the original God battle, who wins who is negatively refused.

But now, three of the three combat power is extremely powerful, and one is eaten by life, and the other two do not see traces.

I haven't yet been hit, representing the 12th main battle of Zhongzhong God, hunting goddess Altais, because of the serious injury, I can't fight.

And the Ming Wang Hadis, who is a mulberry ruler, is also a strong in front of the gods, but it is also devourd.

Only eleven main gods as high-end power of the gods, in this battle, in the overwhelming.

At the moment of the gods, with the joint attack of the horrible hell army with the ancient Tetan, the human kingdom was now destroyed by half.

Those horror magic people who are not convinced with tutorial and constraints, rushing into the mainland, eliminating all enemies along the way.

Many picturesque scenery have been completely dead after hell of murder.

This time, the gods didn't have a mood to care about those who were unscrupulous.

All the gods, began to mobilize all the power to mobilize, integrate together, make up a true strongest gods, starting to enter the crowd, and launched a frontal battle with the hell.

There is no negotiation between the two sides, no declaration; there is no compromise that it is not advised.

From the beginning, the battle fell into the most tragic killing.

On the entire continent, everywhere is a fire.

The horrible hell army, under the leadership of the powerful Titan, and let the defense line of the League of the Lead of the United States.

Due to the power of hell, their habits is so brutal and cruel.

So that the gods of the gods was defeated, they were in the most passive situation.

It is also because this is a fascinating strike, making those treasters who were originally to the gods in opposing, and they have been accepted by the gods and began to allow rebel gods to join the battle, and according to different performances, give different reward.

The hell of the United States is very strong and brutal, and only a few rebel people can successfully join them.

Therefore, the vast majority of the rebel gods have abandoned that they have joined the original hostile camp, and stand together with the front enemy shoulder and start fighting with the Hellion.

In the mainland of the gods, the sky is the terrorist battlefield of Olympus and Hell God; the ground is the battle of Hell Magic and human kingdom and the survival of the treasures.

Magic, martial arts, art, technology, abilities, machine ...

Regardless of which technology and strength, as long as it can be used, it is rapidly used to invest in this vast battle.

This is a civilized and brutal battle, a bright and dark murder, a killing of survival and power.

The battle is so fierce, so that there are countless people die every day.

The war is a real meat grinder, countless human beings are thrown in, and they are stirred down.

In the human kingdom, the age of conscription is re-drop; the original requirements are at least 18-year-old adult women, and they have to go through the battlefield for three months of military training; to later, they have become men and women, 12 I have unconditionally served in the age of age, and I will immediately put into the battle in the war.

In this national war, all human kings announced union, forming the highest organizational 'human resistance alliance', as the ground strength of the gods, put into battle.

All resources, knowledge, and skills are all open to the whole country.

Since there are many Warcraft with strong reproductive ability, there is a lot of pressure on the crowd.

Because of this, the Human Resistance Alliance began to encourage maternity, and began to jump in the development of military civilization with various advanced technology supports of rebel gods.

The gods in the sky are not unfair in the reward. As long as there is enough excellent performance, you can get any rewards they can get from them.

Because this is a battle against the survival of human and hell World of Warcraft, and it is also the battle between God and God.

Every party, all do everything, want to survive yourself; lose one party, will be completely extinct.

On the entire continent, there is no one to be able to set it out. For those crazy magic things escaled from hell, as long as they are not their kind, they are their enemies.

In the face of the waters of the waters of the whole continent, there is a story of countless soulless heroes and fighting.

Soon, the battle between the upper gods began to defeat, and the lower level, the large block of land fell into the hands of Warcraft.

Because many weak gods, completely open their own source of beliefs, giving those treasures that are willing to link.

Although the rebel god can immediately get a very high power permission and permanent strengthening, the side effect is that when the gods fall, they will also be treated with extremely serious injuries.

When the gods of the upper layer began, the land of human control is still not as half of the magic.

All human beings are truly falling into the crisis, as if the last moment is desperate.

At this moment, on the snowy mountain, there is a green armor, holding a long bow, riding a suspected motorcycle, is spreading this snowy mountain, suspended motorcycle mechanical engine, is being I rarely.

But they are just part of this army.

In this hybrid mechanized force, there is also a giant machine group with a light sword and machine gun, a combat team of the external mechanical bones, and wearing a big rule of aquacultus in the air.

Some people have trembled their hands, and they took out the waves of the small bottled in the arms, and they were desperately pushed into their own throat.

They do this, not because of cold, but because of the opposite of this human army, there is a variety of strange monster magic army, including small-scale magic groups of burning flames, strong tall dragons, The demon of the whole body, etc.

The monsters are crowded together in a bunch of hinds in different kinds.

The two sides are in this snowy mountain to each other, quietly waiting for the command.

At this moment, on a small snow mountain roof between the two armies.

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