The Return of the Saint

Returning to the 646th chapter

I looked at the front of the empty, I was confused.

Huh? Where is the woman?

This idea has not fallen, I suddenly suddenly black.

A repeater came from my nose, I fainted.

----------------Dividing line---------------

Wu Wei lost the stone in his hand, looked at the huge wearing a hill armor who was baked with himself in front of him, and he had a single-handed land, asked:

"Gaia, how do this guy?"

"You have to lose it in the Black Sea, or wait for it to wake up, soon you will catch up with you."

Wu Yu nodded, and the effort to drag this huge pearman from the hole, and then moved to the Black Sea.

Wu Wei breathed the sweat on the head, and he kicked the golden hills, when the golden hill's body encountered this Black Sea, it suddenly woke up, started with two front claws crazy Planing the island and wants to drill.

It also issued a human scream.

"Gaia! Save me!"

However, the land that was originally his forefront came suddenly, and he left a sharp front claw.

In the unbelievable eyes of golden pendors, the Black Sea will be overwhelmed.

Wu Wei is confused:

"Gaia, this only Waishern Mashan knows you?"

"Delcys, I used to be a good child, you are here, I also learned. Unfortunately, now it is replacing the god Herrase."

Wu Wei heard, I remembered the hateful old manuscript, and the woman who killed himself once.

Note: "It's really damn!"

Gaia's voice came again:

"You hurry from the tunnel dug in Delcys! Zeus seems to be on the way."

Wu Wei heard, suddenly surprised, I remembered the scene that was bundled with the dead old man, immediately jumped with the fire butt, immediately prepared from the tunnel excavated from the golden mountain.

However, Wu Hao suddenly remembered one thing, she refers to the two electric blades on his shoulders, asked:

"But Zeus tagged on me. No matter where you flee, you will be found by him, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, as long as you enter the tunnel, I can temporarily block the induction of Zeus, and this tunnel is leading, the gods cannot enter the ban, where, Zeus's power will be invalid. "

Wen said, Wu Wei finally in the heart, slowly climbed into the tunnel of the golden wearing mountain.

Shortly after Wu Hao left, I saw the tunnel dred by the mountain. After a while, I recovered the original.

There is no look like anything.

After entering the tunnel, a dirt is unique to the tip of the nose, but it is still within the range.

Let Wu Wei are a bit slightly scared that a dark tunnel is dark, and everything is invisible.

I can only use your hand, continue to walk forward.

The surroundings are very quiet, only their own feet and the friction of the soil, and some fine mud dust falls because of the vibration.

In this dark tranquility, Wu Hao only felt that his heartbeat is constantly accelerating, so he is going to enter the most dark hell.

The insecurity in Wu Yi has never been strong like this, especially in the case of being sealed.

Suddenly, the soil behind him came to move.

Wu Wei was shocked and turned to see, but everything was invisible.

"Don't be afraid, this is what I got to help you, so that they can catch up with the tunnel."

Wu Hao did not help but pat the chest, soft touch, let Wu Yu can't help but catch, suddenly face red, quickly put it back, continue to go forward.

Next, Wu Hao walks, Gaia is surging the soil behind, helping Wu Wei to seal the back.

In a quiet darkness, Wu Wei listened to the sound of the soil, and the suspicion in his heart rose.

Wu Wei finally couldn't help but ask:

"Gaia, why do you want to help me?"

"I hope you can help me find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who is looking for? Where?"

"Just in the ban on the ban, the specific appearance, I don't know."

"Are you not Gaia? The whole planet is your eyes, how can you have someone you can't find?"

"Although the place of the ban is what I created, but I can't even be involved."

Wu Wei is very surprised.

"You created yourself, but you can't get involved?"

Gaia is silent, and begins to slowly tell Wu Yu.

At the beginning, this is a new planet. When it is in a chaotic, it began trying to create some new existence forms to help them evolve.

Because of this, it has not fully digested the message accepted from other stars, starting to take risks.

As a result, he split himself became the first ancestor of the mother of the major earth, the hell abyss gods, and the Dark God Heruis.

Subsequently, this batch of the ancestors, but also mutually derivatized the second generation of gods, the Titan family of God of the upper and generation.

Then the second generation of gods raised the current third generation of God, which is the gods on the Olympus.

Over time, the initial ancestors divided by the initial consciousness, their rule was overthrown by the second generation of gods and Titan family.

The initiative of the ruled was overturned, because the call was called, and the integration of mutual integration, and re-integrated with the original chaotic planet, became a new planet consciousness, that is, the current Gaia.

The emergence of Gaia marks the first evolution of the planet consciousness, which is really born in the universe of the universe.

It has encountered difficulties when Gaia is ready to evolve to the second awareness.

Because the Titan's rule is too strong and brutal, the plan to create a new life on the planet has repeatedly frustrated.

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