The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 832

When I just knocked on the door, I saw the landlord to open the door was a beautiful woman. Wu Hao was unsatisfactory, and the decisiveness became a water form, so it would not use trouble to consider how to explain the problem of chest changes.

"In addition to their own rooms, all areas of this villa are shared

, The snacks and food in the refrigerator can be used freely, and if the kitchen is used, you should remember to clean it. "

"The bathroom and laundry are all in the first floor, the top of the building has a balcony, with a lounger, facing the lake, the scenery is very good."

Finally, Qin Fan is introduced by the villa, Wu Yu is slair with Qin Fan.

The rental agreement is officially stayed at this tenant.


554 Pei Xuan Lan Mountain

Named, strange stone, clouds.

_ Tsing Yi men double knees, move towards _ . "Master, from you, have turned into a 10 years, and Pei Xuan consciously be dull, but under hard work, it is not expected to be expected, and it will eventually

"After the innate, this world is big, and Pei Xuan can go, Master, you can be relieved under Jiuquan."

"Today, Pei Xuan will go down the mountain to be affected by this red dust. When I am in this rain, I will practice a psychicity. When the life is all, I can achieve pure Yangmei, and take the sky. Void, become true! "

I thought about it, the Tsing Yi man smiled:

"Even if you fail to achieve, Pei Xuan also asked Master, with the heart, accompanied by, and happy!"

When you say, the Tsing Yi man gently opens his mouth, spit out a thumb of the little sword, this sword is high, and the moment is turned into a long and the ancient giant is about two feet.


Tsing Yi men stepping up, sword light flashes, soaring towards the sky. In the steps of the sword, he looked at these floating mist. He thought of fifteen years ago, he was only seven years old, his parents were killed, and the fence was sent to the fence.

It was Master descending from the sky, with him left the hell, in the mountains of the mountain, and teaching practice.

The man is known as Pei Xuan, according to his Master's statement, Pei Xuan is almost the last cultivator in this world.

Since hundreds of years ago, the road to Xianwei is completely disconnected; a big can abandon themselves in the Xianxian world, after opening the Tianmen, the cultivation of the immortality has spent the same day, went to this world .

I don't know why, Pei Xuan's Master has to choose not to leave, but choose to stay.

There are also some other cultivators who don't want to leave because of this reason, and finally they are all died because of the longevity in these few hundred years.

Master Pei Xuan is very long because of the deep life, so there is a long life, and it will be a long time. In the end, driving the cranes in the crane ten years ago.

Pei Xuan did not know who Master's surname, even if Pei Xuan asked, Master is just a smile, never an answer.

Before dying, his Master was just saying that it was buried in the top of the mountain.

The Sino-Town is remember that, his Master as a smile.

"Pei Xuan, people's life and death, fantasy, there is no life, no death, for the teachers, there is no regrets!"

I think about it, and the two walks of tears can't help and win. Pei Xuan shakes his head, and the secrets of their own cultivation have not arrived, and they can't understand the dead realm of the death of the teacher.

Wipe off the eyes of the corner, Pei Xuan pedajun is standing on high altitude, looking at the wind of Ling Rong, and he is not a happy meaning in his heart.

"Woshi, Van Fu, now, now the real fairy is soaring nine;

The deep mountain is dry, and the world is in the world.

I went to the world since this trip, and I was happy and happy. "

After vent, Pei Xuan casually found a ^ t 'direction, full of flying, and then came to the jungle border after a time. From the high altitude, the earth seems to be a high and low upstyle, the top is spoiled. People's households, feelings in Pei Xuan.

In the eyes of the eye, I have been in the past fifteen years. I don't know what happened in this world.

Thinking of this, a urban, and a mysterious heart suddenly appeared in the end of the vision.

When the child was born in a small village, I saw the black and white TV through the village and the people of the village. He knows the existence of big cities.

At that time, the biggest ideal of Pei Xuan was able to go to the big city after growing, and see the bustling lights.

Later, Pei Xuan was taken by Master, brought into the deep mountain practice, this idea was put down.

After seeing this prosperous city now, Pei Xuan lowers high-level, and it is also a wish of his childhood.

At the moment of Pei Xuan, a huge white iron bird whispered from below, the huge impact of the impact made Pei Xuan immediately shocked, a trick, hurry to flash.

After the escort, the recalls of Pei Xuai, which seems to be a rare woman named 'aircraft'.

Pei Xuan low-looking, below the flat air, there are many, the plane is sliding in the ground, not there is from the ground acceleration.

Pei Xuan's airplane went around the ground was amazed, but he did not know that he was too late to take the sky and affected the normal operation of the entire airport.

The crowd gathered in Pei Xuan is getting more and more, and Pei Xuan knows the following people find yourself.

Looking at the people in the next noisy crowd, Pei Xuan's heart is secret, thinking in my heart, is it a revealing point of the fairy means to the next person.

Not far away, a harsh whistle sound is suddenly seen, a policewoman wearing a police uniform, flying in Baiyun quickly flying.

"Hey! There is the opposite there! Hurry and let the airport, this is the airport, it is a forbidden flight area, it is forbidden to fly over the airport! Don't you understand?"

Looking at the feet to step on the policewoman in Baiyun, Pei Xuan immediately shocked.

What's happening here? How can I have other cultivators in this world? Does Master say that he is the last cultivator in this world?

Still in Pei Xuan, the female police rushed to Pei Xuan and dropped next to it.

After landing, the policewoman wearing a summer police uniform, and the short skirt was bare a pair of legs, because the angry and delicate nose moved, she rushed to Pei Xuan's anger:

"Do you don't understand it from the airport? Directly floodly from the airport, you have hit this guy who can't understand the rules, if it causes a plane crash, what should I do if I am killed? You now Walking with me to the bureau, fines! Be sure to punish! "

Although Pei Xuan has not figured out what is going on, it seems that it is wrong, and it is necessary to be punished. Pei Xuan still understand.

'' The girl, I have been practicing in the mountains before, I don't understand the rules of the world, please forgive me. But now there is really half a penny now. "

The policewoman got a lot of Pei Xuan, seeing his five senses, but also a wide-eyed sleeve with a wide-eyed sleeve with the patch, could not help but feel soft.

"Xiu Xian? What is that? You said nothing, first and I went to the police station. Give me a deep review."

After that, the female police took Pecuse to the police station.

In the police station, the female police went online, found the historical file of Pei Xuan, and found that Pei Xuan actually belongs to the missing population for more than a decade ago, and it is an alien that is not logged in.

The policewoman took the document, patted the chest of Pei Xuan, dissatisfied: "It seems that you don't have lying, missing for so many years, actually stay in the mountains? It is really incredible! Forget, you don't have it. Money, look at the incident attitude, plus the unintentional misunderstanding, and there is no bad impact, this time, I have to write a deep review. "

Then, this policewoman took a temporary ID card with Pecloy, and made Pei Xuan's 3,000-word review, then copy 2 100 times.

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