The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 834

Since Long Yao is really too sleepy, then it will return to his own room.

Completely went.

Although I have a shortest of two other tenants, Wu Hao knows that these two people should be easy to get along.

"Right, Wu Wei, are you coming to Yue Lin, or come to school?"

Although in the eyes of Qin Fan, Wu Qi is not very different from her age, it should be to come to Yue Lin City, but Wu Qian's temperament makes her unsure.

"I am a new job in Yue Lin University. Now I come to Yue Lin City to see the school, just familiar with the surroundings."

"Good, Yue Lin University? But the college entrance examination does not seem to start yet? Oh! I know, are you keeping a living?"

Wu Hao nodded.

■ 'Wow, that is really powerful! However, I am your school sister.

Wu Qiyi.

■? Where is the Sister, are you also a student of Yuelin University? "

Qin Fan is prubarable to two small dimples, clear eyes into _-pair of bending crescent.

"Yeah, I am preparing for the end of the day these days. When you start school, I will rise to the big two. When I finish the end of the year, I will take you to visit the campus. I don't understand anything in the school. You can also .

Wu Wei's micro-microfinance: "Thank you, Jiu Sheng Sister, if there is anything you don't understand, you can trouble you."

"You are too polite, you are a roommate under a roof, and I am still your school sister, this little thing is not here."

The two came and chatted, and after the Qin Fanjun gave Wu Wei with the key of Wu Quan's room, he went to the school exam.

Wu Qian hooked at the room that reached quietly, suddenly remembered

one thing.

That is her female clothes and underwear her in this world.

Wearing a man's underwear with a woman, it is still not very comfortable.

As for the chest, Wu Hao has never wear a bra, before in order to prevent light, Wu Wei can manipulate the water stream to simulate the shape of the bra in his chest, so that the trouble of walking is avoided.

But I have been manipulating the water, although it is not expensive, it is quite troublesome.

Wu Qian decided to come to the game, buy underwear, buy some women's inside and outside clothing, after all, in this villa, she also needs to act in women.

After all, there is no woman's clothes, will be very inconvenient in the future.

Wu Wei took the woman's body, went to the mall, with countless amazing eyes, ignored all kinds of tricks, and finally played the shopping tour of the shopping mall in the female zone.

For Wu Hao with women's body for more than 100 years, there is no so-called psychological obstacle to wear women's clothes.

Because she does even if a man is a woman; for Wu Hao at this moment, gender is just a kind of identity.

That kind of identity is convenient, which is the identity of her.

After bought a lot, squatting countless bags, Wu Quan passed a unmanned corner, and then appeared in both hands, then continued to launch the next shopping.

After brushing, I didn't know how many times, Wu Qian looked at the dozens of clothing you just bought, nodded slightly, should be almost enough.

Ignored a business card that worked in a suit, with sunglasses, and self-proclaimed men, Wu Hao returned to the villa.

At this time, it is already dusk. Wu Yuang has walked to the villa, he heard the sound of Qin Fan soft and slightly angry.

"Please go back to tell my father, I don't need any personal protection, I just want to live ordinary people!"

Another voice came out from the villa, is a hilarious man, Miss Qin, if you can, you want to leave, but this is your father's request, please do it under the time! If Miss Qin, if you have any opinions or dissatisfaction, please ask your family to change your mind. "

Wu Hao pushed the door, found in the house hall; Qin Fan, which kept elegant temperament, was anger, and it seems very angry.

Standing on her opposite, it is a favorite man who is famous, a beautiful man, a loose casual suit is worn by him - a breath of stock dust.

I saw Wu Qian's moment, this man suddenly gained his eyes, and looked at Wu Wei and shouted:

"Water spirit body! God, this world actually exists in the water body, this weighing is full of horror, this is the water spirit."

After that, he left Qin Fan soft, rushed to Wu Chong, and his hand danced:

?, This lady, do you know that you have the most powerful cultivation talent in this world! As long as you are willing to worship me as a teacher, just five not! Just take three years! Three years can let you live, step into the context, can't say that you can't get it twenty years, you can break through the void, the white is flying! In such a day of talents, it is simply tyranny! "

Looking at this man who is happy to dance in front of himself, I saw that although this person was ecstatic, I was careful, but I was polite.

Wu Hao did not say anything, just to look at Qin Fanrouped, Qin Fan, who had already closed black, Qin Fan, grabbed this man's sleeves, and throwing him out of the door, then the gate of '' closed.


After the door, Qin Fan looked at Wu.

"Sorry, are you scared? That person is the bodyguard that my father came to, although I didn't know what he just did, he did not dare to do anything, you don't need to be afraid."

Wu Yu nodded.

"Nothing, I have not been scared, but bodyguards? Where is the sister, your home should be very money? Since you don't miss the money, why do you want to rent this villa?"

See Wu Wei's transfer topic, Missing Qin Fanrougausica

It's better to look at it.

"In fact, you have seen this villa, very big?"

"I am a girl, live in this empty big house, in the evening, I am still afraid of my heart."

"Plus I hope that someone can chat with me at home, I know some friends, so I will rent out in other rooms in the villa."

Wu Wei nodded to understand, by the way, comforted Qin Fanrou, Wu Hao back to his room, she still needs to put it in the space space space.

new clothes.

This small episode did not be placed in the heart, just a normal rich, thousands of gold.

As for the weird man, Wu Wei knows that this man is not simple, the strength of the energy disclosed on him is clearly appreciated by Wu Qian, although it may be very powerful for other people in realities.

In Wu Wei, it belongs to that a little trouble.

Well, I can shoot death and two slap in the palm of the palm.

However, let Wu Xim will not think that it is a few days later.

Qin Fan suddenly called everyone to the living room, pointed at this person standing next to her.

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