The Return of the Saint

Returning to Chapter 853

Wu Yufei arrived in the air and let the water mist around himself and put on the normal body shape.

"The experience is reached, and the task activation is 25%."

Wu Wei is slightly smuggled, is this simple?

Then, she noticed the word 'activation', if she didn't guess the wrong, I am afraid I need @ 'This sentence, the task is officially started, and will only appear afterwards Tips.

I thought about it, I still have half a year, now the sky is late, Wu Li 1 will not have to be anxious for a while.

She decided to take a look at myself in this half year, and the airspace gave her 'home'.

Wu Wei came to a residential area according to the information in the mind, and I found it along the house number and found a house hanging on the 'Starno' brand.

In front of Wu Hao, it is an ordinary two-story single-family house.

Touched the key from the pocket, Wu Quan enters the house.

Wu Wei has already been prepared by the airspace in this world, his

Parents have been working in a multinational company, often abroad, go back to a home in the past two years; so as the 'Nangyan Pure Summer' Wu Wei is currently living alone.

He left, kitchen, living room, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, bedroom, etc., the weeds in the courtyard were all cleared, and some unknown flowers and grass, the house Home, filled the scores of the years, giving people a kind of house in the past, there is really a warm feeling.

Sitting on the sofa of the living room, watching the uniform sunset in the house through the huge floor window, Wu Qi seems to feel this moment, as if it is a leisurely real world, not the crisis-shaped airspace.

Perhaps, it is also related to the city's gas field, the gas field of the city is very peaceful, let Wu Wei feel very comfortable.

After turning over the refrigerator in the kitchen, it was empty, nothing.

Sure enough, I have to go out to buy some ingredients, Wu Qi took the card, go out to pay money.

According to the information prompt in the airspace, there are 80,000 yuan in the card, and it is initial funding.

Convert to RMB, about 5,000 blocks, in this place, save some two months.

However, add the possible spending sales in the task, this is not enough to be far enough.

The airspace will not continue to issue a living fee, that is, this requires Wu Hao to do it while doing it, while thinking about earning enough money.

I took the money out, I went to the supermarket to buy a quick food fast food plus a box of milk.

When I came back, Wu Qi sat in the living room, I looked at the TV alone, silently finished eating.

After dinner, Wu Hao needs to carefully classify garbage in accordance with the tips of the airspace in the mind.

Just just the lunch box and the milk box, it is actually carefully divided into several kinds of spam.

Careful Wu Song, or decided to take the garbage into the information according to the information given in the memory of the memory, after all, there is nothing to do at this time.

The process of the milk box is to tear it open, and it can be lost after clipping.

Wu Yuard opened the other _ side of the milk box, and suddenly.

It turns out that there is a closed place on the other side of the milk box, and the sentence is only to tear the milk box to see it.

"Thank you, open me, carefully packed." There is also a cute cartoon smile next to it.

Such a intimate discourse, suddenly let Wu Yu's heart will not be slightly warm.

The process of processing of milk box is so troublesome, and Wu Wei estimates that even if the local people, there are many people who have not made further garbage, and they will lose them.

Because the opening logo of the milk box is obvious, those people who have lost their milk boxes will not open the other side.

And will open the other side, only those who have been drinking milk, I don't have trouble, willing to take care of the milk box.

Only they can see this sentence on the milk box.

Original Wu Qi still felt that this treatment was very troublesome, but this moment did not feel that the treatment of milk box was very troublesome.

Wu Hao had to feel emotion, the consideration and attention of this nation in the details of life, it is worth learning.

After dinner, Wu Qian looked at the bedroom and found this house, there were two bedrooms with completely different styles.

One is a variety of books, and some comics and light novels of the simple bedroom, and it is a typical boys in bedroom.

The other is placed in a variety of toy dolls, a bedroom full of girl

Wu Yu is clearly explaining the intention of the two-piece bedroom, which is obviously in order to facilitate Wu Wei to convert different men and women, and complete the task.

In the next few days, Wu Hao began this high school life.

He uses and the same way as the snow is the same, through the land form of the little girl appearance, settled to Sato Saimeimei and the flying bird well, 'I love you'.

But when the flying bird well, met a small episode.

The flying bird is like this cute little girl who has changed out, the finger is slightly fiddlming, and it will refuse Wu Song, it is not willing to cooperate.

Wu TT under Loli state, there is no need to act as a priority.

Little Loli started tears, staring at the birds, whispered,

It seems that I have to start crying.

This sexy leather jacket, followed by two suit bodyguards, seems to have a beautiful girl with a black background.

In the public, in the public, he faced a card with a brand, tears, and loved ones.

The pedestrians on the road will think that this girl is bullying this beautiful little girl like an angel.

Just when the flying bird well, I was unwilling, a bodyguard quietly came to the flying bird well:

"Miss, pay attention around .u .u

It turned out, I don't know when, there have been a group of passers-by, some people have taken out the phone, and they are like calling.

Under the invisible eyes of passers-by, the flying birds can't stand the pressure. I had to say a word whisper? I love you ', just have to take the bodyguard.

The 75% of the 75% shown in the airspace prompt couldn't help but smile.

Although the means is a bit uncomfortable, it is still very useful.

Next, there is only the last girl.

That is the mysterious girl who is weak, and the fragrant fragments.

First of all, Wu Hao sneaked into the campus at night, got it in the teacher.

National Xiangzi's residential address.

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