The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 863

The bald head patted his chest hanging _ a small brand, continued:

"You said that this little scorpion behavior, let me know the core cadres of this three gangs, the team leader, the face of the woven field, how do I go back in the future?"

"OK, I don't delay you do business, don't delay my things."

! "

"Small scorpion, the drug has been prepared for you, a few of the brothers will give you a good time!"

After that, the baldness is big and waved, and several younger brothers grabbed the snow, and the manager and the manager and his back. The big sweat is standing in the same place, not dare to block.

Snow is desperately looked around with the fierce guy, only prayers who can save himself.

At this time, Wu Wei came over and blocked in front of the bald, and the face was calm and looked at him.

There is someone in front of the bald to feel his way, and I will not be invincible.

Only one meter of the head is large and the height is large, although the muscles expand, facing Wu Wei, one meter, but also needs to look up.

He looked at God, and he felt that this red-haired high child is extraordinary, and it is a bit timid to have to be.

The icy gang tactiley came from the bald hand palm, bringing him full of fearless courage.

The bald head is big and the gun side of the pistol, and the face of Wu Qian, threatened:

"Little white face, you dare to stop the road of Laozi? Don't you be the head of this scorpion, I want to do this?"

"Don't blame you if you can't stay !?

Looking at the light head and blowing the hoop, slaughter,  ⒛     

Wu Hao looked at the head in front of him, looked up his hand and took the shoulder of the head, and used the thumb to finger the outside.

"There is a kind, bring your younger brother, and I will go to the back alley, I am waiting for you there, I don't come to me."

After that, Wu Yu He didn't return to the bar back door.

The desperate snow is finally seen by Meizi, she is crazy in my heart, praying that the red-haired man can have the ability to let her escape this terrible place.

The bald head looks directly to Wu Wei, which is not riddled with anger.

"Hey! This doesn't know the dead little face, you are really bold! You two children! Don't let her run, others have passed with me, and clean up this. Little white face! "

"Yes! Group!" X6

A group of enemies and evil, the momentum is behind the handsome man, and the mighty go to the bar back door.

The entire bar is caught in silence because people in the dance floor have stopped dancing, and the band on the stage is not singing.

Everyone secretly admired the red-haired handsome guy with the head, and he glanced at the group of people behind him, especially the pistol who was headed by the head of the head. The heart is secretly mourning the brave handsome guy.

I am afraid, will it be over tonight?

While wiped the sweat on the brain, the head of the bar was dark

Anxustous, I have long alarm, how can the police have not come, and later, the little brother is afraid that it will be mourning on the spot tonight.

People in the dance pool have let the road to open the road to the back door with the group of black.

Soon, they left from the back door.

People in the bar still silent, although there is a gun in the head, it looks very terrible, they should have left this bar, but everyone still is excited, nervous and scared mood, curiously waiting for result.

[VIP] 577 alley fight

577 collapse

One person walks in front of the front, the darkness in the alley is like a stagnant swamp, wrapped around Wu Quan.

Slowly inhaled _ mouth night cold wind, this _ engraved, Wu Qi seems to return to the battle of the battle.

The horseshoe a step, the blood is splash, and the residual limbs are flying.

Everyone is not wrapped in the people around them, continuously forward, forward, forward, until death or enemy defeat is unknown.

Although it is a fire form, it can be awake in the sea in the sea, and the blood is just a rushing of the rushing.

Under the body of blood, Wu Hao decided, this time, the power of blocking the fire form, only combats the power of ordinary adult men.

By the way, I miss myself on the battlefield, and constantly kill the happiness.

Wu Huan is standing in front, and the bald head has come over, the two younger brother in the bar seem to have thought about it, so they follow them, bringing the snow from Menzi to the back alley.

Snow was shaking by the napon, and his eyes firmly stared at Wu Wei, only hope that the miracle can appear.

The bald head stood in the alley, watching the back to Wu Wei who still didn't look back, the cold and heavy pistol in his hand itchy, he faced the cruelty


"You have a few, give me a good puff, this is not a stinky boy.

"The boss is a rest next to it, this stinky kid is handed over to us."

After finishing, several black suit, a black suit, touched the steel pipe from the pocket, and the big shook and went to Wuzhen.

Feeling the footsteps that gradually approached, silently slowly opened the hands of the box, the shoulders also slowed slowly with breathing, the whole person became soft.

At this time, a suit man seems to show his brave in front of the boss, so he rushed out of the people in front of him, holding a steel bar, and the wolf squatted to Wu Wei.

"Look at me! IKEK to open a scoop on your stinky kid!"

The suit is very good, the idea is also very good, and the other younger brother who is busy with catching up, it is secretly regretted in your heart, only blames yourself too slow, such a good performance opportunity is not realized, let the companions make ahead.

With the increasingly close steel pipe, Wu Yi moved.

He stepped on the earth, with the waist as a shaft, turn it back, and he hid this shock.

By moving the waist, Wuqian hids the swing while avoiding the swing, step forward, the palm of the palm is accomplished from the waist, and the upper top, a palm of the whole body strength, heavy hit in the air drop suits Under the chin.

With the heart vibrant bones' sound, the fallen suit is raised up, and the drop inertia is transformed into the fall.

At this group of people, Wu Hao did not stop continuing to operate because of the unique man flying out.

A small running two steps, instantly jumping the knee, contains explosive burst power to squat on the other side of the nose, the second suit man's face is like a blooming a colorful flower, blood tears, people are I feel that my heart is fierce. Convulsions.

Haven't finished yet, after kicking the second suits, Wu Wei stretched the limbs in the air, turned the waist, and holding the punch for the left hand, the right elbow is tightened to the head

At this moment, his right elbow seems to be on the arm, and the left hand of fist is like a calibrator, and firmly aims at the third suite male on the ground.

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