The Return of the Saint

Returning to Chapter 872


There is an invisible fluctuation instant through the range of the entire hall, all the enemies that are fluctuated, are all fainted to the ground.

After this incredible magical scene, only the hand is left in the field.

The team leader of the squid, island village is too disgusting!

583 that me.

An Yi shouted to Wu Qian: "Star Ye, pick up the lady!"

After that, he pulled the double gun from the waist and opened a shot against the rope of the roof. The bullet is accurately interrupted by the rope of the hanging and service woman, she is from the top pen


Wu Hao arrived at the fall, stabilized, and took a lady who fell in the air.

Looking at the daughter of the thousand branches to her, Wu Hao once again looks to the battle.

After the fire broke the rope, the double gun was used to open fire in the island village in the field, and the fire and sound of the muzzle did not stop.

Island Village is too wise station in the same place, a samurai knife that exudes a faint white light is god into the ground, and his face is easy to block all the bullets; at the same time, the feet are not stopped, and the flying birds sitting on the ground on the ground Yiro's digestion.

The three cadres of the Yitian Group saw their respective weapons, and they hit the Island Village too close to the front.

The iron ball of the end link chain hits, and it is easy to easily block the island village of the bullets. It seems that it is impossible to ignore this heavy weapon, he quickly calmly drives.

The heavy iron ball fell on the ground and pulled deep pit on tatami.

Island Village is too wise to stop, but also _ handle boulder hammer from behind him

If the terrible bordering is being smashed, the head will be placed in the end.

In a critical moment, Island Village was too dark, and he leaped, with a knife stem on the side of the stone hammer.

The horizontal force, the waving trajectory of the stone hammer, so that it will wipe it too much from Island Village.

Waving the squats of the squat, because this hit, the empty door, the island village, which is a master, is too disappeared, will not give up this opportunity.

He clotted the knife in the waist, and a message, if the rummer is, he cut the neck stacked to the meat.

A millennium, the temple junction is too waving, and the heavy wolf is coming to save the land.

-! ?

With the voices of the havocalic acid, the island village is too wise to fight out, roll a few turns on the ground.

When he stood up again, there was a trace of blood on his mouth.

At critical moments, Island Village is too disgraceful and broken, blocking the temple nutai's wolf tooth, even if he still hurts because of the strong anti-earthquake.

Looking at the three people in front of it, the island village is too close to the first time.

"Flying birds pure lang, I have long heard that cadres in your group are hard work hard.

Strike, just to deal with me, now look at it, really name is unimagled. "

Flying birds pure Lang look at the samurai knife in the hands of Island Village, cold: "The fire of the island village is a knife, I have long been like a thunder, how can I do it early?

"Reverse it is you, since I know that I flying the birdsherth's famous domineering, I still dare to bother everyone around the hall. Now I am all over, it is also self-take!"

"Since you don't keep the road, don't blame the pure Lang does not leave the feelings, from today, your village is to be completely annihilated in the long river of history.

When I heard the flying birds, the island village was too low, and she started laughing.


As the shoulders are constantly moving, he seems to have heard what extremely ridiculous jokes is general, cover his face with his face, more and more smile, and more rampant.

"Flying bird pure _ Lang! I just want to try it, if it is still the original, if you pick a full war, what is the result? The ending does not have me, if it is a front battlefield battle, village The Well Field Group will only end the war with the end of two defeatings. "

u But I didn't expect my attempt to make you gain a victory in the illusion. I have to say that I am too kind. "

?? So, I will let you know the realism! "

The voice just fell, and I saw that Island Village is too wise to put down his own face. At this moment, his eyes instantly became dark red, covered with red blood, and his face became twisted.

Countless dark red greens spread along the palms to the arm, and they have finally stopped until the shoulders.

When the change is stopped, the hands of Island Village is too wise to at least three times, and the hand is no longer a human shape, and it becomes a narrow rough monster palm.

The strange changes, so that the island village is too close to human beings, like the abyss monsters, and it is slowly exuded out of the dangerous intangible black.

He stepped forward, there was a countless crack on tatami, and the crack moment spread to the tatami of the entire hall.

Island Village is too wise, with strenuous contraction, has become a dark snake eye look, and the scarlet rays in the middle are even more embarrassing.

He once again clenched the warrior in his hand, and the sharp knife of the flash of the cold, quickly covered a thick fi-red ray, compared to the original thin layer of white light, now the red light seems to be in general, it is constantly The handle is sprayed.


So amazing changes, flying birds pure lang people are very shocked, almost unable to believe their eyes.

Island Village is too close to a pair of snakes, staring at the enemy in front of the enemy _ pedestrians, laughing with a hoarse voice:

, Flying birds pure Lo, this time I caught you, on the one hand, I will see what I am, now what is like, and it is also letting you witness the transformation of our village. "

"I want you to know that I have never disappeared in the night of the dead."

"I have already got news, they seem to be suffering because of a monster who is seal for many years, it can be said that the death of the dead night is not organized!"

"However, this is not over, more important, this!"

Island village is too close to the back of the empty _ fist, terrible boxing is actually directly

The wall behind him hit a big hole.

In the hole, it is another room. It is placed in a few black red and unknown blood. The flesh is constantly being moved on the ground, as if there is life, there is rhythm flashing red light.

"Flying birds pure lang, still say that the night sky suddenly lights up to the night of the day?"

At that night, I found some terrible monster wreckage under the street.

"When these wrecks were discovered, they still did not die, which was always moved, I rushed to bring most of the wreckage before the police arrived."

"At the beginning, I didn't find these things, I only knew that you lost your fresh flesh and blood, you can make it constantly proliferate."

"It's until a few days ago, because I was accidentally, I found them.

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