The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 890

I heard this tip, and the angry Wu Wei handed up slightly and stopped.

Sato Shumei saw Wu Qian's hesitation, she withdraws her broken cloth, so that the magnificent spring of the upper body is completely present in front of Wuyi.

"You are not mouth sound to punish me this culprit? Come on me, R

Wu Huin's flame was once again ignited, but this time, it seems that the volcanic eruption is generally terrible, but it is not possible to manipulate Wu Wei.

Because the other is aware of the awareness, take over the action of Wu Hao's body.

After Wu Wei slowly retired, he stood up and gradually recovered in the eyes of the desire to cover.

In his mind, no more affected by half a mood, leaving only a sense of consciousness and clearness of everything.

Looking at the ground, Sato, who was barely, Wu Wei, found that he was no longer manipulated for anger.

However, this anger will continue to brew in his body, as if you want to destroy, destroy everything.

Wu Hao is like a observer standing on the crater. He looked at the strong emotions of the volcano waiting for eruption, these emotions will bring an ignore the destruction of the consequences.

However, Wu Hao can't repose it, he can only choose to release.

Fortunately, he can make a clear choice of your own vent.

Instead of being mooded forced to vent.

In the face of Sato Shumei again provocation, Wu Hao did not take care, he only took a knife and gently fainted Sato, Sato, and then put his coat on Sato Saimei.

He did not choose to let the anger in Sato Saimei, but chose another vent.

Wu Hao Shen sucking _ tone, slammed the feet, followed by heavy towards the ground.

At this feet, there is no numerous crack in an instant.

Heavy exhaled _ tone, with this ventilation, Wu Jin's desire and anger finally smoked.

It can let Wu Hao have unexpected things, and the cracks under his feet continue to ride in all directions.

The range of cracks quickly over from the scope of the park, _ until the residential area, office building, along the street shop, subway, terrible cracks bring the collapse of the ground and dramatic shaking.

At this moment, a group of people waiting for the subway at the moon, as this is shaking, many people standing close to people, because they have not stabilized, they are shaking down the platform, falling into the tunnel.

A woman immediately screamed with a stunned scream:

"Close! Don't!"

It turned out that the little girl held in his hand was flying out of the platform, and women did not hurry.

And a woman's voice, a train that broke away from the track due to severe vibration, with countless sparks and harsh friction, the inertia of terror quality and speed, instantly took away the life of the little girl.

And those innocent people who have just fallen into the track, the future, and escaping, and they are directly smashed, flesh and blood splash.

The original ordinary platform, instantly turned into a bloody purgatory, a lot of lucky people were splashing a blush.

Screaming and panic, take away every person's reason.

At the same time, cracks are still going to spread, in a tall office building, hardworking employees are working hard to overtime.

Unfortunately, this building blocks a huge cracked branch.

The crack is coming quickly. It climbs this footdown with dozens of buildings, like torn torn, torn into several pieces, collapse buildings, buried all the ideals with struggles.

In the wild, a train is watching on the track.

A pair of snuggles, sitting on the train, thinking about their future life.

After the marriage is already scheduled for seven days, the invitation of friends and family has been issued, so that they will become the groom's bamboo field, I feel that I am really happy in the world.

However, outside the train, terrible cracks are spreading instantly.

The train started to sway, derailed, rollover, and finally stopped, after a short death, people cried from inside.

After a round of cyclone, Zhu Tianyou has finally recovered awareness, he is full of blood, and he is rude to take the shoulder, slowly dragging from the carriage.

As soon as I left the carriage, Zhu Tianyou looked at the corner of the car. There, there was a familiar back that was strangely twisted into a quirky shape. After he sent a weak and weak scream in his throat, he was completely dumment.

In the city, there are many people who die because Wu Wei is lightweight.

This beautiful park is a scary crack ruin.

Within Wu Wei's consciousness, he felt countless panic and unwilling emotions, raised from all directions.

He stunned, why is this?

He is clearly just like himself or an ordinary high school student. When you are angry, you will play a bad point, vent it.

But I didn't expect this world, fragile to even let my ordinary ventilation unbearable.

This light is a foot, how much innocent life is taken until the end, Wu Wei dares to think.

It is to know that even in the long years of the world, Wu Hao is also hurt, and there is a better belief as a support.

This time, just because of the venting of my emotions, it died so many people.

Wu Wei suddenly understood a sentence that I didn't know where I heard it.

"The bigger the ability, the greater the responsibility."

These are their own responsibilities because of their own instead of themselves!

Wu Hao took a breath and smoked it on the spot.

A house not far away from the park, a man ran out from the house, looked at the house being crackled, and bowed to the ground, crying

M my day! Do not! ! ! I still have a 20-year-old mortgage! ! ! What makes me? "

In the city, there is a sound of the police. Wu Wei did not dare to go again. He grabbed the Sato, Sato, which was unconscious, flew to the sky.

Wu Hao can see from the sky, this time, the feet, actually spread a whole three-story.

Looking at this masterpiece at your feet, Wu Hao suddenly understood.

These ordinary people at themselves and the feet are no longer the same.

I have turned into another _ kind, in this huge urban, I am like a roller, squatting the giant in the ant nest, just touching it, will let this Everything that has a terrible disaster, bringing terrible disasters.

Close your eyes, Wu Qi let himself think about these, he will be in the air, will

After Sato Shumei sent home, he immediately turned away.

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