The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 894

"I don't know why, I can't get on the bed and different men, while I am going to die in my heart."

"I am like a monster woman who is grouped, the more disgusting, the more guilty, the more painful, the more I can't help but self-control," "

"I am eager to have excellent men, but after going to bed with them, hate imitation

The Buddha's tide is general, and all the love is inevitably painful and disgusting. I can't face those men who are in bed with me, even if they just meet, I can't stand it. "

"So I always continue to contact outstanding men, to seduce them, then abandon them."

* ■ However, I don't want this.

"I also want to talk about a love in Puchong, and have a husband who loves yourself.

"But I don't know why, I can't control myself, and finally let myself become a monster that I am disgusted."

Said, the snow began to flash in the eyes of the United States, she buried his head in the palm, and the sound of breath and cried.

The snow that is crying is made by the metamor, and Wu Yu felt a stay.

He didn't expect that this woman wearing glamorous, chasing a flesh, actually a person who disgusted male.

"Why? Why is this this?"

Wu Hao asked in this way.

I heard Wu Qian's words, the snow was shut down by Menzi, and the tears still flowed downwards on a drop.

She slowly looked up, with the sound of the swallow, said to Wu Qian _ a little girl's story:

The little girl from the child in ordinary people, although it is not rich, but it is not pushing.

She is happy with happiness.

Until a car accident dropped from the sky, she took her parents.

In the family meeting after the funeral, relatives shocked their responsibilities, and they didn't want to make their own home more than a small tuning bottle.

At that time, a man was firmly standing and brought a hilarious light for her dim.

This man is her uncle. His father relations with a close brother have always been very good for her, so she agreed to the adoption of uncle.

Unfortunately, young girls don't know, this silk is the beginning of hell.

His uncle has a wife, but there is no child for a long time, and the relationship between the two is cold. No matter what, uncle has always been very good to the little girl, very very,

Always hold her, kiss her, touch her, even the little girls have begun to feel a little strange.

It is still not obvious at the beginning, and _ cut is normal, she slowly adapts new family and environment, study hard every day, wants to work hard to be an obedient child. Until a few months, the uncle broke into the bathroom when the little girl washed. From the beginning of the hand-held feet, gradually upgrade to getting more serious.

Uncle's wife seems to be noticed, I don't know why, but I let go.

In the end, the uncle of the little girl rudely took the first time in her life, and she understood the age.

Everything behind it is a nightmare that I can't wake up for many years. Whenever

Uncle's wife is not at home, the little girl will in the kitchen, bedroom ...

To the painful torture, she crying and wanted to wake up this animal as a human shame and conscience, but only brought her more pain and despair.

All this seems to be a nightmare that will never wake up, there is a dream, only spiritual pain, physical stimulation, and numerous disgusting vomiting.

Uncle's behavior completely destroyed his marriage, his wife went to him, but he did not pay attention to the little girl who desperately desperate.

The uncle lost the family, tapping more pain to the little girl.

In a blink of an eye, a few years have passed, the little girl gradually grew up into a beautiful girl like a flower, the pursuit of people, but the contaminated heart and the body, let her never accept the love.

When she graduated from her junior high school, the girl finally took courage, with his own evidence, and went into the squeezing bureau.

After all, there is no suspense, and the uncle is arrested. Under the confidentiality of the squad, no one knows the specific information, the uncle's uncle will be sent to the prison, which spent the rest of life.

The girl is a deposit, selling the house, leaving the sad place, reading high school in a new place, welcoming new life.

The girl once thought that the dark clouds were scattered after the top of the head, but they had been contaminated, and they could no longer be redeemed.

She can't accept the boy who sincerely loves her, no matter how good each other is.

She is always unprotected by her own body, as if she can make her memories in her mind have been relieved.

However, the holes in her heart always let her make a terrible action that she can't understand.

The more hate a man, the more you want to stay away from the man, but then it will go close to and seduce the man.

Girl don't know what it is. She only knows that her childhood is suffering from the pain that is painful. She is tarnished with dirty flesh, and she will always bring her pain.

In the smoke, the snow is finished by the story of Men, and the tears on her face have completely disappeared.

During the whole process, the snow looks in front of the voids, as if the protagonist of the story is not her, just a little girl with her unhappy.

Wu Wei silently sat in place, I don't know what to say.

Deeply sucking _ tone, throwing the cigarette in the hands into the ashtray, and the snow is a beautiful smile by the metamor.

"I am a woman who is blurred by others, I can't help you."

"Sorry, string, I really really imagine an ordinary person, and talk to you seriously, let you love you."

■ ■ ■ I can't do it, whenever I kiss with you, I have a disgusting face in front of me. Whenever you touch my body, I seem to smell the malodor of the man. "

"You go, string, my dirty woman can't match you! I really can't help you R.

Wu FT looked at the snow nime because of emotional excitement, and there was only one t-shirt but couldn't cover the wonderful spring.

However, Wu Qi's eyes will no longer have a proficiency and violent, and it is, a pity that is from the heart of the heart.

Wu Wei went forward and put the snow was in his arms, and the snow was on the spot.

The two are quietly holding, and they are silent in the dark room. Snow was again collapsed by the mood of Menzi. She worked in Wu Li, she cried her strength.

The tears of tears were in touch with Wu Hao. Wu Qi only hugged the girl quietly, like she hugged her like her.

I don't know how long it is, the snow is crying, and I have already slept. Wu Wei moved softly to put the snow from the rice in bed, carefully cover her quilt.

He jumped out from the window of the bedroom, leaving the snow is the house of the nap. Just in this moment, Wu Hao's consciousness came prompt.

"Snow is made of metals, love heart +20."

599 Self and Question

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