The Returner

Chapter 102

102. Why are you here?-2 "Will you come with me?"




In the attitude that is so natural, the man looked over Lee Ji-hyeok.

Muscles can not be found in the body that is slightly dry. When I looked at his body, which seemed to have never been trained, his eyes were frowned upon.

And what about the face?

In the Orient, he said that his personality is revealed on his face?

If that is true, you will not have to worry about the personality of that person.

But this man … … .

The company pulled out the smart phone and opened the application.

I see the data of the person Lee Ji-hyeok, marked in red at the top.

Hooked. Press lightly to reveal personal details and coping tips for Lee Ji-hyeok.

Lee Ji Hyeok.

Well, I mean … Special Class S dangerous person.

I did not notice anything that was just written. The most eye-catching thing was the bottom-of-the-bottom 'scrutiny'.

Anyone who is in conflict with this character will be doing the miracle of eating a nosebleed.

The man quietly turned off the phone and lifted his head.

Then he said gently.

"Hey, do not … … "

What… Why suddenly sigh! "

Then you can try the nose barber!

It does not make sense to see the size of the burger that the chief is eating.

"You must come. Or I will die. "

"That's your situation."

"Oh, a little!"

"You, Hangul patch Why is it so good? What's the version? "

"Hehe, I can not … … "

The Japanese guys have to learn this too!

Technology class patches of developed countries too!

"So if you come with me for a while."

"Nope?" …No, I have nothing.

The man, who was watching Lee Ji-hyeok's eyes, turned his head and looked at Choi Jeong-hoon.

'How would you like to try it?'

“Umm . . .

Choi Jeonghoon, who received his eyes, nodded deeply.

In other words, he is a smuggler and he is an agent of NDF. If the foreigner's ability to smuggle into the smuggling country has changed, will he stay still?

You're welcome.

Once you get smashed and captured, you will be able to send huge diplomatic documents to your home country in real time.

What if Korea suffers that?

Even if he can get back alive, the top heads will want to cut his neck and play football.

Call it.

I do not want to suffer like that.

"Lee Ji Hyeok?"


"One visit … … "

"This man, I am selling again! Are you really on my side? "

Is not it?

Why am I on your side? I've never been there before.

Do not make it at will!

"And why are you threatening me and not me?"

"Sin, I'm sorry."

While talking, the man opened his eyes to Choi Jeong Hoon.

"Lee Ji Hyeok!"



Seo Hae-min looked at three with strange expression.

What are these people doing? Is triangle large?

"Oh, Mr.!"

Lee Ji-hyeok declared an escape from the situation that seemed to be a twist.


In the eyes of Lee Ji-hyeok, the man shuddered and nodded.

"Come on. Why do you want me to come? "

Is that what you heard?

Do not you have to take it with you? Do you have to secure it?

"Well, will you stay here, then?"

"No, you … … "


Lee Ji-hyeok opened his mouth as he woke up to something.

"Where is Shakeburger?"


Tears come out.

What does this burger say … … .

I have to eat for about five hours after eating!

Lee steals the eyes while watching the set of burgers in front of him.

"If you do not taste it, I will kill you. Real

“…It'll be delicious. "

I was so saddened by Lee Ji-hyeok, saying that he knew what he had built and that he was dead.

"Come here?"

Why Why

When Lee Ji-hyeong tried to arrest Cho Seong-min, Kim Da-sug dug through the gap.

Kim Dasom, who had put the burger in front of the open box in front of him, silently reached out to Lee to give him a cola.


I did not want to drink a shake, but it was inconvenient, and I accepted the coke.

The eyes of Jeong Hae Min, who watched Kim 's wackiness, pulling the shake of Lee Ji –

"Do you think you are a fox?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, look at pretending not to know him?"

The two of them took the spot on the other side of the road, which was a sad appearance on the floor while they were playing the nerve.

"Gain you!"

In the sharp voice of Cho Hae-min, Do-joon pulled forward his own burger regardless.

I was sitting at the opposite side of Lee Ji-hyeok.

"You guys, would you like this?"

The two of them were sober and they ate burgers silently.

"I have to stay … … "

"Oh, shut up! Let's have some rice! "

"Hull, noisy to your sister."

"Be a good night, aunt."

"Oh, aunt … … "

As the tears fell on the eyes of the settlers, Kim 's mouth was slightly raised.


As I watched the scene, Ayyoung sighed.

Sitting at the table, the Tocadacs were surrounded by a wide range of people in black suits.

In the meantime, they do not care and play and eat well, and they were not too nervous.

By the way,

Is not that a snack?

In the eyes of Seo Ayeong, three people came to play in the eyes of Lee Ji-hyeok.

"What is this … … "

One is pretty … … .

One is an entertainer, one is pretty enough to pick up a celebrity earbud round trip, and it is young, and if profit is too little, it is not a good place to go. … .

Why is it?

Your face looks good.

But it is good personality.

It's been a while since I've been eating rice and I've been lazy and dirty. … .

Is not that the worst boyfriend?

I see a sick person around me and three pretty girls, and I get a sigh.

If we compare it to that guy … … .

In the eyes of Seo Aoyong, Choi Jung-hoon, who was drinking a burger filled with a handful of beer in front of her, came in.



This person was not even at first, but the more people go, the more they disappear.

Is it since Lee Ji-hyeok appeared?

Delicious! Please eat."


Seo Aoyong bites the burger.

There is taste, taste!

It was tasted because it was eating and suffering.

However, there were so many gazes around me that I did not feel well.

"Are you buggered over here?"

"Are you comfortable?"


Choi Jung Hoon woke up and went to Lee Ji-hyeok and said something.

Lee grabbed his head and opened his eyes.

"No, do these babies watch? Do not turn the head? "

When they were finished, those who watched them were turning their bodies the other way.

"Do not go beyond the rice."

Lee Ji-hyeok, who was in trouble, sat down again and began to barker the burger. Choi Jeong-hoon came back to his seat.

"How is it?"

Scary human.

The ability to use Lee Ji-hyeok was also his ability.

So, the other person does not listen to the nose.

It was a more subtle relationship.

Well, it's better anyway.

When the gaze disappeared, I felt a taste in my mouth.

Unfortunately, it was not long for Seo to feel the taste of the burger.

One of the suits that surrounded them opened, and a man with a profound face walked in.

The guy went to Lee Ji-hyeok, who was poking the burger with his mouth open, without giving a sight to Seo-aeong.

Interpreters flowed from the person next to me in almost real time.

"Hello, this is Christopher McClaren, the director of the US CPO."

Lee turned his head and looked at him gently, ignoring it and pushing the burger into the mouth of the settler.

"Is it delicious? Is this delicious? "


"I just feel it! Is not there a roast meatburger here? "

He spit out the burger and shouted.

"What can I do to see that your taste is cheap?"

"Do you want to show me what a real cheap thing is?"


Lee Ji-hyeo, who was bothering the government, turned his head and looked at Christopher McClaren.

Chris What

"Just call it Chris."

"But why?"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lee. If you were going to visit the US, I would have looked at your convenience as soon as possible. "

"I came to eat, but what is the contact? Anyway, is there any other place? I feel this way too much? "

Christopher pulled out his cell phone and reread Lee's information.

My face. M Even if I die, I will not listen. No conversation.


I do not know who investigated, but Christopher smiled, smiling, thinking he would have to pay incentives and leave.

"If you like, I will make you eat the best food. There is food anywhere in the world. "

"Then, please take me to the miso pot stew."

“…….”No, this crazy man. You are Korean. Why do you come to America and eat Korean food?

That's your house!

"He, it's your home country … … "

"I like Korean food?"

"So please, at your house!"

The interpreter stares at Christopher.

You want to translate this? No way.


Christopher, who was excited, gave a blow.

"If you like Korean food, I'll give you Korean food."


When the interpreter spoke, Lee Ji-kyung said with a sour face.

What did he say

“…I'm home now because I'm nervous. "

"What, motherfucker?"

"No, not me!"

Yeah, it does.

Christopher, who watched Lee Yi-hyeong playing yawning like a puppy who was full, took a deep breath.

Yes, that person can not talk. Let's not open up.

Lee Ji-hyeok said something again.

What did he say

“…I can get you a plane ticket. "

"I have a teleporter, why do I need an airplane ticket?"

"that… I've never been on a plane, I'd like to catch a flight. In first class, Bob asks if he is Lord. "

"Who is responsible for … … "

I will not leave!

Choi Jeong-hoon, who got all the English in real time, hid his body from behind.

Yes. it is.

Seo Aoyong looked at Choi Jeonghoon as if he did not know English.


Choi Jung-hoon, who passed the situation with a smile, watched the situation.

Let's see.

Is that Christopher that Christopher I know?

That Christopher McLaren of the central athletic apparatus?

It's a big one in a big game.

Choi's eyes narrowed.

Among the many talents associated with the world, his influence was at least three fingers.

In what sense should such a person come here to meet Lee Ji-hyeok?

Lee ignored Christopher and picked up another box of burgers and bites them.

Oh, I feel this, but … It's a strange addictive taste?

Well well.



"I did not like that originally."

"I was here, so I passed."

What is it?

But who am I talking to now?

Familiar, this?

Lee Ji-hyeok glanced back and saw the person who talked to him.


Took. In the hands of Lee Ji – hyeok, the burger rolled off the floor.

Everyone 's gaze went to Lee, who looks at Lee Ji – hyeok with a bright smile in front of him and Lee.

Lee Ji – hyeok 's hand was shaken, pointing to the woman.

"You, you, you … … "

The golden hair was shining with the sunshine.

It's been a long time

"Why are you here? Why you! "

"sure… … "

The woman spoke softly to Lee Ji – hyeok.

"I came to you."

I saw her beautiful smile so beautiful and I shook her head.

"Oh, come on!"

Lee Ji-hyeok's voice voiced to the sky.

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