The Returner

Chapter 120

120. The heart may be stalled.5 Another life hits him.


A rusty big sword breaks through the belly and breaks the spine and pours back.

"Cry … … "

Lee grabbed a sword stuck in the boat.

A sharp blade scatters his hand and sticks to his bones.

But it's okay.

Lee Ji-hyeok does not die. I can not die if I try to die.

I can not die enough to have a sword stuck in my body.

"This monster!"

A tired face came into my eyes.

When I see the fearful eyes, I get laughing.

Why would you be afraid of me?

Swing pole.

As the sword comes out of the body, it makes an eerie noise.

Lee Ji-hyeok pulled out the sword pulled upside down, and the face of the man was drawn with the expressionless face.

촤 Ah.

The aorta is cut off and the fountain blowing like a fountain paints the world red.

another one.

Lee Ji – hyeok walked forward with a dripping knife.

In his eyes, we see humans clinging to the world.

Devil, demon, monster … … .

I am tired.

There is no such title, something that would appeal to a little more extraordinary person.

Tung Tutu, Tung!

With the sound of the protest, an arrow full of sky rises.

'That would hurt a little … … . '

Lee looked at the arrows flying to him, glancing at his head and covering his eyes.

Phuwook, Phuwook!

A creepy noise echoes the ears.

What a pity it is that this noise is now the sound of the body of Hyeok?

"끙 … … "

Lee Ji-hyeo pulled out an arrow in his mouth.


It hurts … … .

The attack continued.

The arrow flies, and the magic flame burns the body.

A long window penetrates his heart, and a sword cuts his arms and legs.


What will be different then?

He is not dead. I grabbed the half-fallen eyeball and laughed it out loudly.


Boring. Pfftbh.

This sight is so boring.

No, I wish I could be bored.

The brain continues to be refreshed. It keeps the remained calm state by continuously blowing up the remaining feelings.

I do not get bored, I do not get angry.

I do not get angry, I do not get hurt, I'm not lonely.

Just calm. It is interesting to note that the serenity has continued for hundreds of years … I can not go crazy.

So this is just a passing time. All that remains is just a little bit of pain.

"The devil!"


Lee sighed.

Think freely.

I am convinced that the difference in appearance in this world controlled by religion is surely to be called a demon.

Calling you what you want … … .

Behind the enemy as you want to be hostile … … .

I will blush and die.

As if it had been repetitive.

When I walked a step, Lee Ji-hee pulled the arrows out of my body and fell to the floor.


The eyes of those Lee Ji – hyeok 's eyes are filled with despair and fear.

That's my eyes.

It's my eye again.

How do each other look at herself with all her eyes at the end?

I'm sick of it.

I'm just sick of it.

That eye … … .

When I opened my eyes, the world was shining with golden color.

A world of endless gold, just like deep and deep sucking.

It is a world that is cozy and something nostalgic.

"woke up?"

Apeldričhe's eyes.

It feels subtle as soon as I see it.

"What's going on?"

"I fell down."

“I will . . .

"Yes, you."

It's been a long time.

If you lose consciousness, you will lose your spirit. If you are mentally minded, it 's hard for him to lose his mind.

It means that the fixation is loosened and the mind is weakened, or that as much as Lee Ji-hye's head is worn out.

Apeldriče 's fingers cross his hair.

So you kept telling me it was going on till I opened my eyes?

Her thighs felt in the back of the head are a little burdensome.

"How long have you been?"

Day That much. "

"Hmm… … "

That would mean that consciousness is flying, and that his body is not able to hold out excess black horsepower.

Hmm …

If you continue to use black horsepower as it is, you will literally lose your brain to black horsepower.

If the mind is contaminated by black magic, which is a collection of all kinds of negative factors, it eventually loses its identity as a human being.

If you go down to the undead at low level, and if you do not go down to the undead of Lee Ji-kyu, may fall into the evil.

"Even now, it is the devil."

"Do you know anything else?"

"What's so different … … "

"When you become an Asmodian, you become a completely different person. If you see the same thing, you'll feel like you're seeing something else. It means that all the values ​​that we had about people, about people, and people have changed all over now, and our thoughts change. "

"It's difficult."

"In short, the personality of Lee Ji-hyeok until now disappears. Something will replace it. "

So it's not like death.

It was a story that I know, but now I feel overwhelmed.

Theories have become reality and have hit the ground.

"So you have to stop now."

"Anyway, if the world is destroyed, it will die?"

"You have a place to go back."

go back.


"That's a real joke …" … "

And a terrible curse.

How hard have I gone to get back to this world, and go back to my feet?

"Still, you are."

"Did you come to check it, Lord?"


"Hmm… … "

"The lizard is better than the lizard. Do not call it that. I'm not a load here. "

Something like that is different.


My enemy and the enemy that has kept me ahead of me for a thousand years.

The defender of Berap who held my ankle until the last minute.

Hateful, abominable … … .

At the moment, this is not corporal's slender fingers let Arpels hyuk had written to the head of.

"So you slept well?"

"If you were stunned, you slept very well. I think my body will fly away. "

"Fortunately… … "

At that time, the door opened wide!


Set aside and is open to visit the camping, in glazed in ODA stood frozen.



“…….”Apeldrieche in a pajamas with something in the heavens sky was piling his head on his lap, and half-naked Lee Ji-hyeok lay down on her soft knees.


Seo Ayeong touched his temples as if he had a headache.

Why … … .

Ha, that man really can not do.

"What are you doing!"

Seo Aoyou screamed sharply and moved his sideways sideways to cover his eyes.


"Oh, come on!"

There was something cold in the back of her back and stabbed her back.

Suddenly, Kim Daesom who stood up to them was staring at the bed with his cold eyes.

'What is this, the winter kingdom? What's cool here? "

By the time Mr. Aoyong's sweat swelled, Togayoon's mouth, which was not opened easily, was opened.

"before? after

"What are you talking about!"

Seo Aoyong buzzes! I blushed and blushed.

I can not hear her.

But usually that's … … .

"I can see that … Maybe later? "

Hull, what am I talking about?

"Uh … … "

As the vibration started to fall behind her back, she caught the shoulder of Jeonghammin.

Sibling It's not confirmed yet, so … … "

"Ahh ah ah ah ah!"

The morning call started.


Lee Ji-hyeok was a smoker.

Other women surrounded her like that.

"why! Why What am I doing! "

However, Lee Ji-hyeok was dignified.

There is no guilt, but the handling is a specification.

No, I do not think there is a reason why he should be scolded even if he had an accident.

"Do you play it?"

Four What?"

But why is he doing this here again?

What is that expression?

Where did you get a roach here?

"Why did he do that in Lee's room?"

"What is wrong with you? Things like that happen, too.


Lee Ji-hyeok snorted.

This is why. There were times when there were dozens of women who once lived in my room.

Of course she's a succubus or a demilich. … .

Oh, I thought I was depressed.

"But why are you?"

I was frightened by the logical counterattack.

There is no reason for her to do this here.

Whatever Lee Ji-hyeok does, what does that have to do with her?


When Seo Aoyong saw the blind eye, he bite his lips tightly.

It is stupid, but a good sister.

I'm a little stupid, I can not think, I can not afford a night … … .

"I hear you, this girl!"

"Hull, right?"

What are you thinking about lately?

Seo Aoyong rattled his head and pressed it again.

"I do not wonder what the two of them are about. But as a director of NDF, I need to know what Lee Ji-hyeok has to do with his past! So tell me what the two are about. "

"The horse does not fit back and forth!"

Lee Ji-hyeong rebelled, but the women were powerful.

"What is it between?"

He hurled a stone fastball.


Doga Yun also helped her.

“…The past is not important. "

DoGa Yoon and Jung Hae Min's eyes turned to Kim Damsom.

Kim dasom suddenly looked calm and said quietly.

"The important thing is forward."

He has…

Do not do that while you look at it like that.

My sister has a weak heart.

Seo Aoyong wiped his sweat off his forehead.

Lee Ji-hyeok began to shiver in the sharp eyes of the pouring from the left and right.

strange? Why?

I've never been to this before.

Lee Ji – hyeok 's "living" has a completely different meaning from that of others.

However, when I saw my body shrink, the pressure was not a joke.

Apeldrieche, who watched the situation quietly, said with a headache.

"Why are you attacking Jihyuk?"

He keeps calling me Geohyuk!

Is it near Tina?

He hurried his lips.

"Oh, that's it, that's it."

Apeldrić nodded his head as if he understood, and uttered unexpected utterances.

"If that's the case, you do not have to worry about it."


"because… … "

Apeldriče laughed lightly.

"I have a woman who can claim Lee's ownership."


Even Seo Aung shook his eyes.

Any more?

Here again?

What the hell are you doing with that kid?

"I and Jihyuk are not that kind of relationship you think. To be precise, the opposite is close. If Jihyuk is still strong enough now … Well, I do not feel so good in my mouth. Anyway. The person who has relationship with Jihyuk is now … … "

"He, stop!"

Lee Ji – hyeok shook his body and shouted.

"Do not! Creeps! "

Four But,

"Stop it!"


Apeldričhe convinced, but others were not convinced at all.

"Do not say anything!"

"To a person … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok lucky with a distorted face.

"There is a thing called trauma! Trauma to the brain! "

You're giving it to us now!

"Anyway, you are all! I'll rest! "

"Stay all day long!"


When Lee Ji-chang, who had stood in his seat, flew his head and walked into the room, everyone's gaze stuck to Apeldriće.

"I told you not to tell me. Sure!

As Apeldrić went up, the remaining women began to chew Apeldričhe's remarks in a subtle eye.

"Maybe … … "

"The measures … … "

"I'll need it."

In the space where the eyes of three people meet, Ayyung thought that he was troubled.

'No, why am I … … . '

I can not get out of this.


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