The Returner

Chapter 129

The Returner Vol. 6 (4) 129. Well, let's jump on a long time. 4 The spirit of the supreme is absolute.

It is not only the one in the world that exists beyond the dimension but exists in the whole world, but it is an absolute existence that is hard to find the power to go beyond it in one world.

Especially in the case of Seti, the supreme element of light, it was one of the greatest beings to be regarded as a god in a small world with its distinctive sacred feelings.

That seti was crushed at the foot of this now.

Apeldrieche gazed at Lee Ji – hyeok.

The overwhelming ability.

He just instructed me to cover it and only used one magic spell.

The upper spirits of light have been rendered ineffective in the gestures like that playfulness.

This is Lee Ji-hyuk.

It is the power of the person who tears up Berap.

It's just that Lee Ji-hyeong, who has been struggling to catch a zombie dragon, is given a very small number of monster corps … I have even felt like I have regained the advantage of the "left of destruction" in the past.

Call it.

Apeldrić trembled.

It was scary to think of her past mysticism with her mental ability to be almost perfectly calm.

Lee Ji-hyeok, who completely harmonizes with the core of the mage and fires millions of masques and infuses infinite mana, has been deified as a human body.

It was a man who had sprinkled the world with Masuo and Mana, pouring out dense mana that is not comparable to now.

It is really the throne of destruction.

It is not just a word.

"Let's see, let's see."

Lee Ji-hyeok scratched the neck of Seti's head with a creepy smile.

"Uh … … "

Jung Hae – min shook his head as he watched the scene.

Is it necessary to be like a bad guy like that?

Of course, I understand that I'm fighting for the world, and that pure white spirit is destroying the world … The visual distinction between the two is significant.


When I saw the face of Seti, who was suffering, my mind was getting sicker.

But only that.

Lee's eyes did not move at all.

Lee Ji-hyeok opened his mouth openly to reveal the pure white, and brought his face closely to Seti's ear.

"I know?"

Of course, there was no answer from Seti.

"There are a lot of spirits in the world. Light Element, Fire Element, Water Element, Ice Element, etc … … "

But there is an element that does not exist in the natural state.

"But there is no spirit of darkness. Why? "

It is very simple.

Because darkness is the absence of light.

Substantial darkness was like a floating cloud in which no substance existed.

Now There is no magic of darkness that occurs naturally. But … … "

There is no darkness but it exists … … .

The spirit of darkness does not exist, but exists.

As the absence of light creates darkness.


Lee's hands grabbed Seti's neck.

"Now, I have to pay for the trouble that caused me?"

I have not had a hard time … Well, there is a feeling that people still feel.

"Where is it?"

Or disappear.

Or if you think that "all I need is ' .'


In the superiority of Lee Ji-hyeok, the black mana began to be pushed into the body of the 클 클 클 올 세 세 세 세 세 세 세 세 세.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

A sharp cry of a woman cries out like a tear in the air.


Lee giggled as he looked at Seti's face distorted by the pain.

What happens if you push the mana of darkness into the spirit of light?

What would happen if you put black ink on transparent water without any tips?

The ink spreads quickly.

If the amount is large, the water will become an ink at any moment.

That's what Lee Ji-hyeok is doing right now.

I pushed Lee Ji-hyeok's concentrated black horse power into pure whiteness white horsepower, and black magic was sucked into the body of Seti as a sponge sucked water.


Sety screamed painfully.


As black horsepower swirled as if flowing through the swollen blood vessels, the white flesh of Seti shimmers.

It swelled and sunk again, and the white snow turned black and white.


Lee Ji-hye laughed at the sight.

A higher spirit.

If you can get it, it will be a good power.

What if mana collapses?

What's wrong with that?

I had to be treated anyway.


Before long, the glass seemed to sound like a cracking noise, and Seti 's body began to turn black.

"Hmm… … "

Lee Ji-hyeok whistled low and watched Seti's change.

The fresh white body turns black, and the face that looks innocent turns into a more seductive one.

The white lumps of light that have shone around the body have disappeared … The sky-like wings, which stretch from the back of her neck to the ends of her legs, began to envelop her body.

"Congratulations on the Fall."

The spirit of darkness.

Lee Ji-hye Lee setty, no, stroking the face of a being that was a settie, she licked Lee Ji-hyeok's hand with her red tongue sticking out.

"Give me a name?"

What is better?

Just upside down, Tse?

Well, this is kind of … … .

"Let's be in Tire."

Around the wheel, Dittier looked at the wheel with a name that seemed to be glad, and slowly approached Lee Ji-hyeok and penetrated into his back.

I instinctively find the darkest place.

"Hmm… … "

Lee Ji-hyeok accepted her without rejection.

After accepting Lee Ji-hyeok's mana, she became a kind of contractual relationship with Lee Ji-hyeok.

To be precise, it is more of a dependency than a contract relationship.

Apeldrieche slowly approached Lee, Lee and said in a tone that a little day was standing.

"The habit has not changed."

Yes. it is.

"The annihilation of existence may be a blessing."

Lee Ji – kyeong tongue kicked.

"It's still the same. It 's better to stay alive even if the presence changes, rather than lose. 'Shit, will you change?'Who would not change if asked? It's like a thousand years of life like you. I do not know how scary death is. "

"I do not think the person who put the godly life into his heart to die is not the thing to say."

It's … … .

I'm a special case.

You do not have to assign me a common case, dumb lizard?

"Well, I guess you're happy, though?"

Tirie, who slipped his face over Lee Ji-hyeok's shoulder, slightly licked the ball of Lee Ji-hyeok and showed it to Apeldrieche.

Apeldričhe sighs in the young eye of the enemy, who seems to be as if he is a gilded man.

It was an unpleasant sight to see the presence of God's blessing fallen into darkness.

But Lee Ji – hyuk has always been.

It was a reaction that twisted his life as he touched his life, and he always liked to corrupt other beings once he had a chance.

That's why I was able to rule millions of millions of people.


As soon as I rushed to shake my body, Lee grabbed Seti 's head and pressed down.

Seti then bowed his head to the head and penetrated into Lee's back.

"Will you keep it in the flesh?"

"Because they do not have anywhere."

"It is also now the presence of Ma. I do not know what the effect of the ma has on humans. How many times do you make the same sound? "

"I know, but if you leave it outside, there's no way I'll be dead?"


Apheldiche pinched his head and shook his hand.


A small space was opened in front of Apeldrieche.

She pushed her hand straight in and pulled something away.

"Ah space is connected?"

"I can not open the original space. It's a very small space, prepared separately. "

“…….”But if you sell anything that is in there, you will be rich. You will have enough money to survive even for a lifetime.

No matter what anyone says, you've only got the most essential things in Dragonair's rare.

Apeldriche put out the bracelet that he took out of the space.

"Leave it here."

"Is this a dark spirit?"

"It's nothing."

"Well then."

Lee took a bracelet and put it in his hand and turned it around.

It's a bit of a bold metal bracelet that does not fit into something new, but it's definitely an artifact, is not it?

Come to think of it… … .

Lee Ji-hyeok sighed as he watched the bracelet.

Lee Ji-hyeok is more interested in the system than anyone else.

A pair of shoes, even if you are a senior juror of Berap, you have to live with your whole body in a new artifact that you want to save even if you sell your wife … … .

In the head of Lee Ji – hyeok 's house, a robber came to the corner of the house.

This is a treasure of Lee Ji-hyeok who came back to me after riding the trash can at the dawn as my mother threw away while moving.

But now it's just garbage, a garbage-like treasure.

"Are you able to repair artifacts?"

"Could it be possible?"


A useless lizard year!

While Lee Ji-hyeok and Apeldrijke stood beside him, Jung Ha-min, who came to his side sadly, opened his mouth quietly.

“…Is that what you're bringing? "


"uh. It's my paper now. "

He was frowned upon watching Tillie, who was out of the back of Lee Ji-hyeok again.

This is not a person.

Of course not a person.

okay . . .

By the way,

What is the feeling of something elongated and long-lived?

I was pretty before, but now I'm going to go beyond that … … .

"There is … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok's eyes grew bigger.

"Are you cursing now?"

But no! Not that shit! "

"So what color is it!"

“…No, it's not. Let's not talk. "

Jung Hae-min took a sigh of relief.

"I think he's too young."


Lee Ji-hyeok snorted.

"You have not seen a real pussy?"

“…….”The face of Jung Hae-min has risen a little.

"You, have you seen a lot?"


Lee Ji-hyeong became a proud politician-like face and pushed the ship forward.

"Hey, talk to a kid like you. My mouth hurts. "


As soon as the registrants were trying to overdo something, I heard a very pretty voice.

"Surely he saw a lot."

Yes. it is.

Apeldrieche made out as if it were nothing.

"I would have seen the extreme of pleasure that human beings can not feel. Especially, if you are a human being in this world, you are a person who has never been able to experience the harem. "

"Ha, harem?"

His eyes trembled as if the earthquake had met him.


Is the harem the harem I know?

"Uh … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed and laughed, and Apeldrieche made a deep impression, without knowing that Jung Hae-min was starting up.

"I lived surrounded by many different species and fantasies."

"Is this a different kind?"

"So to speak, the elf, the dark elf … What, those kids? "


Seung-min's back shook trembling, but it was already late.

"Ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"



I watched Lee Ji-hyeok, who had retreated back, and Jung-han Min, who was crying with the eyes of the Lord, who had been screaming and screaming at the face of the Lord.

What kind of siren is she?

There is a degree of sound attack.

Apeldrieche, who had just put a silence on the settlers in the pain of tearing his ears, rested and sighed.

"She is really worth researching."

"I'm not … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok jerked his head.

There is no normal, normal!

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