The Returner

Chapter 141

The Returner Volume 6 (Episode 16) 4. No, why are you running away? (1) "Do it!"

Kim, like a cannonball, jumped into the wall with the sound of the pigs' power.


When a person made a sound that should not touch the wall, Choi Jung – hoon rose from his seat.

No matter how nature it is, there is something that people should do and should not do.

Choi Jung Hoon screamed with a loud voice.


Lee Ji-hyeok's eyes turned to Choi Jeong-hoon.

Choi Jeonghun screamed for food with anger and chills.

"Be careful with the walls! Wall

Hey, you freak! You have to worry about people, people!

I looked at Choi Jung-hoon with the face that other competitors were absurd.

What the hell are you doing now? A man flew away and put it on the wall, what does that mean?

I guess he did not do it at first.

"It's a new building! What if I go for gold? Be careful not to damage buildings! "


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head to the power of Choi Jung Hoon.

"I know the value of the building is coming from the ground pavers! There are a couple of papers that need to be uploaded to repair it! "

At the moment, Lee Ji – hyeok jumped at the cry of Choi Jeong – hoon, who seemed to blow a fire from his mouth.

“…Our apologies.

At that moment, Apeldrijke jumped.

Did you apologize?

Is that a revolution?

The magic experiment and the accidental shouting of the emperor's palace, why were you there?

Apeldričhe looked at Choi Jeonghoon with a strange face.

Does he know what accomplishments he has built up now?

This was not really human, but an achievement.

"Did you hear?"

Lee Ji-hyeok approached Kim Myung-woon, who had not yet set his mind on it.

"I do not know why, but I will accept it because I have applied it."

Park sank his tongue.

You should not know why!

"끙 … … "

Lee Ji – hyeok showed off the excellent gate and the right gate appeared on the right.

"Uh … … "

At the same time, there were those who sweated and looked at the gate.


Lee Ji-hyeok pulled Kim Mi-woon, who caught the neck, and pushed it into the gate.

"Uhh ah … … "

The scream of Kim Myung-woon, who was pushed into the gate, was gradually getting smaller and then it was cut off.

Kim Dae Hyun shook his body and asked.

"The last time … Did you go there? "

Yes. it is.

"Ho, would you die if you go alone?"

Lee Ji – hyeok shook his head.

"It's not there."

"Huh, then I will not die."

"Huh. I will not kill. "


Lee Ji-hyeok walked one foot on the gate and laughed brightly.

"I will be back."


Lee Ji – yeong threw himself into the gate.

Now, only the gate that holds the black mouth remained in front of my eyes.

“…Why did he go? "

It is a very natural question, but the question that everyone can guess was not a question.


"I'll give it to you."

"To kill."

Park shook his head.

"Oh, you did not kill me."

"If you open your mouth, it's a lie!"

"I will."

It was so good to be inside the gate.

Especially, Spitfire Yun Hyeok-gyu, whom I have been directly involved with, was a white face tired from the moment that the trauma revived.

"Hmm … … "

Passed lifter Kim Dae-hyun was not a good face either.

He is also short but has never been bold.

The inside of the conference room was quiet slowly.

It is more frightening to imagine than to see it in person.

I think what Kim Myeong-woon is going to be like in that place.

The most terrible imagination they could have started to reproduce like a panorama from their heads.

"I do not think so … … "

“…I do not think so. "

Apeldrize laughed, gazing at the scene.

'Humans are interesting creatures.'

I think myself, imagine myself, and fear myself.

Is not strange.

At that time, the gate was buzzing-vibrating, and Lee's face protruded out of the gate.

"Have not you been a long time?"

Choi Jung Hoon nodded his head.

"Yes, it was soon."

Yes, I can,

Lee Ji-hyeok pulled himself out completely and put his hand into the gate again, pulling Kim Mi-woon out.

People's attention was focused on Kim Myungun.

Apparently, Kim Myung-un seemed fine without any hurt.

"Are you okay?"

Park said Sopchan surprised.

"I thought half would die … … "

"I thought once the disability was confirmed."

"I thought it would be good to get back alive."

Park Sung-chan, who looked like a strange person, trembled when he saw Kim Myung-wun's released pupil.

Wait a minute

Park Sung – chan slowly approached Kim Myung – woon and waved his hand before his face.

“…….”"No response?"

Park Sung-chan felt the sweat on his back and grabbed Kim's shoulder.

"Are you okay, you?"

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“…….”Park Sung-chan looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with a very frustrated expression and opened his mouth.

"Do you return to normal?"


"How long do you think it will take?"


You make a man like this and you do it! What a terrible mistake!

"I was a little bit … … "

Park Sang – chan did not speak but asked all his mouth.

Lee Ji-hyeon looked at Park Sung-chan and laughed.

"Do not worry. I've taken it by intention to see if it will affect the surrounding area, and it will be back soon afterwards. "


"When did you see me lying?"I want to say I saw it, but I do not remember! This is so unfair!

Lee kicked his tongue as he watched Kim Myung-woon, whose mouth was half-opened with his loose pupil.

'This is worse than I thought, side effects?'

It was not really bothered or anything.

I just wanted to know what happens when humans are injected with black magic. Well, it's a side effect.

It can be said that multiple organs damage, body twist, bones are broke or not, and medicine is really a serious problem, but it is a mental problem. … .

'It was not very tasty.'

Black horse power can be said to be a purification of injustice.

It is black magic that all the darkness of the world is gathered, and the spirit of human being injected with the black magic is stagnated into darkness and darkness.

That was the result.

Even though the black horsepower was removed, the broken spirit was not returning to its place.

It's a good thing that you do not show any violence … … .

"Hmm… … "

So what should we do?

Lee started to worry about how to apply the experimental results.

But his troubles were not long.

"Lee Ji Hyeok?"


"Do not you have to start?"

"Oh, I called you."

Lee Ji-hyeok came forward and opened his mouth.

"Well, I have a request from America."

“…….”"I want you to train, I do not think I'm doing it, but I think it's better for others to teach."

“…….”"So I will train you. You know? "

Everyone laughed and looked at Choi Jeonghoon.


I have to translate Korean.

Choi Jung Hoon woke up and went out.

I beat the shoulder of Lee Ji Kyung, who laughed and laughed, and returned to his seat and got a posture.

"In the United States, I have been asking for training of my own competent people. Looking at NDF's power enhancement, Lee Ji-hyeok seemed to think there was something secret. "

"Uh … … "

Park Sung – chan trembled.

Do you want to know what the secret is, you freaks!

Park Sung – chan wanted to drag him to the gate of Lee Ji – hyuk.

I do not think that horse is going to get rid of his mouth!

Those who have gone through the gates have not had the same feelings or feelings.

Well? Do you mean? What does that have to do with us? "

"Lee Ji-hyeok means you should teach them."


"To be precise, you think that the top-level abilities teach the top abilities, and the top abilities need to raise the overall power to the pyramidal system, which teaches the intermediate abilities. There is a reason. No matter how much he can not teach all the powerful people around the world, is not he? "

It does not hurt either.

It may seem like you should slam it into the gate, but that way, a lot of casualties will arise.

Kim Dae-hyun arranged the situation.

"Well, I mean, the Americans told me to teach … … "


"Should we teach?"

"Maybe so."

“…Well, what do we teach that we and the boys make such a big difference? "

American powerhouses that are also the world's strongest.

The famous Sniper, Red Fever, and so on.

It was a sound.

"So Lee Ji-hyuk collected you."

Kim Dae-hyun, who felt that something uneasy was starting to get pumped up, grabbed his fist tightly.

No way.

I do not think so.

"If you do not have that ability now, you can become stronger."

Lee Ji – hyeok 's voice sounded like a thunder.


Is it stronger?

What did I get when I heard that?

"Stand, do not!"

Those who had gone through the gate of Lee Ji-hyeok rose from his seat.

Then he started to run away from Lee Ji-hyeok.

"No way."

As soon as Lee Ji-hyeok tried to stop them, a door opened, and Aoye walked out of the door to get a mortal escape.


I did not think that Ayeong was going to run away, Lee Jae-hyuk laughed and pulled out the tentacles at his fingertips and fired at the door.

"Aw, awake!"

Seo Aoyong screamed and dragged.

As a tentacle, she tied her back to Daarlong Daong, and Lee Ji-hyeop confronted her and laughed.

"No, why are you running away?"

"Hey, you crazy bitch! Do you want to put it there again? I will not! I will not! I will never go! "

"No, the last time I made a mistake, and this time, did you count the time well?"

"I will not go!"

Lee Ji-hyeok seemed to be unable to hear it, and after hearing his hand he opened his gate by whipping his hand.

"No, no, no, no!"

"No, this time it's different, it's not there again.


"It was too easy."

"This … … "

As Seo Aoyong tried to shout something, the tentacle swooped and threw her into the gate.

Though it was like echoes from afar, it was filtered by the ears of Lee Ji-kyung itself.

I can not hear that.

"Lee, Lee Ji-hyeok, once again thinking … … "

"Well, I do not have time … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok's face came up with an evil smile.

"Let's go inside and talk."

Lee Ji-hyeok's tentacles stretched out and grabbed the agents one by one and began to push them into the gate.

"Ahh ah!"

"Kill it, you son of a bitch!"

Those who knew it were afraid because they knew it, and those who did not know had no choice but to be afraid.

I saw those who left Lee Ji-hyeok pushed all the way into the gate.

Choi Jung Hoon, and Jung Hae Min, DoGa Yun, Apeldriech. …Finally, Kim Jae Beom.

"Do I have to go?"

Lee Ji-hyeon, at the end of the meeting, grabbed the nail of a certain person and threw it into the gate.

Something 'Ahhhh!' I heard a sound, but it would be a hallucination.

Huh. Now then … … .

"you too."

Togayun threw herself inward indefinitely.


"Well, me too?"

Choi Jung Hoon shook his body and shivered.

Let’s drill down on the why I should invest more time

I am an ordinary person! This motherfucker!

"It's a real team to be in pain together."

"I will resign."

"Go and go out."

Lee Ji-hyeok lifted up and threw it inside, Choi Jeong-hoon screamed yelling at him.

"Oh, you! I am a desk clerk. "

Lee Ji – hyeok said to Kim Jae – beom.

"Keep it well."

Four YES!

Let's go.

When Apeldrić and Izzy Revolution threw themselves into the gate, the gate slowly disappeared.

“…What is this? "

Only Kim Jae – beom remained alone in the empty conference room and looked around.


Kim Jae-bum sighed deeply.

How should I handle contact from now on alone?

It's better than being dragged … … .

Kim Jae – beom walked to the office with a half – smile and a half – faced face.

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