The Returner

Chapter 144

The Returner 6 (19) 4. No, why are you running away? (4) "Promise is a promise."

A huge gray world.

Lee Ji-hyeok faced Apeldrić in the world.

"Should I?"

"The promise is … … "


Lee sighed and lifted both hands to surrender.

"Well, good. Literally. The promise is a promise. "

"Come this way."

When Apeldrieche pushed his hand and wanted to rise the floor, a large stone bed was made.

"What about the futon?"

“…Do you? "

I can not joke.

Lee Ji-hyeok looked at the stone bed in front of me and tasted his appetite.

What should I express this feeling?

Should I say that I feel like taking an MRI in a situation where the symptoms of cancer seen on the internet are completely consistent with me?

I was feeling confident that I was able to confirm how large the tumor was and how much the metastasis was in the already confirmed condition.

"Lie down."

"Something like a doctor, Apeldrike."

Apeldrieche laughed without an answer.

It was a laugh that I felt intense determination not to hand over the situation with puns with you.

"Okay, okay."

Lee sighed and lay down on the aesthetic stone bed.


"Do you want to be comfortable with your doctor, and if you are comfortable with this situation, is that a person? Buddha? "


“…done. Let's not talk. "

Do you mean that you do not know what a Buddhist is?

This woman 's way is wrong.

I have to send it from elementary school.

Apeldrize sneaks up toward the head of Lee Ji-keuk, who is lying quietly.

Then he climbed over the bed, peeking at Lee 's head, putting it on his lap and touching his forehead.

"I do not think there is much difference between this and the night."

"A man said that he feels the most comfortable?"

It does not know who spits it, but it's very accurate information.

"It may hurt. No, it'll hurt. "

Yes, I can,

"It hurts a lot."

Yes, I can,

Apeldričhe laughed at the reaction of the fat Lee Ji-hyeok.

So, the person who is most used to the pain in the world is not this person in front of me.

Apeldrieche unwittingly collected mana with his hands on the forehead of Lee Ji-hyeok.

Woo Woong.

Mana resonates and emits a pure white light from the hands of Apeldriće.

"Uh … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok's mouth leaked from his mouth without his knowledge.

No matter how hard I tried to resist, I could not help but feel the violence in the whole body every time I felt that white light mana.

His body has already wet wet with black magic.

"I'm dying."

"Hold on."

The white mana began to dig into Lee's head.

"Woo … … "

Lee Ji-hyeon bite it.

It is Lee Ji-hyeok who can proudly claim to be almost immune to pain, but it is hard to tolerate only the collision of black horse power and white horse power in the head. It feels like a huge storm going around inside your head.

My eyes lose sight, and my ears become dizzy. I have a terrible feeling that my body is twisted arbitrarily, and ants swarm up on the whole body.

Apeldriče, who had touched his forehead, unable to open his mouth, closed his eyes and slowly sensed the clash of mana.

Hmm …

Apeldričhe's face sinks low.

Apeldrieche, who recovered a hundred horsepower pushed into Lee Ji-hyeok's head, gazed at him quietly.

In such a short time, Lee Ji-hyeong, who has become soaked with cold sweat all over his body deeply breathe deeply.

Hoo …

Apeldrieche summons the spirit of water and cleanse the entire body of Lee Ji-hyeok. But even then, Lee Ji-hyeok was suffering from the pain of suffering, did not get the spirit.

'It's too easy … … . '

Apeldriche stroked Lee 's head gently.

Normally, human beings only inject a certain amount of black horse power, and the balance of the body is lost. Mana is governed as it is, and if it is crazy or intense, it may be forced to retire by the undead.

However, Lee Ji-hyeok is a battery that collects black magic power. The whole body is already assimilated to black magic.

If it is original, it is impossible to collect the black horse power which is enough for the human body.

It was possible because it was Lee Ji-hyeon, who carried the black horse power in the body to collect all the black magic power of the whole world in the left time of destruction.

It has the ability to control the horsepower and the rate of assimilation to reach the pole, which can prevent the erosion to the minimum.

But that was also the limit.

Apeldrieche drew a deep sigh, and Lee Yi-kyung's eyes flashed.

"How is it, sir? Does he die? "

"Anyone who has a life dies, Mr. Jihyuk."

"It is important when it is."

"Within five years of going through mana like now, your body will be completely dominated by black magic."

"So is it … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok said to me as if he already knew.

"But will you continue to do this foolish thing?"

"Five years is not a short time. Moreover, there is no guarantee that I will continue to write mana as it is now. "

"You know it's not what I'm talking about?"

"Hmm… … "

"Is not man a natural selfish thing? I do not know how valuable this world is, but is it worth keeping it in place of your being? "

Not only life.

Everything that Lee Ji-hyeok has had will be denied, and a new being will be born.

"Well, then I can not help it."

"Mr. Jihyuk."

"Hey, Apeldrieche."

“…….”"It was me who wanted to come back here. And I promised to die here and I'm back. "

"I know that."

Lee Ji-hyun laughed and laughed.

"I lived as long as I live, so I can just die as I want to do."

"It is a foolish voice. Living a long time does not mean that obsession with life will disappear. Is not that right? "

"Well, you can say that."

Lee Ji-hyeok got up from the bed without hesitation and stood on the floor.

"I do not mean to live on dead days. So you're doing this too. "

“…….”Apeldrieche nodded his head with a strange eye, looking at Lee.

"It's you."


Lee Ji-hyeok snorted.

"But what are you doing right now? I'm skeptical. Most of all, if they think about how they can grow up as Lee Ji-hyeok thinks. "

"What do you know?"

Lee shrugged his shoulders.

"If you can not do that, stop."

I was not expecting big expectations anyway.

If it helps, it is good or you can solve it.

That 's the way it is.

Apeldrieche frowned.

Since I came to this world, I was wondering if it was the first time that I was expressing my feelings so violently.

"Well, good. It's what you want … … . But remember. "

Apeldriče no longer spoke. But Lee Ji – hyeok could see what Apeldrijke meant.

At the moment of change, she will rip the heart of Lee Ji-hyeok without hesitation.

The emergence of a devil that can cross the dimension is something that must be prevented somehow.

"I do not hurt you."

"you… … "

Apeldrieche nodded his head more quietly than Lee.

All right.

Lee Jee-hyeok asked me barely.

“What for?”

"The bottom line is one. If Lee Ji-hyeok wants to use mana a little less, the people here should be stronger. right?"

Y..yes. Well, it is. "

"Then somehow it should get stronger."

Watching her young firm will in her eyes, Lee Ji-hyeok lamented deeply the NDF agents in this world.

"Did you come again?"

Kim looked at the face of Gimdamom quietly.

"I will settle this."

"I'm not."

“…okay . . .

I'm sorry. I did not know the subject.

Kim Jae-bum has been watching for over a week already, but she sighed at her attitude like iron wall.

Well, I was not talking about what I wanted to do.

Kim Dae-hyun's younger brother is burdensome, but there is a woman who matches Lee Ji-hyeol would reach out to reach the crazy.

There are many ways to die.

You can take medicine or jump off the cliff.

But why choose the most dirty way to die?

"Are you going to wait here today?"


“…All right. "

This is not where civilians like you can come in!

I once said it would happen, and now I'm sitting down with a very tall housewife.


You have to keep it here, what if you're yawning there?

"I'm free."



While saying so, Kim Jae-beom looked at Kim's face.

'I am very much offended.'

It was only a week, but the face of the person was half.

It's a little sad to see Lee Ji-hyeok sitting at the seat and looking blankly. … .

Are you worried about that?

I do not think I should have anything to do with it. … .

Kim sighed.

The phone, which was ringing continuously without giving a second of time, is now quiet.

I understand that there is no way to contact you here. I realized that there was no way for those who had stumbled into the office, so I was disappointed.

In the meantime, even Kim Daesom is not missing one day, and when the school is over, he comes to the office and goes to bed and sit down.

'Are you eating rice?'

I think it's been a week already, so I can not even eat properly.

Or maybe it's just a week or two after a person is gone.

"Are you okay?"


"No, it looks like a pussy."

Kim Damsom laughed lightly.

'There is also a look.'

It 's so pretty to see him smiling all the time with his headless face.

"I'll be back soon."

"Yeah, well, what's wrong with you?"

I went to training with my feet, but it's strange if I have a good time.

In fact, you are worried too much.

When Kim Saddam is sitting still at his desk, there is a picture of himself.

"Now it's time to come back … … "

Lee Ji-hyeon seems to live without measures, but Kim Jae-bum knows that there is always reason for him to move and that there is a countermeasure.

I will not be taking more than a week's time because I know that the gate may appear without him and the situation may become serious.

"I believe that … … "

I do not know.

There is no real countermeasure.

It's Lee Ji-hee.

Actually, who knows what lies in your head.

I always do what I want to do.


At that moment, Kim Damsom rose from his seat.

Yes. it is.

I look up at one place.

The walls of one corner of the office.

"Why … … "

Uwo Woong!

I wanted to see something of a very small black color in the air, and the size was called within a few minutes, and a gate that people could easily reach was revealed.

Black gate.

I see a black gate used by Lee Ji-hyeol, which is different from the red and blue monster gate.


Kim Jae – bum looked at the surprise gate and the gimdam.

How delicate is it that you instantly notice and react to changes in the moment a gate is created?

I wanted to see something blurry inside the gate, somebody's head popped out of the gate.

"Lee Ji Hyeok!"

Kim Jae – beom shouted with a welcoming voice.

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