The Returner

Chapter 150

The Returner 6 (25) 5. Can you process it anyway? (5) The start was simple.


The concept that I used to enjoy for a while but now forgot for a while was resurrected from the head of Lee Ji-hyeok and the worry started.

How to strengthen human competencies, even if they are stronger, but with limitations.

These are obviously stronger now, but they certainly did not compare to the monsters at the gate.

Power inflation is happening.

Soon afterwards, the power of the empire will be in a position no different from ordinary human beings.

But if you can give them a buff, things will change.

The weaker Berapu warriors also received blessings and buffs generously, so I was able to fight on a par with the army leader led by Lee Yi-kyung.

We can not even compare the weak monsters that have ever passed through the earth to the mage of the mysterious dragon that Lee Ji –

The source of power that made it possible for them to stand up without fighting against the flock of such masters.

'The direction was different.'

In fact, Lee was not interested in such a thing.

I did not have to make the other strong.

If you have to be strong, you become stronger, and if you die, it is enough to supplement.

So I'm not interested in things like buff.

Then I thought I was going to cry out Eureka when I realized that I was a buff.

By the way,

It was … … .

Lee Ji-hyeok bubbles his mouth and kicked his tongue while watching Kim Dae-hyun hanging on to himself.

"I am."

The buff will freeze.

When Dior I applies a buff, a divine soldier is created, and Lee Ji-hyeok becomes an undead by going through the buff.

"Oh, real black horsepower … It's really annoying, really. "

When I was in Berap I was not as comfortable with black horsepower.

It can be thrown roughly, it can be converted and used, and if it is a person, it can be said to be extreme because it is a level where it is transformed into an undead even if only mana itself is pushed in.

Furthermore, in the case of attack magic, the destructive power is several times stronger than when using the same amount of white horsepower, which is no longer good for Hyeok.

In the case of defensive magic, there is a completely different story, but it was a concept that I did not need to defend against Lee Ji-hye. However, when the situation got worse, black horsepower started to become uncomfortable.

Even if you hang the buff, the persistence drops, and if you make it wrong, the child gets mad … … .

I had to walk with a moderate amount of control.



Kim 's fist comes out like a shell.



Lee Ji-hyeok's shield and Kim Dae-hyun's fist clashed and burst into a boom.

Even though I care how much I care … … .

Lee kicked his tongue out as he bounced back.

If it is too weak, it is ineffective.

Even so, can you hang it properly?

Light saturation could not be avoided even with proper walking.

I'm glad I did not run into the enemy's side … … .

"It's annoying."

I have not been able to kill myself because I have made it out of my mind and it is annoying. … .

I have to defeat it properly, how annoying it is.

When I tried to avoid the hassle, I got a new bother.

"Ha, life is so … … "

It is time for eternity to rest easy!

Lee Ji-hyeong, who had caught up with his heart, stretched out his hand and spewed the tentacles.

"It's big!"

It catches, binds, and suppresses the body of Kim Dae-hyun who resists.

"Great! Oh ah ah! "

Kim Dae-hyun hit the floor with a bloody bubble when he was forced to hit the floor.

Kim Dae-hyun was better.

It is Kim Dae-hyun who can not utilize the speed properly because the reason flies and the speed is not utilized. Well, it's nothing.

But children like Park Sung – chan are hard to repress as the solid body gets harder. How powerful is strength.

"쯧 … … "

If I go through a few times, I will have a way and some way to deal with it, but I could not help being annoyed right now.


Lee Ji-hyeon crushed Kim Dae-hyun and put a tentacle in his body.

"Cry … … "

Then he began to suck the black horse power to brighten his body.

"Turn off … … "

Kim Dae-hyun drops his body.

He recovered all of his horsepower and pulled out the tentacles, but Kim Dae-hyun still trembled as if he had been in school.

Seo Aoyung turned his eyes as he watched the terrible sight.

Lee Ji-hyeong knows that if you inject something, you will be able to perform several times more than usual. In some ways, it may be a pleasure.

However, it is that which is avoided.

When magic is extinguished, the strengthened body suffers side effects. It is hard to imagine when you are infused with horsepower, but when you get out of it, you get several times the pain.

Seo Aoyung looked at him with a sad face, and Lee Ji-hyeok already smiled as he watched the giant with his breath away from Kim Dae-hyun.

"I will enjoy this food."

It is the time of predation.

Seo Aoyong felt the feeling of being disgusted by Lee Ji-hyeok, slowly approaching the giant with the tentacle.

How far will he go?

Seo 's eyes chased Lee' s back.

"Is this something helpful?"

Argharas, who saw the black beads in the hands of Alpha, slightly twisted his face muscles.

"You've gathered well. I'll praise you. "

"Are you happy? Thank you? "

Algarus did not respond to Alpha's flutter.

This human is a hedge, but it is worthy of use.

I have been doing very well now. It is a feeling that I want to get down even if it is thought.

If it was a body, it would have been able to give me enough prizes, but in the present form, there was nothing to praise.

No, it will be different anyway.

The face of Argoras, who was looking down at the beads brought by Alpha, jumped.

His artifacts were full of black horse power.

I was very good at collecting … … .

"Do not you?"

The original should be gathered. The amount was smaller than he expected.

"Someone thought they were going to get the best of me.

"Is he … … "

The eyes of Argoras are distorted.

Ninety-ninth king of devils.

Being the devil, not the devil. And not the devil, the name of the devil more than anyone who was the best fit. Crawl up from the bottom of the circle and finally reach the peak. It is the left of the fall of destiny, the nineteenth ninja of the mystery.

"I expected so much interference."

There is no such thing as a sense of obligation to protect him from this world, but he was not the type to endure something in his domain.

'The area is wide.'

First, he did not touch the country where he lives.

If you think of past tendencies, you are at least likely to think that his country is his own.

However, actively participating in the work of other countries is the area that he is holding that it may be vastly larger than the idea of ​​Argoras.

"It does not matter."

Now it is.

You do not need to worry about him until now.

Only the glory of the past is left to him now.

The absolute Edo, which has twisted continental land with a hand gesture and pierced a hole in the sky, is no longer disappearing. What remains is only the shell of his past.

The devil is not personality, but power.


He is just a man, a revolution.

Of course, it is a man who has the power of the past, but it is a threat to Argoras.

It is true … … .

"Not anymore."

Aggaras grabbed the ball in his hand and burst it.


Soon something pale and black revolved around the hands of Argoras.


Argharas swallowed the tongue with a short fuss.

Thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of negative energies filled the body of Argaras.

It is a source of energy and a source of energy for the devil to give more pleasure than the best drugs. Agoras licked his tongue and tasted it.


Argoras, who transformed the sucking energy into mana, reached out to the small gate in front of him.

"It's a bit short, but … … "

If this is so … … .


The gate slowly began to grow as the mana that had been stretched out of Arthuras' storm poured in.

The gate that the basketball player had just got bigger and bigger, and a gate was made so that a person could come and go.

"Is it over?"

At the question of Alpha, Argoras replied, distorting his face.

"It is not satisfactory, but it will be enough to go. It's a question of who's coming. "

Hmm …

Alpha scratched the chin.

I do not know what you are doing, but it does not really matter if it helps you.

The important thing is how to use them … … .

At that moment, the gate twisted and began to rock.

Agoras rushed to the spot as he watched the scene.

"Get on your knees, humble human! Great and great beings come here. "

"I'm sorry, but my knees are not asking you to kneel."

Alpha shrugged, and Argoras stared at him.

But Alpha flicked his eyes lightly.

Argoras soon nervous from Alpha.

The gate was opening.

It was not time to worry about such a small thing.

Uwo Woong.

The gate that was twisted as it was crushed by the pressure was opened, and the subdued aura that had no sense of identity was poured out.

Alpha looked at the scene with his eyes wide open.

I can not help but believe that there is already a demon in front of me, but it is still hard to understand that a place that might be really a hell is connected with the earth.

It feels like a combination of reality and fantasy.

“Umm . . .

At the moment, a clear image came into Alpha's eyes.

Something in the distance from the gate feels like coming, "Huh … … "

Something pushed his head in the gate with a low voice in the abyss.

The curved horn of the goat. The sword – like horns were visible, and the reptile – like face came out of the gate.

The moment I faced the vertically divided yellow eyes, Alpha trembled, shocked as if the soul had been sucked in.


Yes, it is a demon.

Alpha thought, feeling something essentially different from other creatures.

Maybe you are mistaken for something big right now?

Is it really good to be in touch with these demons?

I doubted myself and doubted myself.

Finally the demon slipped out of the gate and stood before them.

A face like a reptile and three horns that protrude above it. And the wise upper body with the shape of the human and the bridge of your crab.

Aggaras looked up and saw his head.

"I will see the great Eighteenth and the Second Devil."

The so-called devil slowly breathed out.

At the same time, the whiff of pure white flows into the air like a cigarette smoke.

"Is this where he is?"

"Yes, great one."

Eighty-second priest.

Beltrecee shouted in a rough voice, scrabbling his metal.

His voice, shaking the heart of man, sounded clear to Alpha's ears.

"Where is Lee, Lee?"

"Continues in Volume 7" The Returner "

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