The Returner

Chapter 160

The Returner Volume 7 (Episode 10) 2. But is it good? (5) [The US government has yet to make a clear statement on this incident in the United States. Experts say this is a type of biological disaster, but it is still a challenge to find the exact causative organism. The situation has become more and more subdued because there is no evidence of the most important contagion.]


The head of Lee Ji-hyeok watching the TV got tired.

It was just too bad for you to be left alone, so let 's try something and Lee Ji – yeon will not help.

Hmm …

If the story is about magic, there will be no one who comes to follow Lee Ji-hyeok, either intellectually or practically, but it is different in this field.

However, it is not possible to know all the fields.

Even in the same science, what a doctor of physics knows and what a doctor of biology knows is different.

What is happening now is out of the field of Lee Ji-hyeok.

The major of Lee Ji-hyeok was to deal with all of the crushing, handing over the marsh, and mana.

Although it may be said that dealing with Masu is related to it, it is almost a large monster that Masuo Lee is dealing with.

What would you say to the zoo chickpea about the ecology of insects?

"끙 … … "

Lee sighed as he watched the view of the hospital controlled by a yellow line.

I do not know what happens to humans exposed to modified black magic. There are so many cases.

Just like Lee Ji-hyeok, it would be crazy, light-saturated or undeaded, or a result of one of the three, but it was not known what the consequences would be when exposed to black magic. It will be different depending on the worm.

Eventually Lee Ji-hyeok knows about the ecology of mystery, but it is concluded that it does not help doctor or biologist at this level.

"What's going on?"

"끙 … … "

I am noisy, but I am more annoyed to hear that I am squeaky by my side.

"Why are you here?"

“…I thought it was safe here.


"Choi Jung-hoon."

"Do not touch … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok took a sofa and sat down and rested.



"You have your brother. Why are you here? "

"It's useless."

“…….”It's a very sympathetic story, but it's a very sad story.

My heart hurts because I think of Kim Dae-hyun's sadness, which is being smacked by her sister.

"I am no different."



Lee Ji-hyeok showed his true colors as soon as Choi Jeong-hoon vanished, and took a sigh of relief as he watched Lee Yong-won, who was rolling in the room and eating sweets like a storm.

"That's my brother … … "

What? It's cute. "

cute That? Is the eyeball twisted? "

I picked up the pillow that Lee had been cutting.

"It's all heard! This is it! "

"This is crazy!"

Whether the world is going or not, the house of Lee Ji-chang was unchanged. But the world was not tranquil because Lee Ji-hyeok's house was calm.

The world outside Lee Ji – hyeok 's house is now beginning to shake.

"Are you sure?"

"Afraid not." I can not catch it at all. "

Donovan McGee looked at the controlled area with a serious face. Physicians dressed in chemical protective clothing were among the patients controlled to prevent transmission.

"Did not get the pathogens?"

"It's not an easy thing to do … … "

A lingering doctors opened their mouths.

"I doubt there are any pathogens."

"What are you talking about?

"Though we have sent the test first, the symptoms themselves are not like common infectious diseases. Rather, it is similar to addiction. "


"Yes, I am addicted."

Donovan frowned.

What is this bullshit?

"Addiction, where is the poison of contagion in the world? It is just poisoning spreading all over the body by skin contact only! That's the story of that one! "

Looking at Donovan, who was angry with his half-stripped head, Sam Light sighed.

"Of course it does not make sense in common sense."


"But this is a monster hazard."

“…….”"You should not think of it as common sense. If only five years ago, monsters could appear, people would have thought it was bullshit. But now we live in a world where common sense is broken. "

Donovan, who had no words to refute, turned his head and looked at the patients again.

"How is it going?"

"There is no dead person yet, so I do not know exactly how far it has progressed. I think the first manual will be caught in the first death. "

"You have to wait for someone to die!"

Sam Light said with a slightly hardened face.

"Chairperson, you have to be wise."

“…….”"This is just the beginning. These worms are still spreading throughout the United States. There is no secondary damage done by the worms yet, but if new damage happens, you will not be able to get out of hand. "

"Uh … … "

"If the worms poisoned a person like a bee and killed himself, it would cause hundreds of thousands of damage, otherwise millions, tens of thousands … If you think about the secondary damage … … "

Donovan's eyes trembled greatly.


It is not left other than that.

If the damage is completely poured into the United States, the collapse of the state will take off.

"Do not you think it should happen so far? As you say, the number of mosquitoes with malaria pathogens should be as many as casualties, but that does not happen. "


Sam Wright admitted that he was innocent.

If it is common sense, it will not happen. Above all, the number of contacts with humans is a minority.

Even if it were millions of worms, it was only a feeble number compared to the worms in the world.

"the problem is!"


"These are really the habit of worms."

"What are you talking about?"

"Do not forget. These are not worms. A monster in the shape of a worm. "

“…….”Donovan, who wanted to hurt, shook his body and shivered.

A monster shaped like a dog does not show the same habit as a dog. Their form of action is fixed only by hunting and picking up the creatures that are visible to the naked eye.

What if these little worms had the same habit as a monster?

"First I commissioned an analysis of the worms that had fallen off the scene. If the result comes, I'll get something. "

"Then before that? Do you mean you just have to watch? "

"We are not gods. It's just a doctor. "

This is the page

Donovan trembled as he watched patients crouch over the glass.

There is nothing I can do for you while you are a doctor.

Just as most doctors who deal with a new disease do not cure the cause but improve the situation. And the passive actions did not go well.

"How do you do this?"

If these little worms really poison people with the habit of monsters … … .

There was no practical way to cope.

I can not catch every single bug. Even so, it is a problem to deal with disinfection.

Will the monster be destroyed?


Donovan sighed deeply, feeling the weakness of man and man.

Somehow, I had no choice but to have a second victim.

"What should I do!"

Christopher was in panic.

When I was informed that it was impossible to treat?

No, he was already baffled by the moment when the worms that the Leeches had opposed spread throughout the United States.

It was the reason why I just let go of Lee Ji-hyeok who was going to go back and fix it.

I can not do it because I'm holding it.

I could instinctively notice that they had crossed the line that they could solve.

This is more than all the crises that America has ever had.

"Do you not know the direction at all?"

"We are spreading inland. Daman, Daman and Diu The speed is not fast so I have not been able to go far yet … … "

"On the sea side?"

"I'm going to that side too."

"On the worm theme!"

The worms go out to sea, and they can not hear it!

It's not a creature of this world, but it might be … … .

"Do not you go over the sea?"

“…I do not know. "

Christopher broke into a frenzy. If you cross the sea, it will be a global disaster as well as the United States.

It was not enough to distinguish whether to shout 'We can not be alone' or 'You should live.'

Though he would have taken the former boldly before, Christopher's brain was pulling this situation into almost a state of catastrophe.


"You have been informed and instructed to mobilize all troops to eradicate insects first."


There is a sneer.

What do you mean by taking the worms as small as their nails?

Even if they pass right in front of me right now, I can not tell whether they are real bugs or other bugs.

"Director, I have a call from Korea."

-Which is?

"It's Choi Jeong-hoon."

Christopher sighed.

Does he mean that he was in some way communicating with the deputy chief of a small country on an equal basis?

But reality could not be ignored. If there is now a place to open your hand, you have to go anywhere and pick up your head.

If NDF, which is currently doing the best in such a situation, will contact you, it should be thankful.



Christopher waited for a while and then picked up the phone.

– Chief, it's Choi Jung Hoon.

"Let's just make it easy, Mr. Choi. Now I am very busy and I have no mind. "

– Did you come up with a solution?

"I want to ask. Did you call me now because I have a way to cope, or was I just wondering? If I had to take the time off from a busy person, would there be a price? "

As soon as Christopher 's voice rang out, Choi had no words for a while.

'Damn you.'

If you need information, you can get it from the bottom. Do not let the guy in the country who is not in a crisis still hold on to the person who has fallen on his foot!

– That's how I deal with it. … .


– I am going to get the information as much as possible. I think it would be better for you to hear it yourself. If you take the time, I will take it with you.

Hmm …

Christopher's eyes shone.

"I do not know Lee Ji-hyuk knows something, is that what?"

– Yes, perhaps. I do not know the details, but I know something.

“Umm . . .

Christopher's eyes became serious.

"Then I will ask you in the name of the United States of America. Send Lee Ji-hyuk right now! "

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