The Returner

Chapter 171

The Returner 7 (21) 5. What, you … You do not have a soul? (1) Apeldrieche looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with complex expression.


Her voice contains an irresistible force.

And even if it is not so, it is understandable that the person who can save this now is not Apeldrieche but her.


Even so, what should I do about this hardship that I do not want to hand over?

“…….”The voice of her hesitation prompted her.

[There is no time. You know I'm not the gate to open?

"Uh … … "

Apeldrieche was not good.

Her brain, which has been living only rationally, has recently clashed with her emotions, which are beginning to raise her voice.

For the first time in her life, she embraced Lee Ji – hyeok as she felt emotional.

Then he took an unpleasant step and laid it down at the gate.


I hear a low laughter.

Apeldriche, who knows what it means to laugh, was forced to bite his lips lightly.

[A lot louder? I make that look in front of me.

"I wish I was older."

[I know you can say that. You've grown really big.]

Apeldričhe was bitten by this.

How many people in the world can make a dragon road like this?

But she can.

And I deserved it.

If the name of the supreme ruler is not God, there is no way to compare.

Moreover, she had reason to be able to take control of Apeldrieche before the fact that she was the devil.

Even if it is related to Lee Ji-hyeok.

[A lot of it is bad. I should have told you to kill it easily.]

There is anger in the voice.

Her anger was not resolved, even though she was already in the shell.

"Can you save it?"

[Did you tell me?]

I did not ask.

Feeling absolute confidence and firm will in that voice, Apeldričhe was always backing off.

The black spirit flares up, and it fades.

Lee Ji-hyeok's body condition was checked.

[So what … … .]

Unlike what Apeldriche has done so far.

The whimsical and rustling voice disappears, and the anxious voice is heard.

Apeldričhe listened to the voice and bite his lips again.

"I'll treat you."

You'd better not break in. I might be killing you if you get irritated.]

“…….”Hmm …

The energy flowing from the gate began to completely wrap the body of Lee Ji-hyeok.

No way.

Apeldriče 's voice was accompanied by an annoyed voice.


"Not really."

okay . . . I do not know if it's another witch … It would not be her.

If you are the other demon, you will make Lee Ji-Hyeon into an Undead or an Asmodian at this opportunity. If you inject only black magic properly, you will be accelerated, there is no difficulty.

But she is not.

Because she is not the other devil, Apeldrieche is able to entrust him.


The dark clouds surrounding Lee Ji-hyeok have all flared up.

“…What are you doing? "

When the ruler asked with uneasy eyes, Apeldričhe sighed and replied.

"I'm being treated."

"Is that it?"


No matter how you wash your eyes, I think Frankenstein will make that kind of treatment.

It was a sight that I could not think of as a jihan who did not know the correlation between Lee Ji-hyeok human being and black-horse power.

In other words, who do you think you are treating when you see that sight? I think I'm making a monster.

"Is it a real treat?"

"I do not believe it."

By the way… Who is treating you? "

“…….”Apeldričhe sapped his mouth.

What should I say to that 'who'?

What do you mean by describing him to these people?

"I have ownership of Mr. Jihyuk."


I was amazed by the decision to answer the question.


"In many ways."

Apeldrieche closed his mouth with the end of the word. I do not want to answer any more questions.

She could not ask more than her mother.

'What is the situation?'

As he slowly came to the side, he sensed Yun, and he kept watching the dark clouds surrounding him.

How about ten minutes?

The clouds surrounding Lee Ji-hyeok were scattered slowly.


Jeong Hae-min turned to Lee Ji-hyeok, who came back in a neat figure. The arm that was disconnected was also regenerated cleanly.

"Is it spirit?"

The answer came back to Apeldrieche.

[It's still okay.]

Apeldričhe sighed lowly.

But the word 'not yet' has a heart. If so, there is not much left.

Then, in the gate, the white hand slowly went out to the hyeok.

I can not pale, and the hand, which seems to be transparent, slowly strokes Lee 's cheek.

[It is hard to buy.]

Apeldrize said tentatively.

"It's what you do not like."

[The family history of others is not all that is visible. You do not know the truth even if you eat your age so much.]

"There is something you can see from the outside."

[What, good.]

Her hand touches Lee 's cheek. Then he said in a quiet voice.

[not now but… I'll be waiting to see you soon.]

Lee Ji-hyeok's body floated and slowly flew toward Apeldriech.

Apeldrić carefully took his body.

[Good luck.]

"More than you."

[Ju Ju, then … … .]

After leaving the word, the gate got smaller and it finally disappeared.

Apeldričhe looked at the scene and took a break.

I thought it would not be here to come here, but in the end it was linked in this way.

It was not even a tough one in Berap, but I was confronted … … .


Apeldriče 's fingers stretched out the ball of Lee Ji – hyeok who could not find the consciousness.

bad guy. "Uh … … "

Even in unconscious situations, Lee Ji-hyeok's hand stirs the air.

"What happened?"

Apeldrieche replied bluntly to the question of Cho Hae-min.

These women do not like it either.

"It'll be fine."

The man has cured it.

As a sucking creature, I have enough of the kind enough to breathe into Lee.

Otherwise, we will arrange the method.

Her strength is one of the greatest among the devils.

"okay, now?"


Apeldrieche nodded.

"It's done."

The first devotee on Earth.

Beltreche eventually came to the final in the hands of the devil, not the human.

Choi Jung-hoon deeply sighs when he thinks that he has won but has not solved anything yet.

'But I did not prevent it.'

Looking at Lee Ji-hyeok, who lost consciousness, Choi Jung-hoon was in a deep sense of anxiety.

Is this the end?

Do not we have to face bigger problems in the future?

I feel frustrated with such thoughts.

Maybe this was the start of anxiety that Choi Jung-hoon kicked out only the stoned pebbles.

[What, you … You do not have a soul?

Yes. it is.

Lee opened his eyes.

I see a clear white ceiling.


That ceiling, the ceiling where I saw it a lot. Is it my house?

It was his room when I looked around. Then, sitting on a chair by the side, I was able to see a settler sitting in bed.

Hmm …

"woke up?"

Lee Ji – hyeok nodded lightly to the voice heard from his head.

Perhaps this gnarly feeling of a pillow is the leg of a lizard.

"I hear an unpleasant voice, but I have an ominous feeling?"

"I do not have a consciousness, but it looks like I've noticed."

"Hmm, is that so?"

Lee Ji-hyeok scraped his head and sighed.

"Then the worst thing that I can think of in the middle of losing consciousness?"


"Are not you here now?"

"Fortunately it is not."


Lee Ji-hyeok was sincerely relieved.

"Where have you been?"

"I have not crossed over. It seemed as if the devil had sent an incarnation to this world for a while. Belt Leche, leaving only the shell, I sucked up and went back. "

It was Apeldrieche, who was saying that he had cured him in the meantime.

What I did not say is not a lie, so it is okay.


Lee Ji-hyeok's voice trembled.

The most disliked thing in the world is that he has gone to himself.

I do not want to be tied up, I do not want to face the 'Latrell' goes above, Lee Ji Hyeok is the worst enemy!

"I was crazy … … "

Why have consciousness lost.

If I had only consciousness, I would have run away out of the sky as soon as I heard my voice.

"Is not that what you wanted to see?"

When the voice of the gentle voice touched the provocation, Lee Ji – hyeop opened the ax and stared at Apeldrieche.

"just joke."

"You'd better not do that terrible joke again. If you do that one more time, you'll kill the salamons that have been captured in front of you and torture you. "

“…That is a terrible torture. "

I told you I was not a reptile!

And the salamander is an amphibian, an amphibian!

"Do not touch … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok raised his body.

how was it?

"Sounds okay?"

It was a body that I thought would be dead or almost death-like as if I burst the magic in my body, but it seemed to be better than before.

It would be natural if she went there.

"How about your head?"

"Hmm… … "

Lee diagnosed his condition correctly.

"I do not know. It does not seem to be different from the previous one. If you got tougher, you'd have just had a hard time with your smile. "Sounds hot.

Apeldrieche did not point out that part.

Very Well. Then we crossed one big mountain. I will not be able to go beyond this place anymore. "

It was a very big thing that the devil was completely destroyed in this world.

So they will be careful now too.

And the person who killed him directly is in the parlor, so I will strengthen the antipathy towards her, but I did not want to tell that part to Lee Ji-hyeok.

I know he already knows.


Lee Ji – hyeok was inconvenienced by the thought that he had one debt that he could not think of.

I do not want to owe her to her!

Whatever she says … … .

Oh, I'll let you go.

When Lee Ji-hyeok blows his head and blows his thought, the door opens and the door comes in with a glazed water and reaches out to Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Oh, thank you."

Lee received water and drank.

The cool cold water seemed to make me feel better.

"What happened while I fainted?"


Apeldriče laughed and said with a smile.

"Nothing happened. It was calm. "


I have also taken the Devil, and it was calm.

"Well, it's a minor problem, it's always there. It is a normal thing in Verap that the worms are attacking people and the undead corps is starting to be created, is not it? "

"Let's get rid of it on a daily basis, you crazy lizard!"

It's a routine in Veraf, a sign of the destruction of the world here!

Lee got up from his seat.

"What is Choi Jeong Hoon?"

"Here it is."

Choi Jung – hoon, who was standing outside the door, walked into the room with a firm face.

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