The Returner

Chapter 177

The Returner Vol. 8 (Episode 2) 1. The Black Master is a stepping stone! (2) The pope rubbed his eyebrows as he watched the shape of the dragon filled over his head.


The worst creature.

The existence of incomprehensible human beings can not afford.

A worm's weight dragon is flying a country if it's only one of those … It is the worst creature in history.

Of course, in the past, thanks to who played the game on all the continents, the other Yi people seemed to put a man on the top of the list of worst creatures, but that was a very unfair treat.

Unlike dragons who have at least one national power, no matter how they are born, human beings are born with talent, but usually do not reach the tip of the dragon until they die.

It was a very unfortunate thing to be treated like this because of this regular one time in history.

And that dragon is probably … … .


That huge golden fuselage.

There was nothing to think of if it was an Aseptic gold dragon.

Dragon Road.

It is not the same concept as a human king, but it is the most representative of the dragons.

The last appearance of the dragon road that remained in the record was the day of its destruction.

It was predicted that he would have been dead because he had never shown his appearance since that day, or that he would have been wounded and wounded by the left side of the ruin.

'Then what should I do with that dragon?'

As soon as the pope was about to sigh, he rumbled his head again.

I will tell you again. Where is Dior I.?

The pope, who had a feeling of mixing with the spoon in his head, suppressed his vomiting and shouted to the window.

"He is not, Lord!"

The dragon rod's ghastly golden eyes began to flare toward the Pope.

[If you are wearing a plaque that symbolizes the pope of the Latrell denomination, you are the pope. Is my guess right?

"Yes, Lord."

[Then, where is Dior I, the former pope?]

The pope said with a bit of ridiculousness.

"Are you dead?"

Yes. it is.

When the pope was amazed that the expression of the dragon could express blindness, Apeldrieche's body sparkled brightly and became a humanoid and fell to the pope's window.


Apeldrieche sat down on the window frame and came in.

The pope had to step back and make her seat.


I do not know if this is appropriate for this situation, but I have nothing else to say.

"Are you dead?"

Yes there are.

Apeldrieche frowned.

Imagine the appearance of Dior I, who seemed unlikely to fall, armed with his mighty divine powers, so his death could hardly be imagined.

What else has led him to death?


"Well, what … … "

The pope, who was lingering a little, scoffed at him.

"It's aging. What else is there? "


"Yep." aging. Natural history. "

“…No matter how short a person lives, aging. How much time has passed? "

"It is half a year that he died."


Apeldričhe 's eyes were confused by the moment.

"that day… How long has it been since the day of destruction? "

The pope replied that it was not a small sum.

"It is a hundred years."


Damn time axis!

I forgot!

I see that here and there are different time axes! It's incredibly different!

"It's been a hundred years?"


Apeldrieche went to the resort and went straight to Lee Ji-hyeok.

"A month or 30 years?"

The pope could not comprehend what Apeldrieche muttered.

But I did not have enough thought about the dragon to understand what she was saying, so I just had to wait for her to look at the distant mountain and to get her to sort out my thoughts.

May Then you say that Dior I. is no longer. What is your name? "

"This is Dior II."

“…Did you just bring your original name? "

"Lord seems to be a little different from the dragon I know … … "

"I think so. I have lived with humans. "

Dior II gazed at the road and shook his head.

If a dragon resembles a human being who lives with a human, a human who lives with a dog will resemble a dog!

What would a normal person look like a dog?

Crazy guy

That 's right.

Dioré II had to worry about whether this road in front of him might have gone mad because of past injuries.

"What is that eye?"


I mean, it's not so humane every single word.

Like something, yeah. Yes.

It's like a trifling … … .

Dior II, who had a well-nurtured daughter who had mistakenly met Yangchi and went into the water, sighed deeply and deeply.

"So why are you looking for the Pope?"

"I need a person with a strong divine power."

"Where do you need it?"

"I'll purify the zombies."

Now Why is this?

Something subtle … It looks like it's strange, it's not strange, and … … .

There is nothing strange to say that this is written by another person, but the owner of the tone is a dragon, so something is strange.

It's also a feminine dragon, and Dragon Road is using this … No, it's a lot strange.

"Zombie cleanse … That's it. I do not think you need Diorel. You can do it with just one clergy. "

If you are a dragon, it is a dragon.

This is the Latrell church.

I took the pope of the Latrell denomination with tens of millions of believers … … .

What? Zombie cleansing?

This dragon was definitely crazy.

The dragons were so big that they were doing something really ridiculous once in a while.

For example, you can use the maximal annihilation magic to punch through tunnels, or boil them if you are in Hellfire.

"A million zombies?"

"Oh, then we should go."

The pope has to go!

What a play!

I'll take it out of the grave!

The evaluation of Apeldrieche changed instantaneously.

If a zombie is a million, then not a pope, but a pope. Now the face of the face, the continent is in ruins.

“…But what is a real million? "

Yes, I can,

"Where are you?"

"In other dimensions."

“…….”Dior II dropped a sister 's head on his head and scratched his white hair.

"How many people can I go?"

"one person."

Well, yes.

So to sum it up … There are a million zombies on the other side of the world that have nothing to do with us. Only one! It is said that only one person should go and solve it.

I'm sorry to keep repeating words … … .

This dragon is crazy.

I'm crazy.

"No, it's possible or I'm one! How do you clean up a million zombies by yourself? "

"Diore I thought I could do it, so I came to pick it up … … "

"He was the greatest priest in the Church's history! I am the one who has blown up the mountain in a captivity! "

"Oh yeah?"

I did it because it looked similar.

"You are the same pope, can not you?"

"I am an executive! I was so confused at the time, the pope was a battle-type, and I had to rebuild the order, so I earn money and work well! "


Apeldrieche looked up and down Dior II, and looked up at him.

"Then what? Is it useless? "

“…….”I have to spread the story carefully from tomorrow.

Dragon Road is crazy.

Perhaps it is the greatest crisis that has ever come to Belaf since that day.



"Then who is the most divine, except you?"

“…I think … … "


"Perhaps I will be the best in the denomination now. It is not really self-help but really. "

Apeldriče looked closely, and Dior II turned his eyes away.

"You're an executive?"

"Let's say it's all-in-all."

"Are you weak?"

"Oh, I am weak in comparison to the Pope."

"But are you the strongest?"


Apeldričhe relaxed with a sigh.

Well, it was not something I would not understand.

When any power was flourishing, a lot of talent poured out, and when it collapsed, the factor of talent was not seen.

It is not surprising that more people are gathering at the time of their flourishing, and many of them are well represented, and they have the talent to educate and raise them.

But the Latrell denomination was almost destroyed in the struggle with Lee Ji – hye, so there was no man nor money. But what kind of number would you raise a cleric capable of?

There is something that I can do with my temper, and there is something missing.

The diabolical power of the Dior II had to be judged to be superior just by raising it again.

the problem is!

'That's not important at all.'

To her, and to the person.

"Somehow, you better get a way."

"How will you prepare the missing way?"

No, it's not. I think, you'll have a way. "

"What do you mean by that?"

There was a smile on the mouth of Apeldriech.

"Do you know who was the one who came here to bring a priest to come here to solve the zombie situation?"

"I do not know."

"Left of destruction."

"Ah yes. Of destruction … … . And? I beg your pardon? The End The left of destruction? "

Why is the name popping out here?

It's not a tiger that pops out when crying kids out!

No, it's already used in the private sector.

'If you keep crying like this, the revolution comes to catch'?

"Is the left of destruction alive?"

Yes, I can,

"It's been a hundred years?"

"How are you then?"

Where did you take the bulbs?

No, if you think about it for over a thousand years, it's been a mere hundred years these guys alive and dead I think more oddly enough.

His dance was coming down like a legend.

The problem is that, unfortunately, he does not remain those that has undergone almost literally had been a real legend.

I felt so much more … I think that this is not just a hundred years ago.

And it has existed in Veraf for more than 1,200 years before that hundred years ago.

If you look at it, it was no longer a thing to die.

"So hurry up."


"Will not I come here if I can not lick it here? In his personality? "

Ahh, I mean … Hmm … Yes, it is. "

Dioré II, who arranged the situation momentarily, turned around and took deep breaths deeply. Then he shouted at the moment that his heart would come out.

"Collect all the popes ah ah ah!"

The voice of Dior II shook La Latre's castle.

In this way, the whole denomination meeting was held again in a hundred years after the left invasion of the past destruction.

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