The Returner

Chapter 187

The Returner Volume 8 (Episode 12) 3. Do I look good? (2) "Of course it is also good! Yes! But do not you see that? It's open! There are millions of zombies to realize that! The damage is too big! "


"What maybe!"

"It may be Choi Jeong-hoon who is the most undervalued of your members."


One person fell off in the middle of the open barricade, supporting Lee Ji-hyeok's words.

Choi Jeonghun screamed at the scene.

"Park Sung Chan!"

Iron Park Sang-chan went down to the floor and grabbed the zombies who rushed to the people and threw them among the road zombies.

Be careful! If you get hurt, then! "


Park sangchan eyes.

"One or two injuries in this situation is a problem! If you do not like it, try to solve it! It's ridiculous in the first place! "

No, it does not hurt one or two people.

The guy you just threw was shot like a cannon, so you blew the zombies like a bowling pin.

I have to say what I think!

Of course, Choi Jung Hoon is a person who speaks and thinks that he did not take it out with his mouth.

"Please be careful anyway!"

"Watch out for freezing!"

Park Sang – chan blows all of the zombies that have escaped behind the barricades outside, and he lifts the armored car straight up.

"Strike a strong barricade! Will this be a barricade? "

“…I must bring the Grand Canyon to stop you. "

Do not think of it as your standard!

Park sneaked through the situation and jumped into army of zombies.

"Oh, come on! Where else? "

I was looking at my wife, Park Sung – chan, who was shouting at the smart watch, so I thought my wife was like a husband receiving an errand instruction by phone.

'No, my wife.'

How dare you, Park Sung Chan!

Choi Jung – hoon, who had been thinking about it, had just begun to shake his head.

"Am I crazy, too?"

"What are you talking about?"


Choi Jeonghoon swooped his face and looked at Seoyoung as far away.

"There is no end."

Seo Aoyong bit her nails.

I started with my own, but … It was not so difficult.

One or two cleansing is not difficult, but it was a matter of repeating it in units.

It was also a question of whether the barricaders would hold on while that number of iterations continued.

"Hmm… … "

This is difficult.

She grabbed the smart watch and pressed the line.

"Choi Jeonghoon."

– Yes, please.

"We will put half of our crew into a barricade, so please distribute it appropriately. I'll give you command. "

Clear right.

Choi Jung – hoon will take good care of you if you leave it roughly like this.

In fact, I did not know that Choi Jeong-hoon would have been able to conduct this work more efficiently than I am now.

But she wanted to show that she was not a scarecrow either.

To others, and to those nasty hyeokyeok.

I do not have regrets that I should have made my self-esteem, but it was a necessary process for her to stand straight to the head of the NDF.

It was her own feeling that her presence value became unfamiliar with the appearance of Lee Ji-hyeok.

You do not need a flame position to speak or listen underneath others.

She wanted to think of herself and fighting herself.

"It's easy."

She grumbled at her mouth, but she did not stop her from pushing the flames and pushing out the zombies.

"There is no spirit."

Jeong Hae-min had grabbed his forehead by hand and shook his head. I gave up all of the markers I shot around the world for this work and put them all around.

Except for one marker to go back to Korea, she used up all the markers she could use in this one.

Thanks to that, I was able to do the same, but even if I only take one person at a short distance, if I repeatedly teleport to that extent, I get exhausted in a moment.


If Lee Ji-hyeok had not brought her to a telphonic ritual all day long, by now she would have to lie on the floor and see the star from daylight.

In that sense, it is very gratifying, but it is the particularity of Lee Ji-hee that it feels strangely not appreciated.

I met Lee Ji-hyeok, and I became stronger. I built my own power so that I could not be ignored by other countries. And some people said that I received a scout offer. I liked it all. Could it be that I can not?


The eyes of Cho Hae-min turned to Roa Bell.

It was not her shape but exhausted.

Roabell was also pale.

"I have not even been in the office yet … … "

There was an effect of dying, the number of zombies was noticeably reduced, and the people in the ward behind the barricades were boggling.

An ambulance and a transport vehicle were carrying patients on a steady stream of ants, like a group of ants on their way.

"Are you sure?"

Roberts went to the house with a question, and he muttered lowly.

"The damn black warrior … I'll kill you, I'll kill you. "

“…….”I think it's El. No, it 's just El, but why is it so rough?

Usually the elf is playing with nature and friends. Deer, today is a little more longevity eyes are doing 'or is not the image.

But this elf was something militant.

Class, too, seems to be a clergyman when it comes to the restoration class. Why is it like this?

'I do not have the right girl to hit the girl who comes with Lee Ji-hee.'

The dasomo is like a stalker, and Apeldrieche was not like a person. It's a profit. It's good. It's good. And nowadays it tends to get a bit strange. I'm worried. … .


I'm the only woman in the right place. So what can I do?

"All is because of the wicked devil."


"This world will eventually have to bear measles because of the devil."

“…….”What is this?

A new wing, Saibin?

It is likely to say that the talking to the talking is 'the end comes to this world in a little while'.

"There is destruction in the world where he is."




How do you go as you expect, like a ghost?

This woman was typical, whether the decision was good or not, the government was not able to distinguish.

"Well, I can not get rid of it because it is people."

"Definitely this is a strange world."

"What part?"

"Do not you talk to that person casually and think that it is strange that you do not care about it?"

"Why is that?"

It's strange.

It 's so strange that I do not feel uncomfortable.

Roabell looked at the settlers without answer.

Do these people know?

What kind of person was Lee Ji-hyeok, who is easily confronted by themselves, in Berap.

Fortunately, the dragon loader Apeldrieche could treat him as equal, but she was nothing but a noble god of Buggort and could not take on a revolution.

If she is standing in front of Lee Ji-hye even if she is not going to go through her own life, her legs will fall behind, and how terrifying are those who have experienced her riots?

At least in Berap, Lee Ji-hyeok was a superior darkness, a disaster, and more than a devil.

But the human disaster was rolling around here and there.

The gap is so big.

Now, for her who arrived at Makarab, the figure of Lee Ji-hyeok is the impact of the opening of heaven and earth.

"You are being deceived."


"He is a demon."

"Oh, well, it's like being a devil."

Did you know

"Not from the beginning, not a long time ago, the king came to the town, but I was hitting him."


"It looks like that. I think it's like doing something because Ji-hyeok is also a king. "

"You know you can handle it?"

“Umm . . .

It's a little weird to hear it.

Jung Ha-min, who seemed to be a little worried, opened his mouth.

"Well, it does not matter. Nihongo or something like that is different, and it is not that it is not geohyuk.

"Even though I am the devil?"

"Of course, I am a real wimp, I have a bad personality, I do not have cheap things, I am a wasted person who does not have a burglar … I'm good, though. "

Roabell looked at the settler by the eye that it was absurd.

"Am I wrong now, or is translation magic causing errors? I guess the sentence does not seem to match the back and forth. Oh, I see. This is ironic, is not it? "

"Is not it?"

Jeong Hae-min giggled.

"Good to be nice. It's because I can not express it well. "

"Is this a pod?"

"Who, who is wearing pods!"

"Do not worry. I am the God of benevolence. Human love must be blessed, not to be concealed and shy. "

"Wow! No! It's done! "

Lee, who had watched them from afar, pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and asked his mouth.

"I play well."

What are those crazy things about now?

It would be easy if you grind a puff of pebbles.

"Oh, pick up."

When I saw the stomach pounding, the stress was not a joke.

Since I've been living without stress for a thousand years!

"Uh, but … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.

I feel a little weird.

What is this strange feeling that you feel in there?

When Lee Ji-hyeok opened his eyes, this situation started to happen.


A massive explosion popped out, and the zombies on one side bounced off everywhere as if they had been hit by shells.

And in it a series of zombies walked slowly.

"It's a zombie."

It's the same zombie.

You see, it's just a zombie.

But why are you feeling so strange?

Something that feels slightly different … … .

At that moment, one of the zombies that walked in started to blaze in both hands.



When a person is infected, it becomes a zombie … If a competitor gets infected, he becomes a competitor zombie … … .

I have been infected by worms on topics such as my hobbies and abilities!

"You should know that you sold!"

"I do not think it's time for that."

"Iknow, right."

It 's not time for that. It's the first thing to do with some of those zombies.

"Let's see… … "

When a general person becomes a zombie, the part of the nervous system disappears and the strength or the strength increases almost ten times. It's a common thing to get your arm pulled or crushed when you're caught by a zombie.

So what happens when a competitor becomes a zombie?


The flames that the zombies smoked rose as much as the houses and began to ascend to heaven.

“Umm . . .

Lee Ji-hyeok smiled and concluded.

"It's gone."

It's also very nasty.


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