The Returner

Chapter 189

The Returner Vol. 8 (Episode 14) 3. Do I look good? (4) Lee Ji-hyeok pushed Mana out, and Ayyun screamed and cried.


"What calm down! “What for?”

It is unfair to think.

Is it not the earth that came back to the Anbin island?

But since when did I go running like a dog on fire in the pond?

It would not make sense to return to Earth!

"How come you are here?"

Lee Ji-hyeok reflected.

I greatly reflected.

Nowadays, I could not see my mother 's face because I was shooting around. I wanted to play with my family, play games, and die with all my heart and soul!

Monster Nee, Devil!

Now that the zombies are over, I thought I was shooting like the dogs of the New Moon to solve them, and the fever was stretching to the head.

I do not even know such a line!

"My life was getting caught!"

"I do not know what I'm talking about, but I think I'd better calm down."

The eyes of Lee Ji – hyeok went to Ayyoung.

All this was because of this woman and Choi Jeonghoon.

If he was not alone, he would have been lying at home and knocking on his belly by eating sweets, and by that time the world would have gone to the point of destruction by now.

What is it?

Do I have to thank you?

Lee Ji-hyeo, who was looking at Ajyong with his complicated mind, turned his head and looked at the zombies.

"it's annoying."

Although I used to wear my head considering such things, it did not match the nature of Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Call it all."


"Call it all!"


Seo Aoyong started to summon the NDFs without a gun.

Soon all the agents gathered together.

– What do you do if you take out the barricaders?

Lee Ji-hyeok is shaking his head in a grump of Choi Jung-hoon who echoes in my ear.

– No, you have to contemplate what you want to do, and then you have to work on it! It's hard to keep working like this every time you do it!

Lee Ji-hyeok turned his head and looked at Cho Seon-min.



"Go and get that person."

Yes, I can,

When Cho was hurt on the spot, he came back with Choi Jeonghoon's arms.

“…….”Choi Jung Hoon saw Lee Ji-hyeok's face in front of me and said, laughing awkwardly.

"That's right, that's right."

"These days I … … "


"I was a little bit cool."

“…….”Is that cool?

If you're just looking at what you've done recently, you know … Uhm? Huh?

Have you been nice?

Was he really cool?

Choi Jung Hoon shook his body and shivered.

I did not recall that Lee Ji-hyeok had accidentally happened recently.

And yet, you are under such stress.

What if this person is determined as before and installed.

Are holes in the stomach like holes?

"I tried to live quietly quietly, but then I realized I was not living quietly. What do you call this? Don? What? Awakening


"Are you crazy?"


Choi Jeonghun bowed his head with a grim face.

When people hit drips, they should have a taste to take, hard to be!

If you dare, we will meet you!

"Anyway, now I'm loud and I can not see, so I just do what I say at this time."

Choi Jung – hoon looked back at Ayyun without an answer.

Such a problem is not what he is, but his decision.

"If you let us do a little more … … "

Lee Ji-hyeon gained this.

"Thirty thousand years, thirty thousand years!"

“…I tried my best. "

Lee Ji – kyeong tongue kicked.

To be honest, it is not that bad work was bad enough to say something was wrong.

The fact that many of the US 's greatest powers have never been able to do so has proved that NDF' s ability to lead is not at all satisfactory.


"I did enough."


"So, let's make it easier now."

Lee Ji-hyeok glared his eyes.

"Once I get all the zombies, I push them to the barricades."

"As a barricade?"

Is this human crazy?

If you push it like that, the barricade will collapse.

"Do you take it off?"

"No, my ears are blocked! You push! "

Would not it be my ears and not your ears?

Have you ever really thought about it?

Seo Aoyong nodded with a face full of suspicions and complaints.

"Then the damage is great for those who are blocking it."

"They all withdraw."


"Why can not you hear this? Give me your ear? "

No, what should I do with your mouth?

Seo Aoyung looked at Choi Jung-hoon with his face asking for help.

"What are you going to do?"

When Choi asked, Lee Ji – hyeok gave his eyes.

"I see, and when did I start to tell you all about what I was doing?"

I do not think it was the first time.

"It's not a coach, but it's a process. It's not a partnership. "

“…Cooperation will freeze. "

I've been trying to make people crap out of shit.

"Do not move, do you want to move?"


Choi Jung – hoon neatly gave up persuading Lee Ji – hyuk and stepped down.Seo Aoyong looked as if he was pathetic, but Choi Jung-hun was more than ever.

If you get frustrated, you do it!

I would rather threaten the president of the United States.

Have you ever been with a human?

"in action!"


At the end of the conversation, Ayeong and Choi Jeonghoon started to form a team and plan the operation momentarily to fulfill the instructions of Lee Ji-hyeok.

Other members also exchanged opinions about the two.

I do not have anything to do with Lee Ji-hye … … .

"What are you doing?"

"I have nothing to do?"

Jung Hae-min looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with a distant face.

"Do not you have to listen to something?"

"It's me, if you go to go, that's it."

“…….”Lee Ji-hyeok looked up at the jailman who had been a full-time former shuttle.

And then he is such a funny character. I need more than anyone, but I do not have any help at all in battle. As such, the style that is specific to the assistant can not be found in Berap, so it does not adapt well.

"끙 … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok sighs when he sees Jeong Ha-min and Apeldrieche approaches from behind and opens his mouth.

"It's time to clean up."

“What for?”

"Those zombies."

Yes. it is.

Apeldrieche seemed to be unaware of it.

"The time to break down the constitutional power of the body is over."

"What do you mean?"

"My arms will fall off, and my flesh will split."


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head.

It was certainly not the case that I wanted to maintain the appearance of my grandfather compared to Berap's zombies.

It has not been a long time since I became a zombie.

"I will handle it, but do not hurry."

Lee Ji-hyeon was able to work.

"But it is strange, is not it? Do not you care if your arms fall off or your head falls off? "

"I do not care. But if you miss what you know and the damage gets bigger, you will feel embarrassed. "

"Thank you for your concern."

cheon man ne yo

It's a bitch, you lizard!

Lee Ji-hyeok stopped mixing the horse with Apeldriche and turned his head to the zombies.

"It feels strange."


Lee Ji – hyeok closed his eyes slightly without an answer.

Originally, I tried to watch slowly but I was not able to get rid of it. It is also strange that something is uneasy and suddenly suddenly.

Of course, the absolute calmness of the past has disappeared, and it is not unusual to feel sick, but even now, his condition is subtle.

'Was I a person who was in such a hurry?'

If I was the former Lee Ji Hyeok, I saw a competitor zombie coming out and he was glowing and he giggled and said, 'I would have a good taste if I ate a pork belly there.'

'It is natural to change.'

As far as Berap's memories have begun to influence his personality, he knows that he can not remain in the past forever. But now I feel that the change is not something like that.



And also,

Lee Ji – hyeok banged his lips tightly.

'Is this destruction instinct?'

The word choice is great, but to say the least, is it an irritation that you want to kill and kill everything you see in front of you?

"What's wrong?"


Lee Ji – hyeok shook his head.

It does not mean that something is said to be solved.

Take this.

It looks like I have a little hair on my head.

I would not have to have the damage because the body was sucked up by the black magic power so much that it was recovered. However, the fact that Lee Ji-hyeok felt the change of his own personality means that the damage was bigger than expected.

to sum it up… … .

"It's accelerated."

Apeldrieche gently bit his lip in Lee Ji-hyeok's private speech.

The coming of the devil was unexpected for her. I can not even nag that I should not use magic too much.

How can I say such a thing when I die immediately?

"Why do not you ask?"

"This is no different."

“…You will. "

In the words of Apeldrieche, who seemed to be slightly sarcastic, Lee Ji-hyeok laughed.

Now I believe I'm a person.


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded in Choi's voice.

"I do not have time to start."

Once you are in front of things now, and to be seen.

When Lee Ji-hyeok's permission was dropped, Choi Jeong-hoon fired the receiver, and at the same time, the NDFs began scattering all over the place and driving the zombies.

"Ahh ah!"

Kim Dae-hyun turns around the zombies at the speed of processing and drives them in.

"Get back!"

As Seo Aoyong shouts, the troops that are holding the barricades fall backward.


Seo Aoyong flashed and others pushed the zombies toward the barricades with their own abilities.

Then, the line that was long enough not to be seen with eyes began to gather in the center.

"A little more."

Lee Ji-hyeok looked at the scene quietly and raised mana.

little bit more. a little bit!

When the zombies clutched together and clasped together like a barricaded lump, Lee Ji-hyeok hurt him.



In the body of Lee Ji-hyeok, a black mana came out of a stem.

Lee Ji-hyeon, who had gathered his mana from both sides of his body with both hands, stared at the zombies with his red-eyed eyes.

"It was long."

So now it's time to finish!

When Lee Ji-hyeok's hands stretched out, Mana flourished.

The sky seemed to be black.


It is not the black sky.

Actually, the sky was getting darker. …The darkness came down to the world.

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