The Returner

Chapter 210

The Returner 9 (10) 2. There is no one in the world to believe! (5) "What? Mister?"

Since Lee Ji-hyeon began to call Choi Jeong-hoon as 'Choi Jeong-hoon', there was only one person he referred to as his uncle.

"It looks like a real long time."


A man in a military uniform scratches his back and stands before Lee Ji –

"long time no see."

The man was Colonel Chung In-soo.

"I'll forgive you."

"There will be some who have actually forgotten. It's been so long … … "


"No, no."

Jung In-soo laughed softly.

"But can you salute someone like that? Is not it just my boss? "

"If you can not salute something, it is also a problem. Don't worry!

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Jung In-soo still seemed to think he had been graced by Lee Ji-hyeok.

It's just that he saved me, and he keeps going like this … … .

'People should be here.'

Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head.

It is too natural for these human beings in the world to wear grace. And the concept of paying back the grace was too sparse.

If Lee Ji-kyu had been running around at this level in Berap, one battalion would have done well enough to lay down his life for him.

'Oh, is not that also?'

I do not know if they are heterogeneous, but if they were humans, they would not help Hyeok. I was treated like a devil.

"Do you seem to be busy a lot these days?"

"Because there was very little in Korea."

Four There is no National Guard … … "

"I mean it."

The two looked at Choi Jeonghun at the same time.

Choi Jeonghoon took a look of two people with an awkward smile.

"I do not mean it because I want to."

"Yes, you will."

"I say good."

"Come on."

Choi Jung – hoon made a sick sound.

In fact, Choi Jung-hoon was not trying to turn NDF overseas. At first it was really an organization that was built for the defense of the Republic of Korea.

What can you do to let the situation go?

"And in the first place, it was Lee Ji-hyuk who brought the situation!"


Lee Ji-hyeok pleaded with unfair face.

"I asked you to work hard, so I ran like a dog and now it sounds like I have come to do this? I did everything I wanted! "

"No, I do not mean that."

Choi Jung Hoon panicked and took off his hands.

It is true that the situation has come because of Lee Ji-hyeok.

NDF was originally planned to cope with the multiple incidents in the whole country of the Republic of Korea.

However, Lee Ji-hyeon joined NDF, and the situation changed rapidly.

Lee Ji-hyeok raised the level of NDF, and since I became the only one in the world by myself, the activity area itself is not limited to the domestic one.

'Is this a forced overseas advance?'

No entertainment.

But it could not have been driven by Lee's fault. It 's Lee Ji – kyun. It' s all I worked hard as Choi Jeong – hoon did. I can not blame the hard work.

"With people."

Jung In-soo looked at Choi Jeong-hoon as he tongued his tongue.

"It is not my fault! Of course, Lee Ji-hyeok is not wrong. "

Jung In – soo shook his head.

"But you, I used to be a little … … "


"I had a modest taste, but now I feel like my shoulder has become stronger."

“…….”Choi Jung – hoon did not refute.

I do not know if anyone else could say this, but it was hard to refute because it was said by Jeong In-su.

This is because Jung In-su is a man who keeps himself on the front line and still keeps the forefront of the Great Gate War by setting a number of majors and turning the ball to his men.

Because he hates the competent person, he had a sense of distance from the KSF affiliate Choi Jung – hoon, but he was a man who had to admire and respect.

I can not seem to shed because he was saying that.

"No matter how you belong, I am older than you. I will have more years of living as a soldier. "


"So where did you sell salutations?"

“…….”Choi Jung Hoon became a dumb nectar.

Jung In-su had saluted Lee Ji-hyeok first, but Choi Jung-hoon was right to salute Chung In-soo. Or greeting.

But I have passed out.

"When I first saw it, it seemed that I went to say hi first … … "


"Well, when I came out with the rest of the person's bathroom, I felt different."

"At that time, I can not remember the frog tadpole."

"Look! Look! I can not even say a word! Colonel! That's what he's been lately! "

"You have changed a bit, really."

"Do not touch … … "

Choi Jung – hoon made another sound again.

There was no objection to anything.

I thought that I was maintaining my original mind while I was suffering from hardships, but it was not.

'I have to reflect.'

The reason why people who have run a successful road usually fall down is because of the laziness that has come with success, but in reality, it differs from the beginner in many ways.

There is no doubt that the attitude will change because the view changes as it climbs up, but there was a problem.

It's not a big deal, but it hurts.

Certainly in this part you may need a presence.

It is difficult to deny that Choi Jung-hoon is the only one who can say that he is a concerned person.

'exactly… … . '

Choi Jung – hoon has a long – awaited look at Jung In – soo.

The field soldier, who had a lot of bones at the bottom of the game, suddenly recognized Choi Jeong – hoon 's change and gave a sore voice.

If such a person is in charge, Choi Jung-hoon will be easier to work with.

But what do you expect from nothing?

"I was like that at first, and I was very proud, but nowadays people are arrogant."

And I wish there was no such load.

The rank is a load, but who would want to be a master?

He is not the president's son who joined the flat!

More than that, more than that! Whew.

That man is more scary than the president.

If the president of the Republic of Korea and Lee Ji – hyeok ask who is worse, everyone who knows will choose the Lee Kyu – hyuk.

But can I compare it with a boss son.

"What do you see?"

"Afraid not."

Choi Jung – hoon shook his head.

Say what.

There is no use to say.

Choi Jung Hoon took a look at Lee Ji Hyeok and looked at Jung In-soo.

"I think I made a mistake."

"I'm glad it was a mistake."

“…I was disgusted. I do not know this kind of mind. I'll be careful in the future."

"The mind is meaningless without action. It is not social life that does not show such an outward appearance even if it thinks in the inside.

"Yes, thank you very much."

Lee Ji – hyeok frowned upon both.

What… Why are you doing this? "

Jung In-soo and Choi Jung-hoon looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with an awkward expression.

"So how is the gate going?"

Choi Jung – hoon turned around.

"As you can see, the moment is coming soon. I made all the sides with hardened concrete, but I do not know if the monsters coming out of that gate are meaningful. I think it's nothing but a personal story, but I do not even know what I'm doing. "


"I can not cope with the unknown gate. I am glad that Lee Ji-hyuk came. "

"Uh … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok was backed by Jung In-su's lonely eyes.

That's the gaze of your envy! I do not want to!

"If I did not come, I would do it. When you are in emergency, you come to me. "


It's stabbing!

I was so stuck that I could not look straight into the man 's eyes.

Lee Ji-hyeon, who refrained from his lazy self, concealed his frustration with his furor.

"So when does it open?"

"I think it's a couple of hours left by the meter, but … I can not believe the fact that the meter is nowadays can not believe the exact time. I will open it instantly. "

Uwo Woong!

Lee opened his mouth as he watched the gate swing.

"Like that?"

“…Yes, like that. "


The mouth is the source of the wickedness, the window of anger … … .

Jung In – soo, who saw the gate vibrate after taking out the words, bowed his head awkwardly.


"The day the crow fell down."

But the ship is big.

It's a lot big.

It was wrong to go to the belly of the cervical vertebrae to fall away, Lee sighed and looked at the gate.

The gate to open anyway, it's a bit early or late, but it will not change.

"The problem is, what comes out of that gate … … "

If it were a gigantic-sized gate, it could theoretically go to dragons.

The size of the gate does not simply mean a movable scale. The larger the gate, the more mana can be accommodated. So if you're at that level of gates, worm-class dragons are the size to go.

'But the real dragon will not come out, right?'

Apeldri is also hard to afford, but if you get to another dragon, it will be really annoying.

Moreover, Apeldrieche is a crazy dragon, and it is not between Lee Ji-hyuk and roaring, and if it is another dragon, Lee Ji-hye confronts each other and the magic will fly.

Even for a dragon, Lee Ji-hyeok is a heavenly enemy who can not live.

But the humans have gone through a lot of time, so the direct grudge may have disappeared, but they are dragons.

With the memory of the absolute and the grudge that never goes away, there will be no dragons who are still changing them.

"It will not come from Verap anyway … … "

It may be, but it is not likely.

Then a new dragon-sized monster may appear.

It is rather scary.

The dragon is my own way of dealing with it, but if I was wrong, I could set up Apeldrieche so I could negotiate.

However, it would be harder to cover if you do not know the dragon –

"So what comes out!"

It's been a while since the gate opened, so why do not you come out?

Is that just a pecker?

By the time Lee Ji-hyeok got close to his head, the gate began to vibrate more and more.

Yes. it is.

Now you're trying to get something out?

Woo Woo Woo!

The gate starts to twist.

The eyes of Lee Ji-hyeok, who saw the scene, were tapered.

It was a phenomenon that occurred when the gate could not cope with the force of being that was going to pop in.

"What the hell is going on?"

Lee Ji-hyeong looked at the gate with nervous eyes.


Lee 's pupil caused an earthquake.


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