The Returner

Chapter 229

The Returner 10 (Issue 4) 1. How can it not be? (4) "I do not do anything."

The words of Alpha sounded like a joke.

It was Alpha who drove the situation like this.

But do not you do anything after you have made this breath?

"What is that?"

"Literally. Why are you excited? "

Alpha laughed as if he was a little bewildered.

I knew that his expression, his tone, and that there was not a whole bit of truth, so when Alpha made that look, he felt a bit upset.

He makes fun of him.

Mocking the world, ridiculing himself, even ridiculing demons.

And it was Alpha who even taunted herself.

The time with him is not long, but even though enough time is available to figure out what a person is, he still has not been able to figure out what sort of person Alpha is.

He sometimes seemed to be a very pure person, and at times he felt like a devil that was not in the world at all.

Unknown person.

That would be his most firm impression of Alpha.

"Then what did you do for this? Was not it a breakthrough? "


Alpha slumped his head.

"Split? What should we divide? "

"The relationship of each country. If you are connected to a solid system of cooperation like now, it would be difficult to dig into their gaps.

Alpha looked at him with strange eyes.

"Hey, bezel."

"Yes, Alpha."

Alpha said with a smile on his head.

"I can not understand any of what you say. split? cooperate? What the hell are you talking about? "

“…….”"This world is already divided."


Alpha rose from the spot.

It's a jerk.

He approached the window with the only light in the room, lifted his finger and scratched the glass with his fingernail.

Chi profit.

The bezel frowned at the sharp noise. A person 's nerves scraping his ears.


Alpha points to the window.

What do you mean?

What do you want me to see?

The bezel shook his head.

"I can not see it."

"Why do not you look? It appears here clearly. "

"What do you mean?"

Alpha looked at the window and bezel alternately, seemingly frustrated, and began to look for something.

Alpha, who found the pen on the corner desk, approached the window again and began to draw something.

“Umm . . .

Zhi profit.

Maka and the window are rubbing and a strange sound comes out. That sound was not good to hear either.

Within a few seconds, the Alpha smiled grinningly and turned his head.

"Now look?"

"It will not be until you are blind. Can not you see that? "

"Do you really look?"

Alpha laughed bizarrely.

"What do you see?"

"I see a line."

"What line?"

"I see the line you have drawn."


Alpha shook his head.

"No! That is not what I have to see. What you have to see is why I cut this line. "


This person 's words are hard to understand.


Alpha gently reached for the glass.


The glass breaks with a short, sharp plosive sound.

And at that moment, the bezel could see.

The glass would break right along the line that Alpha stood on.

“…….”"Do not you see?"

care cream

While I was answering, the bezel could not figure out how the phenomenon in front of me was going on.

"It does not exist because it is not seen as a crack. The crack of this world is already on the verge of rupture. It will burst soon. "

Hmm …

"This war is not a war to make a crack. It is not a crack but a war to make contradictions. "


"Yes, it's a contradiction."

Alpha returned to his seat and sat on the chair.

"It is a contradiction that people who are not human beings are living with humans as human beings. it's not like that?"

Absolutely. But do not they think that they are human beings? It does not matter if it is a contradiction. They want to remain human. "

Really? That's why we need war. "

“…….”Alpha sang like a bright voice.

"You'll soon know that they are not human. If you want to remain human, you can not remain human. There's only one way they can be human. It is now bringing down human beings from humanity. "

"According to your will."

"That's a pretty big mess. Please refrain. It feels like I'm Hitler. I am not a racist. "


In the head of Alpha, human beings have to be destroyed without distinction of race, sex, and age.

Summons the devil, holds hands with the devil, encourages war around the world.

If you look at what you are doing, it looks like a villain in the hero, but he is a different person.

He does not want domination or destruction.

What he wants is a new birth.

It is the birth of a new order.

"So what is he doing?"

"If you say that human?"

"There is only one person I care about. He is not a human being but working like a dog on the part of humans. "

"Is it Lee Ji-hyuk?"


Bezel pulled out information about Lee Ji-hye in his head.

"I'm still in doubt."

Hmm …

Alpha slumped his head.

"Is my provocation not eaten? I thought I might be out of my mind by now. "

"The pattern itself has not changed."

"Then you'll be boiling inside. I can come to catch myself. "

"You mean?"

The bezel thought Alpha was thinking badly. Alpha does not move directly. There was another person who was in charge of the command itself, and there could not be anyone who could find the contact that Alpha had done.

But at a distance, Lee Ji-hye came to find out that Alpha did this?

It was ridiculous.

"Did not you go out too far?"

"It will look like that."

Alpha whistled.

"It would be normal to see that. But I have such a feeling. I'm a good guy. "

Alpha leaned against his body.

"He admits that it is strong. He is out of specification even in the eyes of a competent person. The kids are fighting and suddenly the martial arts players seem to be regulars. But whether he is strong and his insight is not a separate matter. "


"His intelligence does not seem so high. And even if he has an Einstein-class brain, no Holmes-class brains, it's impossible to predict your involvement with the current situation alone. "

"You do not know."

“…I mean? "

Alpha nodded.

"Yes, I do not know. This is not a matter of the brain. Just know. He, me too. "

“…It's hard to understand. "

"I will not understand. I'm too hard to explain. What do I say, he and I are very similar to people? "


"I feel that way. He just wants this world, I just want another world, not this world. If his position is reversed, he may be destroying the world more violently than I am. "

The bezel shut up.

I did not understand Alpha's thoughts anyway. It just coincided with the thoughts and thoughts of Alpha.

If you follow him, you move on with the conviction that another world will be seen.

So you do not have to understand everything about him.

"So you do not do anything?"

"What is needed now is time."


"It is time to realize that the lambs who turn their eyes on the truth are the sacrifices they offer on the altar. I can wait for the time to relax. In the end, we'll find out. And I will fall into confusion. We just have to wait for it. "


It's like a floating cloud, but if you're in Alpha, you'll have something to think about.

The bezel thought so.

"That's why … … "


"I think it would be nice to turn the plate a little more fun. If it is wrong, the plate will break, but is not it also fun? "


The bezel shook his head.

This person is always fickle in this way. I did not do anything, I told you I should not do anything.

"What do you think?"

"The surplus devil who plays and eats must work. The two of them came to me and I could not do anything. Is it cute just look at you? "

Is there anyone else who can say that the devil is cute?

Who can say that without this man?

"Are you going to give him something?"

"Well, should not I?"



The bezel told the truth.

"Please do not think it is a bad idea. I think it is a burden to keep this relationship with the demons no matter how you think. "


"They are literally demons. It may be helpful now, but I do not know when you will stab your back. Is not it true that we know about them? "

"Well, yes."

"But you still want to keep this relationship?"



I looked at the bezel quietly with a face that looked a bit harder than before.

The bezel swallowed the breath without knowing himself in the heaviness contained in the gaze.

"Still do not know, I do not know."


"The fact that they put a knife on my back means that I no longer needed it. Is not that right? "

OK. So it's not a problem. "

"No, so there is no problem."

What do you mean?

Does that mean that you will never be betrayed, not betrayed?

"But they are demons. I can not think of it that way. "

"I do not know, I do not know. I still do not know. "

Alpha sighs low.

"Hey, bezel."

"Yes, Alpha."

"If they put a knife on my back, I would be able to break this world without me."

"I guess so."

"Then it was made of it?"

“…….”The pupil of the bezel has grown.

"If the world collapses, it will achieve our purpose. I do not think I'm going to change the world anymore and try to enjoy something. right?"

It does not dominate.

Alpha is not trying to dominate the world. It was not just about destroying the world.

What he wants is to change the world. Even if the end of the change is ruin, he will never stop.

"So let us spread the plates. I wonder how he will come out. "

Listening to the low laughter of Alpha, the bezel fell into strange woes.

The biggest mistake of humans is that this man is not left alone. The price must now be paid by man.

The body and its soul.

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