The Returner

Chapter 231

The Returner 10 (6th episode) 2. I can not speak at the front (1) The beginning was a trivial thing.

I have not had a proper holiday for more than a month, but now I have a holiday. This damn workplace does not let people rest. I did not pay for the day off, so I was paying extra allowance.

While the NDF went abroad, the work of the KSF was overwhelming, and I had to work longer than I had in the past, and I could not imagine a day off.

I worked for a month without a break, and I was too stressed, so I just went shopping for a full and simple shopping mood.

It was fine until I was shopping.

The problem was when we made the payment.

At the time of payment as usual, I put out a special discount card for the competitor, and the look of the cashier that changed it was the starting point of all things.

Kathy, who was kind, suddenly began to bluntly blaspheme, and without knowing the English, he had no choice but to wonder what he had done wrong.

That was the beginning.

I went to another place and the same thing was repeated.

His attitude changed from the time he knew that he was an able man, just as a man who did not have kindness would do it.


Kwak Myung-hun spat out a double voice and came out.

The thing I was going to buy was after it was thrown off the counter.

Do not you understand the strange reaction until the discount card is not paid properly?

"What have I sinned?"

When he tried to calm his boiling heart, he heard a banging sound in his ear.

"Why, that person?"

"I want the ability."

"Oh, but why?"

"The competent kitten is using a discount card and the money is fine. That's all taxes. Tax-suckling kittens. "

"But it is people who suffer from my life."

"What is your life, you said, the number of deaths is smaller than firefighters. And are they all as busy as firefighters? Gate How much it opens. I play with my friends and play with money, and I get a lot of money on the money, and there are various benefits. The lawmakers of the members of the parliament were made to fuck up. "

Kwak Myung-hoon banged on this.

You have fewer deaths than firefighters?

It is a must to compare the number of firefighters and the number of competitors nationwide. The mortality rate is not comparable between the two. But I wanted to crush the nest of a man who does not know anything and listens to such words.

I'm glad that his colleagues who died in the operation this month can not hear me.

'What made you so lonely?'

I could not sleep well and I just hanged on the job like crazy without a holiday. It was true that he could not do what he saw right away, but he kept up with the pride that the safety of the Republic of Korea was maintained by his suffering.

But that is a treat.

What do you mean by knowing something that you do not know anything about?

Even when his colleagues say that they are upside down when they see the internet these days, he wanted to do it once.

Normally people will be uneasy.

But this is more than enough.

'This is a dislike level … … . '

What should I do to despise myself for doing something wrong?

This is a dislike for the cost of living and working for the country.

Kwak Myung-hoon banged his lips tightly.

Even if they are ordinary people who do not know the mechanism of how gates are handled, should there be minimal respect for the people who work for the country?

Would oi

But all he could do was swear and swear.

A competent person should not cause trouble with civilians. It was a rule that came in the meantime.

Abilities According to the special law, competent persons are classified in the same class as humans with weapons of war. No, I will add more if I judge the strictness of the law.

A simple assault was a special assault, and it could be an attempted murder.

In addition, the courts are also not so favorable to the ability to bemoan the court's highest figure.

"It looks like a real dog."

Receiving is a little bit of money, and the duty is more than the right.

"And fuck, why are you giving me a discount? Does that make sense? What do you need to double discount to get paid? What are they doing? "

Kwak Myung – hun made a quick tease.

There will be more here and there. They had a greater chance of enduring themselves before they fought. If that happens, Kwak Myung – hoon 's life is over.

'I'm out of here.'

I'd rather brush my feet at home and sleep or sleep.

I should not go to places where there is a lot of people if I can. And I should not spend a few more pennies and cards.

It was his fault that he acted without thought in a sensitive period.

Kwak Myung-hoon sighs and reflects on himself. Until you hear it in your ear.

"Those little ones, I just have to get rid of all the monsters."


It was said by the crowd psychology.

There is a woman next to her. If it was usual, the madman might have laughed and said that it was easy to say what he could not do before.

But now it is not.

His head, which was overwhelmed with extreme stress, began to lose his temper.

Kwak Myung Hoon turned his head and looked at where the horse came from.

A young, muscular young man with a short haircut shook his head as if he were embarrassed when Kwak Myung-hoon and his gaze came face to face.

"Let's keep it."

Kwak Myung Hoon tried to endure. What is going to make a difference if you hold on to the civilians here?

Just go on the road and go.

But the situation did not flow as he hoped.

"Look at me. I hope to kill one. "

"Hey, be careful. What would you do if you tried to kill yourself? "

"If you want to kill, you have to kill. I am a person who is capable of killing a person, but I'm going to stop. "

"done. Let's go. If you have drunk, you should go home pretty well, why are you holding on to the hard person? "

"No, did I say wrong?"

Majayo Shut your mouth. "

Kwak Myung-hoon sighed.

Today is not day. No matter how hard I tried to endure, I could not stand it.

Kwak Myung-hoon turned and walked toward the people who spit out the poop on him.


When Kwak Myung-hoon approaches, the confused ones blush their faces.

I beg your pardon?


When a competent person started to speak straight in front of his eyes, there was no way for ordinary people to do it.

They are a body, but he is holding something more than a gun. But what do you say?

"No, just … … "

Kwak Myung-hun looked straight at the young man with short hair.

"Do you want me to die?"

"Afraid not."

"Is that what you need to do to a person? Did I commit any crimes against you? "

There was no answer.

There was only a man who bowed his head.

'You can not say it in front of you.'

I do not want to blame it.

He is also the story of the bosses. He will not be able to do that in front of the bosses.

But this is not the case.

Grief is done in the absence of the person. The gossip to hear was not a joke.

At least, Kwak Myung – hun should have done it after he got out of this place.

"I do not mean to blame people. And we did not do anything wrong, and I do not understand why we're talking like that. "


"Be careful from now on."

Yes, sir, I

"That's it."

Kwak Myung-hun's eyes turned back to the drunken drunkard.

"What, this fucker?"

But the response of the passenger was not as compliant as a young man. What is there to be scared when alcohol goes in like that?

Imagine going to the front of the king immediately to catch the neck.

Kwak Myung-hoon sighs and turns around.

What do you do with the drummer and the drummer?

But that was Kwak Myung Hoon's mistake.

One billion!

I feel a strong sense of hitting something behind my head.

Kwak Myung-hoon was unable to grasp the real situation and became dizzy and turned his head.

This is what the hell is going on.

Turning his head, he could not catch himself, and he could not see his shoes. The shoes he should have been wearing were hanging on the feet of Kwak Myung Hoon.

This is the page

Human patience is a limitation.

Kwak Myung-Hoon's face red. However, there are some people in the world who know and live in the same way.

"This son of a bitch! Your mother died because of your powerful men! There's nothing wrong with fucking, but I have only a baby! What you looking at!"

Kwak Myung-hoon banged on this.

I am trying to make a rational judgment, but it is too hard to bear.

"It's like real … … "

I want to shrink it.

Kwak Myung-hun felt his body shiver.

What do you mean you should be treated like this?

The problem was not just that. People who should have blamed the cheerleader's passengers on their usual behaviors were paying no attention to Kwak Myung-hoon.

"Why do you see people like that?"

It is a mistake.

It was a mistake that should not have been done originally.

But Kwak Myung Hoon was too exhausted. I was tired mentally and physically, and I was instantly upset because I was treated like this.

"What did I do wrong? Why is it that my mother died? It's my fault! "

When Kwak Myung – hun shouted, the caterpillar ran and cried.

Originally, he stopped him, and his old friend dropped out because he could not do anything because of the power of the passenger.

"A joke."

Kwak Myung-hoon was irritated and dodged the chef who ran to him and smashed his back.

With the loud noise, the passenger is rolling on the floor.


I can hear you.

Kwak Myung-hoon was irritated by the situation of the incident he committed. Even though it is self – defense, I have to deal with civilians.

Fucking laws, shit rules.

It is also annoying to wiggle at the rules of self – regulation, punishing those who have been seduced and tortured.

It was then.


Kwak Myung Hoon screamed.

I feel a pang in my leg. A passenger who was on the floor would break his leg.

"Do not you? Do not you? "

puck! puck!

Kwak Myung-hoon broke the head of the passenger who broke his leg.

But the passenger did not easily put his legs down.

puck! puck!

After several more beatings, the passenger dropped his legs.

"Mr. Mister."

In the mouth of Kwak Myung-hun, a swear came out. It was a deep bite that the blood flowed down from the leg.

It costs thousand dollars. I felt like I wanted to leave that passenger even at the moment.

Then, a strange sound began to be heard in his ear.

"It's not too much, is it?"

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