The Returner

Chapter 234

The Returner 10 (9th episode) 2. You can not even say it in front (4) "What?"

Lee Tae-soo, head of the KSF Kangbuk branch, took a phone out of his face with an absurd face and looked at the screen.

Kwak Myung Hoon.

I did not want to do it wrong.

I've talked to you just before, do not you see it wrong?

That meant that it was absurd.

Suddenly, in the middle of the high street, there was a problem that the competent person showed his ability in the middle of the downtown and threatened the citizens.

It is the second problem that I have to get rid of all kinds of nagging and swearing, whether or not I can do promotion, if this work gets bigger.

And now the third problem was happening.

– Who are you?


Lee laughed abruptly.

I am someone myself.

KSF Kangbuk branch manager.

The police chief, not the police chief, could not say to himself. It was not possible to treat him like this without a reasonable vice ministerial level.

But the guy who got the phone call from his subordinates gives him a sneak peak?

'Are you crazy?'

I do not get angry. It was just absurd.

"Who are you?"

– I asked you first.

"Haha, look at this guy?"

At this point, it starts to get angry. I do not know who the other person is, but I was not an older person because of his young voice.

But what comes out of nowhere?

'Do you really need to show me what the real bitterness is?'

Lee Tae-soo calmed down the boiling bubbles, and it was very clear.

"This is KSF Kangbook branch manager Lee Tae Soo. Let's hear it once. Who are you? "

– It's Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Ah, you are Lee Jae – hyeong. Yes, but … Is it a tongue? "

The hand of the Kangbuk branch president started to shiver.

This is crazy!

It's Lee Ji-hyeok, I do not think Lee Ji-hyeong is the one I know.

It seemed strange.

If Kwak Myung-hun is not crazy, if someone is playing with his boss on his phone, he would try to steal the phone right away.

This means that the person who is receiving the call now is the person who can do the same thing to him or it means that someone who can not help it is being called by Kwak Myung Hoon.

Either way, it was not a good thing for Lee.

And if the other side is the same he knows, he meets both conditions at the same time.


"Is that Lee Ji Hyeok of NDF?"

– uh. "… … "

Oh, that's right.

What should we do in this situation?

Why is this kitten getting a call from there?

Lee rolled his head desperately.

This should not be connected with humans.

I have not seen a couple of people who are tied up with this person.

It is not Lee Ji-hyeok who is not like that human, and it is the person who made it to live with the stomach medicine because it can not cope with such as the ape and the monster.

However, how does Lee Tae-su, a common-life minority, manage Lee Ji-hyeok?

Hahaha Nice to meet you, Mr. Lee. "

I do not know what to say, I laughed and greeted him. It did not matter whether you accept or not. I have to hang up somehow.

When Lee was desperately rolling his head, a voice came from across the street.

– Why are you calling me? What did this guy do wrong?

"Haha, that is … … "

At that moment, Lee made the first mistake.

"It is wrong to write skills against the general public. It's no different than to stab a person with a stalker. "



– So it's okay with the power guy? Where are you?

“…Is that the story? "

Lee grabbed his face.

The rumor was not wrong. I can not talk to him. Somehow, we should sort out this situation soon and talk with Kwak Myung-hoon separately.

"Anyway, the regulations are. I'm sorry, can I speak to Agent Kwak Myung-hoon? "

– I do not know that. … .

You should not know!

You have the ability, NDF agent, what do you do if you do not know the rules.

When Lee was looking for a way to get out of somehow, he heard a sound like a blue sky.

– Anyway, if you do not like this person any discipline, I will go to see you.

"My, it is not me. It's going to go on top. What can I do to discipline myself alone ?! I'll do as I say. "

– Then someone who is disciplined will call me.


It's good?

If his boss also receives a report in the name of Lee Ji-hye, he will take a stamp without any burden.

In Korea, the name Lee Ji Kyou is now a universal key.

"Well, then I will."

– And I'm going to call you.


– Stop it.

Bull. The phone was disconnected.

Lee took a sigh of relief, sweating over the wimma.


Why does Kwak Myung Hoon stay with the crazy guy?

I decided to shorten my life!

"By the way, why is Lee Hyeok there?"

Of course, I was told that work was going on at downtown, so it was not unreasonable even if Lee Ji-kyu was passing through there.

I could understand even if I had encountered a wonderful accident.

However, I could not understand why this person could wrap up Kwak Myung – hoon.

What the hell is going on?


At that time, the phone started ringing.


When I saw the name on the phone, it started to rot.

I do not want to.

I should not.

But it was a phone call that I could not help but receive.

"Do not touch … … "

Lee got a call without power.

"Yes. KSF Gangbuk branch is changed. "

– It is Choi Jeong Hoon.

Lee's face was filled with despair.


Lee Ji-hyeon, who finished the conversation with Choi Jung-hoon, called off with a bitter face.

"I'm done now."


Kwak Myung-hoon nodded with a blank face.

Thank you very much

If it were not for Lee Ji-hee, he would have been waiting for a disciplinary punishment to fall from the lock-in.

I was able to solve all situations without any problem.

"But why are you helping me?"

Kwak Myung-hun asked, unable to understand at all.

"It is unfair."


"If you get so disgusted, you're unfair."

"But the regulations are … … "

"If the regulations go bad, I have to change the rules, and if the regulations are pitiful, it is wrong."

Kwak Myung – hoon nodded his head.

Anyone who is a competent thinks.

No one was aware of the fact that the current regulations were unilaterally disadvantageous to them.

But the regulation was made in the country, and they had no power to fight against the state.

Even if they have power, those who are in control are stronger than those who are stronger than them.

"And what … I did not mean to do that, and I have a lot of room for taking it seriously. "


Lee Ji-hyeok did not answer and ate the newly ordered coffee.

It was a common practice for soldiers constantly being put into combat to suffer from stress disorder. It is because people who are constantly exposed to the situation of their own lives can not live with reason and emotion like ordinary people.

In Berap, despite the absolute healing means of being a fuse, the soldiers who went mad were out of mind.

However, the modern talents were exposed to more stress. You always have to wait for monsters that may come out in front of gates that may pop out, and you have to be prepared to be torn by monsters as soon as you hit them.

But how can you live with a normal mind?

It was the job of the state and the institution to care for these things.

Today, Kwak Myung – hun 's work is definitely wrong. Even if it was so, I could say that it was unforgivable that I wrote ability to the general public.

But Kwak Myung – hoon was the national high school and the KSF.

Then responsibility is not Kwak Myung-hun but they should be.

That was the theory of Lee Ji-hyeok.

'To be honest, it's just going down the barrel.'

They did not like the accusation that they were running away from danger because they were ordinary people and blaming those who were fighting on their behalf.

Maybe it's because I think Lee Ji-yeong has a better relationship with his talents, but … … .

Anyway, when I heard the matter, I did not feel like wanting to plant Kwak Myung Hoon.

If there is a change, it is not Kwak Myung-hun, but KSF which neglects these.

Lee Ji-hyeok thought so.

"It's been a while!"

“…….”And these two years should get some mental emotion. Now the movie is important!

"Go now. Do not buy another on the way. "

"Can I really go?"

"Are you going to date me? But I do not care about the man, what do I do? "

"You do not care about women."

"I seem to hear it."

Kwak Myung-hun looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with a little grim face.

I listened to a lot of stories, and I did not have a long time, but I had a conversation. Then I get a strange conclusion.

"Are not you a good person?"

No, this guy … In the meantime, he stopped him from getting caught, and then he did everything he could to get rid of the situation, and prevented the discipline.

Where is this person?

Why do people ask you not to meet these people?

So nice and good guy?

Is not the perception of the world seriously wrong?

"Then I'll wake up. Thank you very much. "

"Yes, good night."

Lee Ji-kyun waved his hand.

“…Thank you again. "

This guy, he looks really nice.

When Kwak Myung-hun was worried about the rumors spreading about him, his phone and his smart watch started ringing at the same time.


Yes. it is.

Lee Ji-hyeok said with an embarrassed face.

"It looks like the gate is open."

"It 's urgent if it' s red. Did you find anything in the corner? I think this is nearby. "

Lee Ji-hyeon confirmed Smart Watch at the end of the meeting.

He touches a few times and said.

Take this. What are you checking out? "

“…You do not have to. I will confirm. "

Yes, I can,

I think she started to ignore me lately. Is not that right?

Lee Ji-hyeo looked at the settlers with sharp eyes, but she did not care and checked the smart watch and listened to her face with a firm face.

"Near you."

"Where are you?"

"Well, very near."



The ruler reached out his hand and pointed out the window.

Yes. it is.

I followed the hands of the ruler and saw a huge gate at the end of the road.

That would be right in front of the gate is how big it was.


Yes, I can,

"It's close."

Yes, I can,

"Oh, it opens."

Yes, I can,

Lee Ji-hyeok bowed his head.

Let's take a break! People have to rest a little too!

Huh, really!

Lee Ji-hyuk on the spot without a body force.

"Gee, my OL."

Resting dog pool.

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