The Returner

Chapter 247

The Returner 10 (22) 5. Will you know just one phone number? (2) "It's not a different thing."

"It was not always a good thing."

"It is not a real thing."

"It's not a big deal, and I do not know why you're talking to me. Away with you.

"Hey, why would you do that?"

Choi Jung-hoon smiled and laughed and blocked the front of Lee Ji-hyeok.


"Hahaha, this is not a real thing."

Lee Ji-hyeok's eyes are tapered.

"I think it was always a nuisance when the editorials were in this way … … "

"I will not."

"Talk anyway. I have to decide what to do after listening. "

Choi Jung – hoon nodded and said.

o . . . I mean, it's a common thing. "


"Did not the gate open on our side this time?"


"As you know, this gate was a very difficult case. I do not know what could have happened if Lee had not been there by then. "


"So what about the other country?"

“…….”Lee Ji-hyeon hit hands.

"It would have ruined it."

"Ha ha ha, right. Especially Japan has been hit continuously continuously and now it is just before the country collapses. It is said that the gate was opened in Tokyo again this time. "


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head.

Those towns are in poor shape.

The earthquake is an earthquake, a hail hit, and a typhoon always feeling passive?

"What did the town wear?"

Zombie dragon seems to have appeared in Tokyo, too.

"So what happened?"


Choi Jeonghoon said with a smile.

"Well, whatever it is, how it is, it is getting smashed."

"No answer."

Lee Ji – hyeon shook the head of the jellyfish.

"So you asked me to help you?"


"So we said we would help?"

"Speaking of which."

Lee Ji-hyeon gave a cheerful smile to Choi Jung-hoon.

Choi Jung Hoon said, 'Why is this human?'I looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with the expression.

"Choi Jeonghoon."


"I feel a lot lately."

"What do you mean … … "

"There, you said it was almost a fucking version?"


"But what are you going to get for it and you have to go there to help? Well, we do not sell it for free. I'll have to eat it or not. Is not it? "

Choi Jung Hoon laughed.

"Of course I will."


Lee Ji-hyeon turned red.

Yes, this is Choi Jeong Hoon.

Does it make sense that Choi Jeong-hoon only plays like hoguk.

A man whom he acknowledged.

"These things are things that you can not buy with dare."


The eyes of Lee Ji-hyeok became lonely.

"What is it?"

"Do not be alarmed. It is a cultural asset. "

Cultural heritage

Choi Jeonghoon nodded with a smile.

"Yes. We decided to return all of our cultural properties that were sneaked away during the Japanese colonial period. It 's several times more than what we' ve figured out. The national treasury is also a surprise. If you can get it, you will have a diplomatic achievement that will survive in history. … "

"Yes, I will not."

Lee Ji-hyeon laughed and went out again.

"Lee, Lee Ji Hyeok!"

Choi Jung Hoon rushed to pursue Lee Ji Hyeok.

Lee took out a cigarette and asked his mouth.

"Cultural assets will freeze."

If you can not eat, why do you have to go after what you are going to return for?

I can not even sell it if I can not understand why the country is going to suffer.

"Lee Ji Hyeok!"

Choi Jung – hoon came to Lee Ji – hyeok as a friend of mine and lighted the door cigarette in his mouth.


When the lighter started to fire, the end of the cigarette began to burn.


Lee Ji – hyeok puffed out smoke and looked at Choi Jeong – hoon.

"I'm not going."

"Do not … … "

Hehe, I can feel the subtle feelings of smiling Choi Jeonghoon.

"Is there anything practical to help you with? Is it money? "

"The value of the property is huge, given its asset value. It is almost impossible to get enough money. It's a tremendous gain. "

"The gain is crap."

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the fish.

Lee Ji-hyeok, who has seen many countries flourishing, was just a reminder of his past memories. How important is it to study how you lived in the past.

It is important how you live now.

In a peaceful time, the cultural properties may have value, but tomorrow there is a situation in which humanity may perish, what is the necessity of such cultural assets?

I will not have time to study.

"Are not you tired?"


"I'm not tired of running around the whole neighborhood. When we think about it, we are going with Choi Jeonghoon. We are strong, so we have good physical strength and quick recovery, but Choi Jung – hoon is an ordinary person. If I was the same, I would have fallen already. "

"I manage."

"Is that supposed to be managed?"

Lee Ji-hyeok's head, Choi Jung-hoon, laughed.

The salary of a good worker will easily exceed the price of nutrients he pours into his body.

Still, the flesh is falling to the side and is suffering from chronic fatigue.

"I do not know why I'm working so hard. Is not Jeonghoon Choi already promoted rails anyway? I think it's easy to get to the top prize even if I just hold it roughly, I'm afraid I can not work. "

"What do you think it is?"

"I do not work to climb. I'm climbing to get better. is not it?"


Choi Jung – hoon nodded without knowing himself.

This man occasionally stabs the core.

Looking back, I myself have recently been obliged to work rather than work with purpose.

It was a mind to climb up and climb up the achievement, and I did not think about why I should climb to the top.

"Life goes faster than I think. If I do not care what I want to do, I always regret it. "

"What is your experience?"

"It's not my experience."

Lee Ji-hyeok pulled a cigarette.

Choi Jung – hoon looked at Lee Ji – hyeok with his sinking eyes.

If you think about it, this person would have lived with a lot of people.

So the insight into life is too deep to compare with others.

It is ironic that it is living on the basis of that deep insight.

"I enjoy it. If you can not do anything you want to do and live, you will come back to lament why you lived in the future. I also have to go. "

"Jangga … … "

Then, the chaos was not full.

By the way…


"I am asking you if you want to, but have you ever married Lee?"

Lee Ji-hyeong kept shut his mouth and seemed to think of something, and he turned to Choi Jeong-hoon with his eyes.

"I made a mistake."


"Do not go long."

“…….”What? Why is this suddenly?

"never! I will never go! I'm not doing marriage. The worst system created by mankind is marriage. It is the abandonment of me and the abandonment of human dignity. Never marry! "

"Ah yes… … "

What was that? What is this persuasive?

Sounds like you're sick.

"You've tried."


It was just words and authenticity that could not come out without experience.

"That's not what I … … "


Choi Jung – hoon nodded his head heavily.

"Anyway, you have to decide how to make a request from Japan once."

"I told you to go."

"If you do not mind."

Choi smiled bitterly.

"It looks like you have someone to touch Choi Jeonghoon yet?"

"I am a civil servant. And I have never forgotten that I am a civil servant. "

"Acting as if you were a great power."

"Concept, concept."

Choi Jeonghoon grinned.

"I am not a competent person, nor a person who is necessary. There are many people who can replace me. I have never forgotten that fact. I always think I can get cut off. "

"What the hell?"

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the crowd.

Is there anyone who can replace this guy?

Sometimes there are people I do not know most.

There are people who do not understand their values ​​properly.

I thought Choi Jeonghun did not … … .

"If you are too humble, I do not like it either."

"It is true, not humility. If I had not met Lee Ji-hyeok, I would not be able to live like this now. My ability has already overtaken the regular route. So we have to bow down. "

I do not think it's wrong to think so … … .

"Those who are important to their superiors are those of Lee Ji-hyeok and Seo Ahn. The reason I get used to it is because it can be a bridge between you and them. I have never forgotten that it is my value. But the bridge is always new. I can not change Gangnam if I do not like the road to Gangnam, but I can always set a new bridge. "

A new bridge … … .

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the fish.

If there's a guy who does that, that's crazy.

"So who put the pressure?"

"Who do you think?"

"I do not know."

"I do not know exactly. I am always in a position to be delivered to my supervisor. But guess what. Did not you put pressure on the side that could make this work? "

"Hmm… … "

Lee Ji-hyeok scratched the ball.

As far as it goes, there is only one left.

"You're the only one in there, and you do not seem to know much about the world. The time has come to be able to brag about such things as the past. "

"In the present situation, the spot is a bright bell."

"Well, I do not understand, but I do not think there's a reason I should have to struggle to write one more line on that record."

“…I thought you would. "

"Well, what … Yes. Yes, but … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok looked up at Choi Jeong-hoon when he looked up at his head as if he was a bit annoyed.

"If I just do not do it, it is difficult, is not it?"

"Do you even have a problem? What do you say you do not say? I'll just nag you. "

"Nonsense … … "

Lee Ji-hyeon laughed.

"Well, then I can not let you hear that nag."


Choi Jung – hoon 's face fell down.

Whenever Lee Ji-chang turned his face, the accident broke out.

'I do not think this accident is going to happen.'

If Choi Jung-hoon can afford it, I will try to arrange it, but where is Lee doing the job he can afford?

"Do you know just one phone number?"

"Hey, phone number?"

Choi Jung – hoon 's face was little doubt.


Where is the phone number?

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