The Returner

Chapter 250

The Returner 10 (25th episode) 5. Will you know just one phone number? (5) Is the call coming right away?

Everyone's pupils began to cause an earthquake.

The burden became even more burdensome as the head of the KSF, who could just as be considered a powerhouse in his own right, was humiliated and burnt to the ground.

"Bar, should I take it?"

"Yes. right."

In silent silence, only a sharp telephone ring echoed.

"Uh, come on. I do not know what to say again. "

"Do not touch … … "

The horse did so, but everyone was staring at the phone with a zygote.

What is this?

The core of the politics of the Republic of Korea is so crowded that it is only now that one of the twenty-year-olds is scared and must strike this frenzy.

"What a wonderful call!"

The Secretary of State for National Affairs was in vain.


I watched the Secretary of State with eyes that others admired.

"That human being, is not he still upset?"

But the inside was slightly different. Anyway, you do not have to get out of the way because you are going to go directly.

The Secretary of State walked over to the phone. Then he took a deep breath and lifted his hand vigorously.


The face of the chief of staff was distorted.

'What kind of minister calls the phone like that?'

"Secretary's office" or "Blue House" … What is "Hello" when I say good words?

But I can not ask the minister about it, and since I have already received the phone, I had to leave it alone.


It is … … .

The face of the chief of staff was distorted. I have chosen such a man to be minister.

The chief of staff approached the loudspeaker phone and pressed the speaker function. I took a handset from the embarrassing Secretary of State, and put it down on the floor and took a deep breath.

"The Blue House. Can you tell who you are calling? "

– Look, you're right.

I hear something coming from across the street. The chief of the secretary gently rubbed his eyebrows.

Other people would be nervous just to call the Blue House, which is not what I called the Chinese house … What makes me laugh.

'I have to … … . '

When I think about it, there was no reason to be nervous if this person was Lee Ji-hee.

He is also a person who is nervous in front of the US President. When the world is said to be the place where the relationship is divided into the Aegean and the Uegee, the present Lee Kyu-hee was an absolute cape.

It was supposed to be grateful just for not giving up.

"Are you Lee Ji Hyeok?"

Huh? Do you know me?


Everybody knows.

Do not you know you can buy rice here?

"I was waiting for you to give me a call. May I ask what you are asking? "

"Oh oh!"

Tribute comes from around.

While I am dealing with Lee Ji-hyeok, I do not lose my voice and I do not lose my voice! Secretary Chan too!

The secretary chuckled at the sight of admiration poured on him. One of these things, I do not have the right inspiration in such a place is not like the country.

– Oh, well, that's it. Do you have a president there?

“…….”It must be.

If there is no president in the presidential office, where will it be?

But the president of a country, no matter how it is, should be equipped with minimal courtesy. Even if the present president is not like the president, the president is the president. … .

The secretary general turned his head and looked at the president.

Yoon Youngmin, however, was straddling his head with a subtle look. There was no idea that I would be able to call Lee Ji-hyeok because his arm was wielding something.

'No, I do not know if I can keep courtesy.'

That's the president.

The chief of staff kept his eyes closed.

Externally, he would look like the right arm of the human being, and it was not disgraceful to call such a human right arm.

'I chose the wrong party.'

I would not have come to this party if I knew that human being would be elected. I was so saddened by the disasters and insanity of the people.

"Oh, no. He is not here now. "

– When are you coming?

"A word."

“Right. Hmm, then … … .

What shall I say?

The secretary was nervous, feeling Lee Ji – hyeok 's hesitation as if hesitating a little.

– Does the president carry the cell phone?


Huh? It was an unthinkable attack.

The embarrassed secretary general turned around and the president laughed.

'Do you have any wisdom?'

The president with a relaxed face took out his cell phone and pulled out the battery.

“…….”It's a scare if it's a scam.

The chief of staff scrambled his head.

"He is not holding it now."

– Is there no way around you?

"For now.

Hmm …

Low sigh.

The chief of staff could not hide his grandson. What is solved by avoiding this way? I just delayed the discomfort immediately.

It was always this way of his way. I did not try to fix it because I struck it properly, but I was busy decorating only the things that were visible immediately.

The most important and delicate items were busy postponing backwards, and I was nervous about not being able to notice anything.

If Lee Ji-hyeok emerged suddenly and turned the problems of the Republic of Korea into a room, I would not see what the country would be like by now.

I think that Lee Ji-hyeok is the benefactor of Yoon Young-min, but I could not help but think that he would avoid the phone call of the hard-earned person who would not thank him for coming first.

– Then you can not do anything. I do not know when it will come, nor can I make contact, is it?

“…It is very unfortunate, but at present it is. "

– Yes, got it. Sure!

The chief of staff took a sigh of relief.

Anyway, I have solved it right now. I have a problem with how to deal with the next call.

But it was Lee Ji-hyeok, too thoughtful.

– I'll do that.


The chief of staff was surprised.

What are you talking about?

– If you do not know when to come, or if you can not … I will have to wait until it appears.

"He, yes, but … … "

– But the president is still in the Blue House. I'll be there when I wait, so I'll go there and wait. What. Can I go now?

The office fell into panic for the moment.

"Oh, no, just relax."

As soon as the moment came, the chief of staff tried to calm Lee Ji – hyuk.

Then it is finished.

"My, let me get in touch. Do not you have to come here and wait uncomfortably? I will contact you as soon as I contact you. "

Hmm …

Do you understand?

– Oh, it's hard for you. It's my job and I have to. I'll go now.

Good manners too.

How does the caring about people live alive?

But do not be polite in this damn situation!

You are a place where you can eat people!

That’s ok! That's my job! "

Oh! Mister, you are diligent. I think I'm here.

Anybody here?

Are you talking about Choi Jeong Hoon?

Thank you. I will contact the President as soon as possible. "

– Well, thank you for giving me that. … .

Lee Ji-hyeong was clouded.

The chills swept down on the forehead of the chief of staff. The more I talked about something, the more I felt like going into it.

Have you ever … I do not know if the president is listening here and is saying this.

"You have a lot to do."

– Well, I have nothing to do … … .

"There is no reason not to do!"


OMG. "Sin, I'm sorry. I do not know. "

– 쯧쯧.

It was the biggest mistake of life.

The chief of staff began to shed his cold, sweaty rain.

– Take it easy. I'm not eating.

Are you really looking at this kitten?

– I'm just trying to make a phone call, but I do not know why people treat me so uncomfortably. And so are the American men. What did I do wrong?

No. I will not. "


That's the problem!

When a person is sitting next to a tiger, it is not because the tiger is doing something wrong. Just because you are together, ordinary people are uncomfortable and scary.

But compared to you, the tiger is a cat too.

I do not have to die and end.

– Well, well, I do. So now there is no President in the Blue House, I can not get in touch, and I'll give you a call as soon as I get in touch, right?


– How long will it take?

"It will not be long."

“Umm . . .

It looks like this is going to be beyond this by the dialogue pattern. It is only temporary, but it is still somewhere to solve it.



– I do not think I should call the president.


– I just need to be in charge level. For example, the prime minister.

The prime minister jumped up from his seat and pounded his hand to the left and right.

– Or the Secretary of Defense?

The Secretary of Defense sank his hat down.

– If not, KSF is responsible.

"He went to the office?"

– So the others are there?

"Oh, no. I heard that story. "

– Oh yeah?

On the other side, Lee Ji-hyeok's laughter is heard.

What was that?

This human being, it feels like something to boil a dove.

– So who can contact you now?

"W, contact? Now

When the secretary general turned his head, everyone shook his head desperately.

No, what am I supposed to do.

The president rose from his seat and pointed to the chief of staff.

Yes. it is.


Am I a senior?

I usually get busy, but only when it is high-level, only when it is this!

"I think I am?"

– Who is it?

"It's Park Jung-jin, the secretary."

– Uh, strangely, you do not want to bother me?

I hear the sound of the heart.

It's coming to haunt you!

– Well, I see. Then call me as soon as I can.

"Thank you!"


The phone was disconnected.

The secretary general, Park, sighs and sits down. I felt like I was talking with something that was not a person and I was getting out of my body.

"Good work!"

Suddenly, the room was back in the office.

'Pathetic authors.'

No matter how opponent it is, it is a revolution, but it seems to be memorable that the attitude that they showed just recently.

People like the heads of a nation are like that, and if there is a war in this country, I feel like I will reenact the reunion of the Korean War in the past.

"Well, it's solved."

"But I'm afraid I'll have a problem again, so why not find out why?"

OK. First of all, to the person named Choi Jeonghun … … "

At that moment, the space began to vibrate.

"What, what!"

I wanted to see a black smoke in the space above the table, and then a black glass gate appeared inside!

"Mo, is it Monstron? Gate? "

The secretary general closed his eyes.

Other humans do not seem to know yet, but the Defense Secretary bowed his head with a desperate eye whether he noticed him as secretary general.

Woo Woong!

The gate began to open, and there a face full of grief, with a slightly torn eye, stuck out his head.

"Are you here?"

Ha ha ha ha ha

It's gone.

Lee Ji-hyun showed up in the middle of the Blue House.

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