The Returner

Chapter 258

The Returner Volume 11 (Episode 8) 2. What? So can I go? (3) "Where are you going?"

Yoon Youngmin shouted all of a sudden, Choi Jeonghoon's smile was a smile.

"I do not want to be in this position to meet the duty of the government official, but to say" Go Igabo "… I carved it deep in my chest. I will not forget the gold dust that Mr. President said, but I will take it as a milestone in my life. "

See what this guy's talking about?

Look at that face, face.

I can see the tears in my eyes, but in my mouth, the buttery-like horses pop out automatically!


Yoon Young-min felt the need to fix the situation. We have to solve this situation somehow.

"I think I made a little mistake."

There are a lot of people who think politicians are pride-like people, which is a very wrong idea.

A politician's pride is an active skill that can only be activated when there is no damage to it.

If profits and pride are in conflict, is it always right to be a politician to choose a profit?

"It's a mistake."

Choi Jeonghoon went out of his way as if he was in a hurry.

"I made the mistake. Thank you for correcting my mistakes. In fact, the level of mistakes, even if you can not cut it right now, it is a level that does not have to say, it is very generous, the future of the country is very bright.

Yoon Youngmin's eyes shook the poodle poodle.

Is this fucking me now?

"It was not my mistake."


Choi shrugged his shoulders.

"There is no mistake for a person in public office. What would be the problem if all is said that it is a mistake. The important thing is how to do it. "

"Do not touch … … "

Yoon Youngmin had to struggle to make up for the boiling bubbles.

A low-ranking official who can not even meet his eye is now on his back and ran on his shoulders.

'Why is that guy … … . '

Lee is also a problem.

Why does it empower such a person?

It is not Choi Jeong-hoon, but the president himself, that he should truly empower!

"Lee Ji Hyeok!"

"I can not hear you."

Lee picked up his ears and asked the chief of staff.

"Do not you have any cookies?"

"This is it."

"Please bring some sweets. Add Colla and. "

"Coke is here. eat this."

Yes, I can,

Jung Hae-min and Lee Ji-hyeok began to talk about Doran Doran sitting on the sofa.

In the mind of Yoon Youngmin, who watched the spectacular sight, the tears were flowing.

'How come that crazy man has power.'

Heaven does not care.

Why is he among the 50 million people in Korea?

And that's why he's the one who gets his protection!

"So what do you want?"

I do not think there is anything different about talking with these guys anyway. The answer was to hear what you wanted quickly and get rid of it before your eyes.

"What you want … … "

Choi Jeonghoon opened his eyes wide.

"What do you mean by that? We do not want anything. I just want you to understand that I came here to work hard for my country. "

Hey, man!

I heard everyone in this room that Lee came here to tell you not to call me!

I need to spit on my mouth and lie!

I wanted to throw an ashtray right away, but Yoon Youngmin grabbed his hand with superb patience.

"He, yes. You know, I do not know. Arm. "

If the person on the other side was the head of the United States or China, it would not have been uncomfortable.

But what a civil servant! If you are a normal person, you should treat a person who can take your neck with one hand as if it were a great power!

'Is the President of the Republic of Korea so small?'

Yoon Young-min felt that his eyeballs had become serene.

"We do not have what we want. But it is not all people live. As I told you earlier, if people do not have a lot of work, people lose their motivation. Passion It is not Pei and thinks that it should be given fair price to person working for bones for country. Do not you think so? "

"No, of course. I mean, how much is the fair price? "

"Is that what you are supposed to do? I do not think that's what the recipient is saying. "

"Rain, chief of staff!"

When the President called out urgently, the chief of staff bowed his head and sighed invisibly.

Only when it is this time, only when it is this!

"Yes, President."

"What can we do for Lee Ji-hyeok?"

"Something I wrote in writing. Let's start with the decoration. "

"decoration? Yes! right! Do not you have a decoration ready? I will grant you from that. "

Choi Jeonghoon laughed when he heard that it was a medal.

I was afraid of seeing how to laugh.

"The decoration? Lee Ji-hyeok, gives me a medal. "

"Are you eating?"

"Can not eat?"

"Then it is."

"It is."


Yuka is more like a sister-in-law who sits next to her mother-in-law!

Yoon Young-min felt the urge to break down Choi's head.

"Well, then what do you want?"

"Why do you know this?"

"I'll ask you! I hate money! I hate decorations too! So what do you have to do! "

"Hmm … … "

Choi Jung – hoon took out A4 paper from his bag as if he could not help it.

"I would like to write it in words, but I will only make a minimal consensus. For once, immunity from privilege. "


What the hell is this?

It is not a member of parliament, and it is immunity privilege!

I will give it to a competent person, and immediately the people will bubble up and rise. This means that you have to keep an eye on the real-time lame deck popping up.

"Could you give me something like that? Make a sound that makes sense! "

"Can not you?"

"What would the people know if they knew?"

Choi Jeonghun laughed and whispered small.

"So you do not have to let me know."


"You do not have to publish it. If only the parties know it. Then is not it enough? "

“…….”What is this human?

Until a while ago, it seemed like a common human being.

'I'll be great.'

This type should be politicians, not bureaucrats.

It was a type that could be hit in an instant if you give me a moderate amount of money.

'This is not it.'

Now, I do not read politicians, but I have to solve them now.

"I can not do that."


"I am the president whom the people have chosen. Even if the situation is urgent, it can not fool the people. "


Choi Jung – hoon looked at Yoon Young – min with fresh eyes.

I see that this human … … .

There was nothing in his head, no thought, a radical subject, luckily he became a president, but his personal corruption had never been revealed.

'It's clean and useless.'

It is sinful to be honest and enthusiastic about incompetent subjects.

I would rather have an impeachment solution if someone is full of corruption.

"So you can not support it?"

"That does not work."

Hmm …

Choi Jung Hoon frowned.

The situation is not solved like I thought.

At that time, there was a person who helped Choi.


The phone rings. The chief of staff received a phone call urgently and looked at Choi Jeonghoon and Yoon Youngmin.

"This is Christopher McClaren."

"Please connect with speaker."

At the end of Choi Jeonghoon, the chief of the secretary glanced at him and pressed the speaker button.

"It is Choi Jeonghoon."

– It's Christopher. What happened?

"I'm afraid I can not support you."

– Why? Was not it friendly until a little while ago?

"Unfortunately, the President refused to pay for the support. Is not it not possible to do free service?

– Free services! So far we've done it! And you decided to pay the price again!

"Monetary things are already enough. That's not what Lee Ji-hyeok wants. "

– So what do you want?

"Simple things. Light immunity privileges and many other conveniences. "

– Did not it have been given yet?



Yun turned around when things were strange and looked at the Attorney General.

"Is another country doing it?"

"Well, um … … "

The Attorney General scratched his head.

"Some countries have partial immunity privileges for certain competencies. In fact, what can not be done is that if a major competitor confines himself in prison for sin, he can not afford the gap. … "

Are you listening?

Yoon had a headache.

If you think about it, what is the meaning of immunity privilege to Lee Ji-hyeok?

I can not put him in jail anymore because he is guilty of sin. There was no prison to carry Lee Ji-hyeok and there was no police to arrest Lee Ji-hyeok.

Even if the two conditions are met, the moment the Lee Ji-hyeok is put into prison, the loss of the Republic of Korea is not enough.

– So, is that Lee Ji-hyeok not moving because of the minor problem?

"That's right."

– Can you talk to your president?

"Speak to the speaker. You are listening. "

– Mr. President, are you listening?

Yoon Young-min wrote the impression.

He is the President of the Republic of Korea, and the person on the other side is a director of the United States.

For his position alone, he was daring to demand a call from the president. But it was only on the surface, he knew best what physical dynamics would be.

Go ahead.

Christopher McClaren has a similar influence with the president of the United States, and Yoon Young-min is just a small country president.

Recently, Yoon Young-min's position has risen sharply because he has been upset by Lee Ji-hyeok. In the face of Lee Ji-hyeok, as he is now, he had no power to reject McLaren's words.

Go ahead.

– This is the situation where the President of the United States is being held hostage. In such a situation, I can not think that cooperation in your country is insignificant. If this happens to the president of his country, then what can be done?

It was obvious threat.

I did not dare to speak to the president of another country.

But it was not a matter of courtesy. The president of the United States is being held hostage, and Lee Ji – hyeok can handle it.

But Yoon Youngmin did not get support?

When the work breaks down, all responsibility will go to Yoon Youngmin.

"Not that I will not cooperate … … "

– No long conversations are needed. Please do everything you want right now. If not, you will have to pay for it.

“…….”Yoon Youngmin banged his lower lip.

Power was a problem. If there was power, it would not have been humiliated … … .

Yoon Hyung-min opened his mouth when he was about to say that Yoon Youngmin was dead.

"But then, uncle."

– Lee Ji Hyeok?

"What is your uncle's saying to my president?"

― …And? I just wanted to help Lee Ji-hyeok … … .

Lee Ji – hyeok shouted at the phone as he blinked.

"But why do you say so? It's our president! Is America doing so well? "

– OMG. "I do not care! Where is the president of the other country? "

Yoon Youngmin's pupil caused an earthquake.

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