The Returner

Chapter 262

The Returner Volume 11 (Episode 12) 3. Did you miss me? (2) "Do you intend to go to a small number?"

Christopher got right up to Lee Ji-hyeok.

"I want to go to the majority."


"How do I get inside a lot? You should not just blow it away? "

“…I do. "

If it was not for the White House, I would be able to get it right.

It might be possible to give up the White House building, but I was not sure that the president would be safe if I could pour out that firepower.

No, you will die.

There 's no reason for the devil in there to protect the president.

Usually the hostage is also the life of the criminal, but this case was totally different.

There was nothing to lose because the president died.

"Why do you raise the situation!"

When Lee Ji-hyeok passed away, Christopher bowed his head without speaking.

These fucking Pentagon guys.

I will surely show you hell!

Christopher grinded.

On the same side, I will not help you, but I will make you suffer such humiliation in front of a competent other country!

"Uh … … "

Christopher put a line in his pouch and stumbled.

I threw a radio!

Damn it, there's a lot left over that I have not done yet, but I do not have a walkie-talkie!

Christopher dropped his hand with a heartache.

"how will we do it?"

Lee Ji-hyeok whistled.

It feels strange to see Maggi rising up like a white house surrounded by a white house.

The dense and sticky maggie was telling me that the opponent was not tough.

But there were obvious oddities.

'Why is it that only?'

The quality of mana was too low for rain.

If you are pissing mana out, you do not have to do anything, you just have to fly out of the White House without a trace. … .

Mana is coming out, but it is strange that there is very little sheep coming out.

Another strange thing is … … .

'Why do I keep chilling?'

That mana … Something's really weird?

I feel familiar.

It is not strange that Lee Ji-yeong, who knows all of the devil's souls, feels intimacy with magic.

No, it may be natural.

It will be a pattern of magic that we all know.

But what is this?

Lee Ji-hyeok stopped at the spot.

wae geurae

Although Jung Hae-min asked, Lee Ji-hyeok did not answer anything but just looked at the White House quietly.

There is still some distance.

But what is the feeling that this foot does not fall?

'Did you come to the Top 10 rankings?'

If the current Lee Ji-hee, they can not be sure of victory and defeat.

The top-ranked devil was one that could not be sure that he could be sure to press it in the prime of Lee Ji-hyeok.

Of course, Lee Ji-hyeok was immortal, and they are extinct in the name of the devil.

It was an unfair battle to add to the scale in the first place, but if I played one coin fighting each other, I could not defeat them.

So, now that we have become incomparably weak, we did not have to say it.

"Do not you?"

"끙 … … "

Lee Ji-kyu made a sound of sickness and started walking again.

It was not a situation where it was possible to finish saying that it was glad to meet just who came to the earth regardless of who the opponent was.

If you think about their efforts to come to this world, they would not have been just sightseeing on Earth.

"I do not know why I'm always on my feet."

I do not think there's any great merit on Earth.

There's Berap.

They were originally going out. 'It looks weird.'

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.

'Is there so much I wanted from you?'

Of course, I played some punches.

No, I talked a little more when I talked to him honestly.

However, it is not too bad to install it to pursue to another dimension and to pick up his neck!

It's not a misery, either!

"What am I doing!"

What is it? What

“…It keeps coming and picking up people. I mean, what I did wrong. "

"Do you know them?"

Yes. it is.

"And then … You talked to those dark people. Strange words? Are you kids you know originally? "


"How do you know?"

"I lived a little there. About a hundred years? "

“…That's good. "

Yes. it is.

"You want to kill. Well, you'll want to kill it. "


When Seo Aoyung fought, Choi Jeonghoon curled.

"Even if it is true, it is not something to say in front of the party."

Hey, hey.

Hey, who are you guys on?

Somehow, the eyes that are tearing the devils right now?

What the hell am I doing ?!

It just keeps getting in the way.

Thinking about the lives of those long-lived demons, it would only be happening for a while.

"I'm not … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok shook his head jerky and walked to the back again.

I die from sickness.

"But I do not know why I feel so real."

As soon as Lee Ji-hyeok calmed down his tired heart, the front gate of the White House soon approached them.


Foggy mana filling his face caught his ankle.

If he goes in, he will not be affected.

It may be said that it is wonderful because it is the same as what the sacrament is around.

But others did not.

If you are exposed to such a dense mana, you will be out of your mind immediately.


Lee Ji-hyeong was troubled.

It is not hard to swallow mana, but this mana was mana without the master, but mana under the control of others.

It is not easy to cope when you start to cover it in an instant.

It is the taboo at first to enter the area where the mana of another person is released.


Lee Ji-hyeok heard his head in Choi's security.


Mana, who had been in the car as if he had stopped before, stepped back.
Lee's eyes narrowed.

Just as they make the road, only the black mana in front of them retreats backward.

"Are you welcome?"

In the face of Lee Ji-hyeok the heart began to grow.

Usually, in this case, I do not look back and I'm right.

I do not want to be welcome, but I do not want to be fooled, I go in and out of various trappings.

"Will you come in?"

Choi Jeonghoon asked in a hurry.

"No matter how I look, this is a trap … … "


“…Is not it strange that it is too hot? Who would go into such a place? "

Heung There is courtesy! I think I'm scared! "

"Do not be a typical ambassador! That's the third party villain! "

Good I am the main character. "


Lee Ji-hyeon went forward, neatly ignoring Choi's words.

"I dare to pit before me!"

"Do not say that! I do not see the future too! "

"Well, if you think you can stop me with these pitfalls, it's a mistake! The overwhelming power difference can not be prevented by a trap! "

Oh… No answer, really. "

Choi Jung – hoon shook his head.

"Well, that's not the case … … "

Choi Jeonghun saw the road ahead of them with uneasy eyes.

"What really is this?"

"I have to go."


"Behind me, you're watching your eyes open. It is a place to go anyway, but in this way, I may burst out in that uncontrollable time. "

"Do not touch … … "

Choi Jung – hoon is a young face, but I have to admit that the situation is serious.

We have to get the president, but we have a time limit. To some extent danger is bound to go.

"Five will enter. The rest is waiting. I'll call it immediately if the situation goes off. "


Kim Dae – hyun replies whether he is in charge of leadership and bites his party back.

"Shall we go then?"

"Hmm… … "

Lee Ji-hyeok walked forward unceasingly.

"This is an uneasy spirit … … "

Choi Jung-hoon followed Lee Ji-hyeok with a frustrated face.

"It's sad."

I felt a dark night when I saw a black mana full of surroundings.

Indeed, even though the US is now in the afternoon.

I was walking in a building where the light did not come in properly.

No. Is it real, not real?

Mana surrounding them was affecting their feelings.

"Is this okay?"


"But you're young, too?"

"It does not really matter unless you actually get into your body. There are a couple of kids going crazy in the neighborhood, it's because they are weak kids. "

So you're in trouble, you freak!

If you have heard something in your head, that's the connection!

"If you do not give up your life anyway, if you can not keep it, you'll have to turn business."

That's right.

Choi Jung – hoon felt that Lee Ji – hyeok had a word at the end of his mouth.

It was not a place to complain about complaints as it was Choi Jeong-hoon, even though he said he would not come. It is true that he is not a competitor, but that he has come to this place and it is a burden to Lee Kyu.

"It is awful mana."

"Uh huh! ZOINKS!

Suddenly, Aphedriche emerged from the side suddenly, and Choi Jeonghun caught him in amazement.

"You are surprised!"

Seo Aoyou quietly got a brain.


"Who is a coward! luke

"What horror movie did you see recently?"

“…I do not. "


Choi Jung – hoon trembled in unfairness.

Hey, this girl! Ask a man to leave and ask him what he saw in the movie!

What kind of movie is it?

I have never been to a movie theater since I joined!

Apeldrieche broke the horse before Choi Jeonghoon defended his injustice.

"I'm a familiar mana."


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head shaky.

Besides, if you feel familiar with Aphellys, you should not think that it is usually a devil.

I guess that's because he has a strong ability to do so.

By the way…

When Lee Ji-hyeok tried to say something, the big door of the office came in front of their eyes.

"I have arrived."

“Umm . . .

The leg of Lee Ji-hyeok watching the door began to tremble.

Huh? Why is it so insecure?

I do not understand, really?

"Are you going in?"

"We should go in."

Lee looked down at the door with his tiny eyes and bit his lips tightly.

I do not know what's so unstable, but I have to check it out!

"Ha, wait a minute. Be prepared for your heart. "

"A man without a pulpit!"

"A man must be a foreman! How delicate I am! "

"Nay, Nay."

Lee Ji-hyeok wants to say something!

The door opened wide.

Then the sight inside the office room came in at a glance.

With the elderly sitting somewhere in the corner … … .

"Hey, this is good!"

Lee Ji-hyeok's face was whitewashed.


Why is it here?

Why to on to on!

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