The Returner

Chapter 267

The Returner 11 (17th episode) 4. Whether the king is scary or the mother is scared (2) Woo Woong!

The gate was opened in front of the NDF headquarters. Lee Ji-hyeok walked out of the gate with a tired face.

Hmm …

Erkana protested against Lee Ji-hyeok with a slightly disgruntled young face.

"Darling, I think the gate is more unstable than before. Can not you open it gently? "

“…….”I think you can split your hair gently.

Lee Ji-hyeok was overwhelmed and Choi Jeong-hoon came up with an awkward expression.

"Lee Ji Hyeok."


"I'm sorry, but we have to move our crew, too, if you could just open a gate there … … "

"I'm a taxi, it's a subway!"

"If you dare, the subway is a little closer … … "

Lee Ji – hyeok 's eyes were lifted up and Choi Jeong – hoon laughed and turned his head.

"Hey, I beg you."

"Oh, it's my arm."

When Lee Ji-hyeok tried to open the gate, Erkana slumped his head.



What are you doing right now

"People have to move, so you're asking me to open the gate."

"Have you moved? The kids there? "


Erkana greeted Hoho and laughed and looked at Choi Jeong-hoon as she turned to look like eating a person.

"Humans, do you dare try to eat our darling?"

Wood gain.

Even though the eyes only faced, the body did not stop from the mental pressure.

"Oh, my God."

Choi Jung Hoon tried to make an excuse, but he did not allow the arbitrary twisted muscles to open his mouth.

"Do not."


"Do not do it."


Erkana turned his head slightly.

Choi Jung – hoon escaped the oppression of the body and poured a deep breath.


It was like a pain in hell.

"Just transferring useless things like yours is a thing to thank for your whole life, will you dare to trouble Darling? Do you really feel like crawling like a bug? "


Yes. it is. Darling would say so. "

Erkana hugged Lee Ji – hyeok 's arm with a smile and smiled as though his eyes had lied before.

"Ha ha ha … … "

Lee grabbed his head.

That's why he's scared! This is it!

"Just open it up!"

"The kids are getting spoiled. No. Why should you do such a thing? What are they? "

“…There is a person called Jeong. "

"Oh, like a pet? So I did not say it in advance. But for the pets, the kids are not cute. I have a variety of tastes. I like Darling if I like it. "

“…….”Lee Ji – hyeok 's shoulder was chuguk.

Choi Jung – hoon 's shoulder, who looks at the scene, also fell asleep.

No, what the hell is that guy doing?

A pretty girl like me likes me as much as I am, and if I'm like you, I'll welcome you with a twin sister. What am I to complain about?

If you look at the amount you have done so far, it seems like something is not wrong with Lee.

Lee Ji-hyeok pushed Erkana clinging to his arm gently and shook his hand to open the gate.

'But there is an effect.'

As usual, for a long time I wondered why I had to do this, and I was able to open the gate without installing guns.

Does it seem to be a gain?

As soon as Yi Ji-hyeon, who opened the gate, entered the Teletra, others followed him.

Do you think Lee Ji-hyeok's shoulders are so heavy today?


Erkana shook his head as he saw Lee Ji-hyeok sitting on a chair in the conference room.

"We are tired from opening our darling gate. Do you want to charge some mana? "

“…I do not see your mana anymore? "

"Hehe, I thought I was going to get over it. But I pulled it out well. "

Lee wrapped his face.

I am a person who has gone through the hardship and I have to go to love, why do I breathe again and again.

Lee Ji-hyeok desperately blocked the tears to flow down.


Oh, it's a surprise.

Choi Junghoon surprised at the vibration coming from the side.

I thought you brought some vibrators. Automatic shaking function.

By his side, Jung Hae-min was literally trembling like a vibrator.

I was worried about how heavily heavily.

"Well, calm down."

"What am I doing?"

What was that?

Is it self-vibrating?

Would you be very good when you sing?

Choi Jung – hoon wiped out the absurd imagination flowing in his head and glanced at Ayyung.

Then, Seo Aoyong sat in his seat, wrapped in the back of the.

"Relax, sister."


Jung Hae-min grabbed his fist tightly.

How long do you have to look at it?

By the way…

Choi Jeonghoon carefully came out to say.

"How did you two meet?"

Lee Ji – hyeok has come to ask me.

Choi Jung Hoon was speechless and speechless.

"Is not it a bit strange actually? One is a human, and the other is a devil. The combination is a bit strange. "


Erkana eyed her, and Choi Jeonghoon quickly lowered her posture.

"So, you two are awkward. It's not like this, it's a dramatic encounter. It's amazing, well, that's what it means. Do I have any other intentions? Hehe.

Seo's eyes narrowed further.

Choi Jung Hoon came to the back of his back and felt a sharp gaze of Seo Aoyoung.

It is cold.

The cold eye behind the back is stuck with.

At the front, there is the most scary woman in the front, and behind the back is the scariest woman in the human race.

In this small meeting room, something like this is happening.

Choi swung tears.

I mean, I can not catch the angel in front of the devil, no matter how tongue I like.

Who's to blame for being a princess?

I do not have any warriors here!



Choi Jung-hoon's back has spread.

A coward! Such shameful words!

It is Choi Jeong-hoon who has been carelessly running away from Lee Ji-hyeong, who has been running away from his eyes since he has not seen his eye.

A lion without a habit Even a person who goes to us and eats a deer as a queen will not be able to say that he is a coward.

But you are a coward!

"I have a little … … "

Ha ha ha ha ha

It is not usual, but it gets a bit cold today.

Choi smiled awkwardly and leaned down, and Ayye sighed deeply.

How did I ever … … .

"How did you meet?"

Luckily, Erkana helped Choi Jung-hoon to get in trouble.

"꺅! Do you have to tell it in my mouth? "

Please, specify two different languages

Do not look so shy with that face.

Does not it fit with the image?

I think it's the completion of fashion when I have to take a whip, but I blush!

When Choi Jeonghun desperately suppresses the desire to bet, Erkana opens his mouth again.

"It was like a fate."

“…It was like hell. "

"I do not know how I can meet so destiny!"

"It was an accident."

"Hehe, I wonder if the gods have succeeded?"

“…Latrell, two years! "

Erkana said with a color.

"Darling, it's not about me and Latrell."

"He is a god, too. Did not you give it in your world? "

"Martha and Vera Frank are different."

"Oh, yes."

Choi Jung-hoon, who judged that he would be wandering around Samchunpo without listening to the right story, let the two just talk.

Just listen to what you want!

"So, how did you meet?"

"Hull, why are you angry?"

Human Is it annoying now? "

"Oh, no. It's not … … "


Choi Jung-hoon, who was in a crisis when she gave a voice to her voice, was desperate.

"I am so curious."


Erkana smiled seductively.

Choi Jeonghun felt a moment of dizziness and looked at her with a sneak peek behind his back and twisted his flesh.

"Turn it off!"

This is a real pain.

Choi Jung – hoon screamed in front of his strong grip that his clothes seemed to be torn.

"Do not you mind?"

What does this say.

I am a devil in the front, and a witch in the back.

That's when the slope is.

"If you are so curious, you should talk."

Erkana looked at Lee 's eyes with lovely eyes and rattled his ball on his ball.

"So how did we meet Darling and me, it's simple. My darling called me with a sincere heart. So I went beyond dimension to meet him! What is more destiny than this! "


Apeldrić sighs and interprets Erkana.

"It was Erkana who was summoned by Lee Ji-hyeok for a contract."

"Well, uh, black magic is what you're writing through contracts?"

"Usually it is. Or you can not get black magic. "


I do not know what you mean, but Lee Ji-yeon summoned him to use Erkana as a gas station.

By the way…

Choi Jung – hoon has a headache.

"I think people who use black magic are very rare. I met with such a recall, and that's fateful. "


Apeldrieche looked at him with patience, and Choi Jung – hoon shrugged his neck.

'What else did I do wrong?'

Today is the day when Iljin is a rainy day. It was the day that all the women of the world were condemning him.

"Think about it. You've been summoned to learn black magic. "

"Yes, you did."

"Choi Jung-hoon went to the gym to learn taekwondo."


"But from the first day, will the national representative grade officer cope with Choi Jung Hoon?"

"I will not."

"By the way, Lee Ji-hyeok made a connection with the world of magic without knowing anything about black magic … … "

“…….”"The devil came."

Choi Jung-hoon looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with a sick face.

And then there was a prejudice that the human being was stronger and that he was going to have an accident.

Just that man itself is an accident trigger.

"It was enormous."

"Because it is fate!"

Erkana stood beside Lee Ji-hyeok, and it seemed to be a bloody opponent, but something white came out of the mouth of Hyde.

'Is that a soul?'

The devil went out to soul!

There are many ways!

"Then you usually make a connection with the devil if you make a connection like that. But the strange thing is, considering the legends that come down to Earth … You said that the contract would pay for it? "

Do not you usually offer souls or sacrifices?

“You’re right. I usually contract through mediating the soul. "


Is the soul of Lee Ji-hyeok dependent on Erkana?

That's really serious.

So you can not rebel like that, and you're doing it with a bloody face?

"That's not it. Lee Ji-hyeok did not sign the soul as a mediator. "


"I did not have a soul."

“…….”Haha, what … … .

I'm not surprised, either. That man is. It's a concept, a personality, and nothing that's been done right.

Ha ha ha ha haThis is crazy.

Choi Jung – hoon 's headache became extreme.

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