The Returner

Chapter 271

The Returner 11 (21) 5. Mom, daughter-in-law. (1) "Oh! My mother! "

Park sungdeok smiled softly and responded to her coming to her.


"Did you come to see the store?"

A middle-aged woman dressed in elegant clothes. I am a neighbor who is friendly after moving to this neighborhood.

"Hoho, yes. I have to eat when I get my sons. "

The woman in front of Park Seon-deok trembled and talked.

Ahh! Son! "

When the word "son" comes out, a gentle smile is caught in Park 's mouth.

"Preparing to eat at this time, it seems like you are going to go far?"

"Yeah. I heard that it is coming to America this time too … … "


If you are from another place, you may have to explain the meaning of going to the United States.

It was a place where only people who knew how to understand that my son '

Yoink! Yoink! America! The NDF is another shape. My son went to far away from Busan. "

"It's not good. I am worried about my son going overseas. "

"I do not think it's that powerful! It seems to me that NDF is very appreciated as well. "

Well… I do not know about my son … … "

Park Sun – duk blurred the end.

There are a lot of things I want to do, but when I open my mouth to talk at this time, I can seem to be a pathetic fellow who has no pride in my son.

If you wait, you will not have to tell yourself to open your mouth to talk with you.

"My son had a friend in NDF, and I heard him say that he was surprised."

"It's a coincidence."

Park Dae – deck smiled gracefully.

"Oh, it's coincidence. Is that possible? It's a job related thing, but how well I know. I heard that NDF seems to be a very important person in charge. "

"Sometimes the manager is stopping by at home, so I think there is something in there."

"Oh, oh! Manager! "

A more elegant smile rose on Park 's face.

This is it!

This is the pride of a married woman, her battle.

I concluded that I grew better and better off the child battle!

Who is more beautiful, who is more money, the ultimate battle to reach the woman in the end.

Park got a smile of victory.

"I think that she is so great. Your son grew well, but he is still diligent. Your son's money is going to be great, but you can still feed him by hand. "

"Hoho, my son has a short mouth. If it was not for my mom's rice, I did not eat well. "

Of course it is a lie.

Lee Ji-hyeok was a man who had a garbage-like feeling of sucking ramen noodles. It was the owner of the degenerated taste cells that any food made in Korea could be eaten as delicious.

"It's because your mother cooked well."

"Oh, no. I'm just trying to do as much as anyone else. "

"How hard it is for others."

"Ho ho ho ho."

This aunt knew how to make people feel.

Park sungdeok pushes down on the shoulder stretched. Then the head was rolled back.

'Give more praise!'

My husband went out a little bit, but how many times my mother who lost her child would be proud of her child?

However, it is the ability to go out well because the child is not returning safely.

Now all the pieces seemed right.


There was a clear difference between Lee Ji-hyeok and Lee Ji-hyeok.

No, there was a difference of about 30,000 light years.

They are thinking about Lee Ji-hyeok as a talented person.

There was a little packing and seasoning of Park Sun-duk, but that's about it.

"I heard your son is so bad, is not he?"

"Oh, I do not. I'm just a little scared of my mom. "

"Oh, my mother is a joke too. Can a competent son be afraid of his mother? My mother is so good that she pretends to let me go. I'm a big devotee. "

I'll be happy … … .

Only in this part was conscience a little stung.

If Lee Ji – hee heard it, she might have shed bubbles to live with my mom for a month.

"Anyway you'd like it. Your son is a very important person. "

"Good, I'm worried. I do not know if it is too noticeable. I just told you to do as much as you do … … "

"I have an awl in my pocket, but how do I do it?"

"It will be my greed."

Park Sun-duk filled up the pride of Chi today.

Then, the hand that had stopped stopped moving and began to fill the shopping cart.

Today, Chu's pride has begun to include high-quality ingredients in his shopping cart.

I do not feel the necessity of using good ingredients because of my son who is eating delicious food regardless of whether the ingredients are cheap or not, but I promised to cook with good ingredients as much as today.

'When I hear it, I am a precious son.'

It was also wonderful to hear the preciousness of my child from the mouth of others.

But what can I do?

If you are looking at your son at home, you are a surplus man.

No matter how childish it is, it is lucid that such a person is treated as a precious person outside.

I have always laid barely, but because I can not feed properly, I feel guilty that I have made a son.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

I do not want good personality. At least, I just want you to act in common sense, but the guy who at that age is not able to play and is lazy, and now he is attracted to the woman in the house.

This is what I learned and did not eat.

I would have experimented with my two hands to see if my sons and daughters had laid on the back of the iron plate, but the woman who brought her was so nice that she could see her eyes.

If I could give a room and get a daughter-in-law like that, it would be a remaining burial.

In fact, I am always talented, but I am always worried about whether or not I can go because I have a character. So it is also true that I thought heaven helped me when I saw a beautiful child.

"It's really weird."

A man is an ability, but it is also a saying when a man is normal.

It is not easy for a person like Lee Ji-hyeok to have a proper woman, but when she picks up her beautiful things, she looks like her father and she has the ability.

"It looks like it."

Although the horse did so, the smile did not leave Park 's mouth.

My siblings are recognized by their abilities and bring me a lot of good luck, but I will not have a bad mother.

Besides, thanks to my shoulders, there is no day to lose strength, so my muscular pain is not going to make me happy.

There was no hum in the mouth of Park Sun-duk going home.

"Hmm … … "

But there was one problem.

Auntie next door, who makes a modest amount of money, drives her car with her one, but Park Dae-duck is not carrying a car yet, so she is carrying her luggage with two sturdy and solid legs.

It was not because I did not have the ability but because I did not have a license, but the bad feeling was bad.

"I have to get a license."

My husband earns enough money to earn money.

Even though it is the money that has been made by the corruption, I have made a lot of money in the meantime. I was making enough money to make a sound.

Besides, the money that Lee Ji-chang earned was enormous.

Sometimes I had enough money to check my balance when I checked my account.

I can not spend all the money I've spent so far in my life, and I was just as afraid of what I was going through.

The deposit is so sure that it is not like you have committed a crime like your husband, but even if you have the ability, the amount was too big for the money you are depositing in an individual in the country.

"No way."

I do not know how much it is.

Although it was raised roughly, it did not grow up without concept until then.


I have to get a license.

If you have a car, Yewon will be easy to go to school and will help you.

Not only for her own sake, but also for the dignity of her family and Lee Ji – hyeok, I can not see her selling her hair and seeing her.

If so, Lee Ji-hyeok is walking on commute.

Park Sun-duk made a sudden reflection.

She was not the first.

It is a son who can handle anything by himself, but the son who is making a lot of money is a tortoise, and the fact that he did not care so far hurt her heart.

What 's so hard to give a car for.

If you think about it, you can save money, but you can not spend money other than buying tobacco.

So far I have thought that I am a good son who does not overdo it even if I earn money, but I am not interested in spending enough money to want to be a little bit different.

Still, she and Lee are buying expensive bags.

"I have a parent missing my son spine."

Is not she just right now?

We found nothing.

Park picked up his lips tightly.

No matter what happens this weekend, I will take my sister 's back with the back of the floor and dress it up with the proper clothes from head to toe.

I'm going to throw that damn training suit off.

Until now, I tried to understand that 'It is good if my son is good,' but it was no longer possible.

And then, he picked up his son 's spine, and he was going to become a parent who would go out with his training while wearing his son.

And so far, so far, there has been nothing like that.

When she reached the front of the house, Park Seon-deok, who refrained from her heart, made a project for the appearance of Hyeok-hi's appearance, she could see.

The people who are standing in front of her house.

"Ji Hyuk?"

"Uh, Mom? Where have you been? "

"It's a long way from Mart, what is it all about?"

Yes. it is.

Lee Ji-hyeok looked back and replied that it was not a bad thing.

"Huh. I took a little work and I brought it. "

Accident? What happened?"

Park Sun-duck was trying to suppress his anxious mind.

My son always had an accident when he talked like this.

"Yeah, not really … … "

Lee Ji – hyeon gently laughed and pointed to a woman in the corner.

What in the world……

Park Sun-duk could not say anything and opened his mouth.

What the hell is that?

Is that someone?

How can a man make such a thing?

The foreign girl who has been doing something with an arpel has been so pretty that she could not drive it out, but this woman was not that much.

It is literally beautiful to turn around.

Where does this child go and pick up these kids?

People who are the most beautiful people on TV can not be so beautiful!

"Who are you?"

Lee Ji – hyeok could not answer and laughed awkwardly.

How do you answer your mother?

I'm worried.

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