The Returner

Chapter 284

The Returner 12 (9th episode) 2. You should see your lie down and stretch your legs. (4) "When you meet your compatriots, what are you doing like shutting up your mouth like Emine? The man did not have a crust, so he went to work. "


Lee Ji-hyeok pointed to himself.

"It looks like you're getting it."

Lee Ji – hyuk laughed at the lion 's iron as he confronted him.

"Did you laugh now?"


Choi Jung – hoon swung his hand and turned his gaze.

Then he whispered to Lee Ji-hyeok.

"You calm down. There are many different ways of thinking. "

"Well … … "


"Why are they all wearing uniforms? That's a military uniform, is not it? "

Oh, that's …

The men on the other side were all wearing the same person's uniform.

In the eyes of Lee Ji-hyeok, it is a wonder.

"North Korea is part of the army, not a group of capable people."

“Oh, Why

"Maybe they are all under the supervision of the Chosun Labor Party."

"Chosun Labor Party?"

In explaining this, Choi Jung-hoon, who has an intuition that he may have to go over the background of North Korea's establishment and Kim Il Sung's birth story, wished Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Anyway, you can think of that as a soldier. There are a lot of questions, but I can not explain it now, so I'll tell you later. "

"I wonder now?"


Choi Jung Hoon grabbed his hand and said heartily, Lee Ji-hyeok heartily nodded.

"Yes, then."


Choi Jeonghoon swept his forehead.

Who in the world will understand this situation, where there are North Koreans on the other side and their friend is more scary.

Back and forth problems, back and forth.

Choi Jeonghoon turned and looked at the North Korean army.

"Tell me why you called once."

It was called the base.

This is the rank of the colonel. In Korea, too, North Korea was not a place where colonel positions could easily rise.

In that sense, the man in front of me was too young to be called a base.

Is it just Choi Jeong Hoon?

In Korea, it was more appropriate for the captain, not the colonel.

If so, it would be a high-ranking child, or a case that really promoted the super-fast promotion with that ability.

Otherwise, he could not rule out the possibility that the place of the People's Armed Forces Brigade, which he spoke of, might be somewhat different from that of other places.

'What is the information department doing?'

I have never heard of a place called the People's Armed Forces Brigade until I came here. Choi Jung – hoon knows that the department of competence in North Korea is the Joseon Dynasty Division.

The emergence of new organizations and new characters.

'It's not good … … . '

Of course, as Korea has created the NDF despite the KSF, North Korea may have created a People's Armed Forces brigade in a similar case.

However, it was difficult for Choi Jeong-hoon to assume all assumptions without knowing the fixed information and to lead the dialogue.

Even if you are an acquaintance, it is burdensome to talk with North Koreans.

"There is a strange sound. I wanted to talk to my South Korean colleagues. "

"I think I've had enough conversation."

"Come on, allies. Do not be skeptical. I'm doing it with my compatriots. "

Is this a shabby chick?

Choi's face was slightly distorted.

At that time, Lee Ji-hyeop opened his mouth.

"Well, everything is good."

Li Jin's eyes struck Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Why is it burning on the earth?"


Li Jin laughed pleasantly.

"Do not be too hard," he said.

"No, I mean … … "

Lee Ji – hyeong held both hands and said.

"Where is the fire in our sacred territory?"

“…Lee Ji-hyuk. "

Choi Jung – hoon held Lee 's shoulder and whispered smallly.

"They do not understand that."

What is it? Why

"You do not have a TV. South Koreans will know better. "

"Oh, I see."

It was a face that I did not really know because I had noticed the irony of Li Jin. It is ironic that the North Koreans know better than South Koreans.

Lee Ji-hyeok shook his head and fell back again.

"You are a strange comrade."

It's strange.

It's a lot weird.

You need to know that you are lucky. If that man becomes really weird, you're in the mood.

"From now on, do not let people call you that way. If we accept it as a provocation from here, we can not stay still. "

"What if I do not stay still?"

"Do you show me?"

Choi Jeong-hoon's gaze and Li's iron gaze were entangled in the air.

'Uh … … . '

Choi 's back began to get wet.

I was able to feel it clearly because I was directly facing this gaze.

These guys in front of you are really murder weapons.

I thought it was just a matter of feeling that I was living in my eyes, but I can feel it in my eyes.

Rather than live?

Even though it was just like riding on the neck of Choi Jung – hoon, the violence was touching the skin.

But it is not a place to back off.

If you were alone, Choi Jung-hoon would not have been able to fight snowballs like this, but there was no fear because there was Lee Ji-hyeok next to him.

If Li Jin iron rushes, Lee Ji – hyeok will shatter five people in front of me in an instant.

"There is a rudeness like a cuddly man. I saw it again. "

Li Jin laughed as he gazed first.

I do not think I won. But I heard the feeling that I had it.

"Do not think too much, understand it. I mean, can not you just cry out to come over here and say something? It is because we have come to here, but we have eyes to see, too, so do not be too narrow. "

Choi Jung – hoon nodded his head.

I do not think I will grow up to be a big job. I just thought that I should not go over it.

"Forget about it." Did you do everything you say now? "

"No, I have to leave."

"Are you using it?"

Choi's eyes narrowed.

"that… The door will open soon, what do you think? I just thought I should stop all of them coming? "

"Is not it a deal?"

"Did you know that if you are a friend of yours in the field? If you stop the guy coming this way, the fire will bloom and the water will flow to you, and then, if anyone is right, how could that not be solved? "

"Hmm… … "

Choi Jung Hoon nodded his head.

"There certainly is such a problem."

"So how did it go with you? Let's move together while we handle this. "

Choi Jeonghun looked at the iron bar with subtle eyes.

What does this guy say with his intention now?

"Is not it difficult?"

"What is wrong with you? The same fellow. "

"So who is conducting?"

"That's not a problem either way."

"Then, if there is a problem, who is the responsibility?"

Responsibility – I can not do that because I'm afraid of it. "

It seemed that there was a gentle scraping. Choi Jung – hoon had no intention of engaging in this.

"Then you have the command. We do not need it. So you're gone? "

Choi shook his head.

"Let 's take care of each other. I do not want to have your command, nor do I have to. "

"I thought there was a pulpit, but it was not. You got it. I do it for myself. Do not regret it. "

Choi Jung – hoon looked at the back of Lee Chul – jin 's back.

"What do you think?"

Lee Ji-hyeon looked at Choi Jeong-hoon and laughed.

"Do not you know what it is?"

Do you know

"That's good. If you do not have a place. "


"Just look. It'll be very fun. "

Choi Jung Hoon did not understand the words of Lee Ji –

"This is my specialty."

I had a meaningful smile on Lee's mouth.

In other situations, Choi Jung-hoon may have a much more extraordinary view than Lee Ji-hyeok, but he will not be more sensitive than Lee Ji-hyuk in regard to human malice and conspiracy.

Is it Lee Ji-hee who has been suffering from such an environment for over a thousand years?

Lee Ji – hyuk kicked his tongue as he saw the returning North Koreans. One has to stretch his leg to see where he is lying.

I do not know where it is, I stretched my leg, I know I can not even get an ankle cut off.

Jung In-soo came to sadly two.

"I'm not even sure about those cubs."

Choi Jung-hoon blinked silently, and Chung In-soo gave a break.

"I do not deserve my life … It's a commander. The commander can not help it. "

"Yes, I learned very well."

"Well, it's not like that."

"Yes, I learned very well."


Jung In-soo laughed awkwardly and knocked on Choi's back.

"It was nice anyway. There was a pulpit. It was also good that I did not get carried away by the strange request. "

Thank you.

“…I'm sorry, yes. Shochu live. "


"Eat the flea liver! Do you think I do not know that you are more salary than me? "


"Oh, you bastard."

Jung In-soo shook his head.

I was not the kind of guy, but how did he get so excited?

"But the real ones … What do you think? "


"It's obvious that I'm going to work."

"I think so too."

Jung In-soo's eyes are tapered.

"I think … … "

Jesus, it's a surprise.

Jing was surprised by the voice he heard from behind his back.

"Sir, have not you gone yet?"

"Is the situation going?"

The stillborn came to them in a somewhat miserable posture.

"With North Koreans … … "


"The entanglement itself must be handed. I do not have anything to gain from a good or bad side. "

"I'll keep your words in mind."

"Especially, you are now a senior officer. So now we have to worry about politics. You should never create a distance attack. know what I'm saying? "


But do not you go?

Why did the person who gave the command of authority continue to wonder about here?

Jung In-su could not feel uncomfortable as if the teacher was standing behind her back. It seemed that the manager who was working did not go to the house and watched the workers who were working in the bank.

"Great commander!"

At that time, I heard an urgent voice from behind.

"Gate is open!"

“Umm . . .

Indeed, from the gate at the end of the water was gradually reddish completely.

"It's a nice bunch."

Jung In – soo spoke as he spoke out to relax.

It was a burden that had not been felt in the past to carry out operations in the vicinity of North Korea.

"Get ready!"


When his ancestor started running as a temporary command post, he turned his head and looked at Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Let's go."


Lee Ji-hyeok was also guided by Chung In-su and headed for the command post.

“Oh, What would you do if you took Lee Ji-hyeok? "

What? Should I have Lee Ji-hyuk? "

"Not necessarily, but … … "

"There are a lot of gates, it looks like 5th level. When Lee Ji-hyuk comes out of this, I will have to go back to the whole country later? You should not do work. "

"That's right."

"Then try it."


Wait a second, Colonel Chung In-su.

The commander is yours.

Please, specify two different languages


Jung In-soo joked with Lee Ji-hyeok and went to the command post.


Choi Jung Hoon left a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to taste more and more."

Choi Jeonghoon turned his body roughly and looked at NDF.

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