The Returner

Chapter 306

The Returner 13 (6th episode) 2. Oh, this is a national embarrassment. (1) "Things seem to be good."

At the end of Park Sung – chan, Choi Jung – hoon gave a pinjan.

"If I stay still, I will fix it. You do not believe the Army that way? "

Choi Jung-hoon told the Daewon who had just busted them until now.

"Is not that right?"

“…….”The crew who was watching the front with a serious face spoke with a half-mixed face of embarrassment and embarrassment.

"The situation seems to be unsteady."

“…….”Now if you say so, what am I to do, man.

Park Sung-chan looked at Choi Jeong-hoon and said.


Choi Jeonghun failed to refute and looked up at the ceiling.

'It seems like something is going on and on nowadays?'

Since when did this happen?

Choi Jung – hoon shook his head.

From when, when, and after.

Until then, I was a trusted person … … .

"So what should I do?"

Choi Jung – hoon recalled the atmosphere.

"I'll have to watch it for a while, but I think I should consider withdrawing if the situation gets worse."

"Do you want to withdraw?"

"I can not go out to help the other person to shoot."

“Umm . . .

Choi Jung – hoon 's expression became serious.

"First of all, your safety is paramount. In this situation, there may be a gunfight that lasts longer or someone who is injured may be injured. We are tasked to bring you safely to Pyongyang. If you can not achieve your mission, the next lane is to safely return to Seoul. "

"Then how … … "

Going through Panmunjom means going through the border again. It was not easy to break through the border of the Yalu River, where the border was lighter, and where the most rigid boundary was spread out.

'If you open the gate, just open the gate … … . '

When Choi Jeonghun measured the angle around, I felt movement from behind his back.

Yes. it is.

"Move out."

Lee Ji-hyeok was annoyed with a young face.

"Lee Ji-hyeok, calm down once."

"It is calm and nabal, and look away. I already have a situation to handle it that way, but do not get lost over time. If you lose your job, you do not want to lose your cause. "

“Umm . . .

Choi Jung – hoon had to admit that Lee Ji – hyeok was right. It has become difficult to solve the situation well already. The best way to solve a twisted thread is to cut it with a knife, and fortunately there was a sharp knife in the world next to Choi Jung Hoon.

"Do not overdo it."


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head as if he understood and Choi Jung-hoon gave up his position.

"Darling, what are you doing? Are you going to kill them all? "

Erkana seemed to be stunning, and when she clung to the shoulders of Hyeok, Lee Ji – hyeok pushed out Erkana with an impression.

"What murder am I? Do you want to kill everything? "


“Oh, Yes, I think. "

There were times when I did not get hurt.

Now I think I was a real freak.

"Do not kill me anymore. If I kill every one of those kids, I will not have any of them. "

"I like that, too. Darling and I have two in this world. It's romantic! "

The faces of others have decayed.

It is so beautiful that I forget once, and that woman is the devil. How trivial is a human looking at the eyes of the devil?

"Do not bark, sit down!"

"Darling, get tough! It looks like the old days. "

"Come on."

Lee Ji-hyeok tries to push Erkana face down and gets out of the bus.

"What are you?"

When a person got out of the bus, the muzzle turned at once.


Lee Ji – hyeok stretched.

Lee Yi-kyoung, who yawned slowly, looked at the North Korean soldiers after defeating his throat.

"Lee Ji Hyeok?"

Although Jung In-soo was amazed, Lee Ji-hyeon was only able to bend his hand.


촤 Ahh.

The tentacles came out from the whole body of Hyeok.



"Hey, what is this!"

Bullets were scattered all over the place. Perplexed soldiers will be furious.


Jung In-su watched the tentacles that enveloped his body. However, Lee Ji-hyeok was not able to show his impatience because he believed he would not harm himself.

Tutu Tutu!

The bullets hit the tentacles bounce off.

"Ah, ah!"

The tentacles grab the soldiers and lift them up into the air.

Within a short period of time, all the soldiers were hanging upside down in the air.

'What should I do?'

When Jeong In-soo looked at the scene and was worried about the arrest, Lee Ji-hyeok saw Jeong In-soo.


“…Yes, Mr. Lee. "

"What have we sinned?"


"Do whatever you want. I am responsible for the last day. "

Chung In-soo laughed.

Yes, Lee Ji – hyeok is right.

Whether this is North Korea or Hell, he was with Lee Ji-hyeok. What scares me.

"I thought it was short."

His goal was to protect Lee Ji-hyeok, not to think about the relationship between Korea and North Korea.

Whether or not an accident happens, if Lee can return safely, his mission is fulfilled.

"What should they do? I know the right place … … "

"You send it to another dimension?"

"Quiet place, very quiet."

"If you take away your gun, you will not be able to do anything. You can put it down in the corner. It's a scapegoat anyway, but you do not have to worry about it. "

“What?” Sure, then. "

Lee moved the tentacles and drove the North Koreans to one side.

Then he left the tentacles in the air.

"Ah, ah!"

The soldiers, who were off the air at a height of three meters, screamed.

Boom, boom.

The soldiers who fell on the floor laid sickeningly.

"It hurts."

Jung In – soo thrilled his head.

"Let's move."

When Chung In-soo turned on the bus, he heard a voice devoted to evil.

"These guys, you guys … … "


The sound stopped with a clean sound.

Jung In-su could know what had happened without looking back.

'Just keep your mouth shut.'

It is a sickness that the situation can not be grasped even after this. I will not see your opponent.

Jung In-soo gave a sigh of relief and went up on the bus.

"You must have been surprised."

Jeong In – soo laughed at the rush of Choi Jung – hoon 's hospitality.

The pullout.

"But how do you do now? I do not have a lead vehicle. I can not wait to be back here again. "

Jung In-soo laughed lightly.

"Inma, is this Korea?"


"Do you think the road is just around here? If you go straight, it's Pyongyang. "


"Just go. I do not know if there will be another thing blocking the middle, but I'll break through the force. It 's much better than losing out on time. I have time, but I can not say that time is accurate, so I have to get there as soon as possible. "

Yes, sir, I

"There was a disturbance. I'll start now. "

The lead vehicle did not come back.

Chung In-soo went to Pyongyang while feeling a sense of incongruity. I can not relax because I do not know when and where something will happen … … .

Take a break.

A snoring tormented his ears.

'What nerves are made of whale cord?'

I was sleeping even in this situation, and I could not see how a person could do that.

Lee Ji-hyuk all three-letter description, but no matter how though.

It was only Jung In-soo who took care of it. Other NDFs do not care if they are familiar, and Erkana, who is looking down at him from the back, looks as if Lee Ji –

The strange thing was that Ercanaga, known for his monopoly, was standing next to Lee Ji-hyeok while Apeldrieche was keeping a knee pillow.

'It's an unfortunate thing.'

Even a normal human being would not tolerate the fact that her husband was kneeling on another woman's knees, but Erkana, the devil and known to be a monopoly, admits it?

It was something that he could not understand.

"Stop it straight, lizard."


Apeldrieche nodded nonsense.

"But Ercanana."

Yes, I can,

"Is it too much?"


Erkana looked at Lee with a flashing eye.

"Is it a limit?"

“…That much? "

"The erosion has already been overdone. Even if it is a hero in a legend, not a general person, it is not strange that the mutation has already been done. "

Apeldrieche's hand trembling with Lee Ji-hyeok's head trembled.

"When erosion is complete?"

"It is reborn."

Erkana's voice sat low, not like her.

"With a new personality. He may have memories, but he will not be the one you already know. "

"You are reborn as an Asmodian."


Erkana nodded.

"He was the first man to become a devil in the first place. If you become an Asmodian, you will be the most brutal, dangerous, and powerful devil in history. Darling's mindset is hardly human. No tyranny and cruel criminals in the world are like darling. "

Apeldrie had to admit it.

Lee Ji-hyeok is not like a human being.

Although it is said in various meanings, it is hard to think that Lee Ji-hyeok's human way of thinking is different from ordinary.

What if the Iga have the cruelty and destruction instincts of the Asmodians?

Is anything worse than that?

"That's the biggest reason to watch Darling in the parade. I am afraid that he will become a family. "

“…"Sure you are."

Apeldričhe saw his eyes with serious eyes and opened his mouth.

"Is there any other way?"


"A way to stop it from becoming an Asmodian. Now it 's just slowing down the erosion. Someday it will be inevitable. "


"Is there any way I can stop it?"

Erkana laughed altogether.

"There is the most obvious way."



Erkana giggled low with her tongue in her lips.

"If you cut his neck now and drink that blood, you will be able to die with the identity of Lee Ji-hye, the object."

“…It's a very reasonable and shitty way. "

Yoink! The lizard has a rough mouth. Have fun!

Erkana laughed as he laughed at Apeldrieche.

"Does that make you laugh?"

"Ho ho."

Erkana laughed, but the eyes were not laughing.

Didn't you know?

“…"Afraid not."

"Do not be surprised at what you know."

Apeldriche banged his lips tightly.

Lee Ji-hyeon has come to earth to prevent erosion. But with her strength, she could not turn him back.

"And I do not have a lot of ways."


"But would not it be better not to know?"

Erkana's lips smiled sharply.

The smell of the smile froze the body of Apeldrieche.

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