The Returner

Chapter 314

The Returner 13 (14th episode) 3. What? Did you eat something wrong? (4) "Did you say apple?"

Fireworks sprang from the eyes of Li Jin iron.

How much sacrifice arose as the damn pushed the monsters northward.

It has already been reported.

But do you want to apologize to the defendant who broke North Korea?

What else do you have to apologize for?

"Is your ear hole sick?"

But the will of the chief of staff was firm.

Lijin iron, seeing the eyes of the chief general, bite his lips firmly.

"I can not do it."

"This kid is crazy!"

The chief of staff suddenly pulled the pistol out of his arms and pointed it at the head of Lijin Iron.

"Where is this rebounding cub? It's not like that. "

"Reaction! Do you mean to doubt my loyalty to the Republic? "

"Then tell me. Why can not I? "

"That motherfucker and the cub made it, how can you apologize to him? When the knife comes in the neck, it comes in, so I can not do it. "

"This baby."

As the situation got worse, Choi Jeonghoon turned his head and looked at Lee Ji – hyeok.

“……I do not want to apologize to you, right? "

"I never told you to do it."

Of course, the one who sucked first provoked him first, but this was beyond the level of self-defense and it was close to harsh action.

I hit a guy with a fist and suddenly I stood up with a M60 on the side, and I was apologizing for it.

"My uncle … Is it too much? "


Choi Jeonghun swept the forehead.

I just told him not to be a threat, so why do not you even apologize for the pistol.

'Anyway, it's extreme.'

I heard the North Koreans say that they are radical, but I think it would be extremely extreme. Who knew?

Hahaha The chief of staff. "

Choi Jeonghoon tried to mediate, but the chief of the chief was determined.

"South Korean colleagues wait a moment."

"No, Chief of Staff."

"Did not you wait for me?"

At the moment, Choi Jeonghoon, who watched the eyes of the chief of the general, asked his mouth.

It is the man who has climbed up to now in the high-ranking society of the North which is the tiger oyster. Of course there are no ordinary people. Choi Jung – hoon was tired of Park Yong – hwi 's appearance, which seemed to be tantalizing.

It was creepy, not scary.

'Was this someone?'

Just as the good smiles that had just been shown to them were all false, Park Yong – hwi was showing them the real life.

"You, this baby … … "

At that time, Lee Ji-hyeop opened his mouth.

"Monster will come?"

“…….”"If you can not do well after fighting like that, it would be very fun."

Park turned his head silently and looked at Lee Ji-hyeok.

However, Lee Ji-hyeok was still uncomfortable.


Finally, Park yonghui nodded his head and put a handgun.

"I've been excited about things that have not happened for a long time, so I have not seen them. I apologize to my South Korean colleagues. "

"If a person is upset, it may be."

"Hahaha, Lee Chihyuk is my heart to be like you?"

"I did it a while ago."

Lee Ji-hyeon looked at Li Jin-cheol and laughed.


Park Yong – hwi laughed and laughed and called Li Jin – ir.

"Li Xin iron comrades."


"I have not yet been convicted of what Li Jing had done. Did you know what I mean? "

Li Jin asked her mouth all the time.

No matter how irresponsible, it was his responsibility to reject the party's orders to block monsters from the military demarcation line and retreat back.

The party does not admit that it is a limit.

It was the party that forced and brainwashed to be able to do everything in the name of spirituality and loyalty.

"I keep in mind."

It was something that could not be helped now. Nobody would listen to him even if he pleaded. It is because North Korea is so full of absurdity that the next time it starts to acknowledge it, there will be a lot of "I could not help it".

"If you raise one more problem here, let's just know there's no way I can handle it."


Lee Ji-hyeok was close again, but the railway did not hit the railway this time.

Park Yong – hwi 's eyes, sitting down from the cold, had been beeping in his head.

"I'm sorry."

Lee Ji-hyeok repeatedly provoked me, but I did not take the iron iron, I bowed my head. Even though anyone could see it, it was a difficult bow, but because of the fact that he was bowing himself on the outside, it was unclear how Lee and his team would fall.

Is not it not possible to kill the flag of the enemy in the middle of the enemy country?

"My baby, I'm rich in the first place, what's wrong with you now?"

But some people did not think so.

Iron Park Sung – chan approached Li Jin – ir with a grin.

"Eh! Seong Chan! "

"No, do not you remember that my kids almost killed you because of that baby? Who could have forgotten his face? "

"I know, I know."

Choi Jung-hoon whispered to Park Sung-chan's ear.

"But in the end, no one was hurt, and this is a few times more damaging than ours."

"Is that because of the baby? Lee Ji-hyeok is a virtuous student! "

Park Sung-chan did not tread even further as Choi Jung-hoon blocked the front, but with his beaked eyes he stared at the iron.

"Be careful."

Li Jin laughed at the provocation of Park Sung – chan.


"Eh! Sacrament! Let's stop. "

"Ha, fuck. Are not you going on a business trip abroad? I'll follow, I'll see you once. "

Park Sung – chan grew up in front of him, and other competitors stared at Lizhen iron with his unfriendly face.

"The chief of staff!"

Park Yong – hui nodded at Choi 's urgent cry.

"Li Jin Chen, you join the battalion once. And when the monsters come down over there, fight right in front of you. Did you know what I mean? "

"I will keep in mind."


After Lyjin Iron picked up a mocker, NDFs turned and turned.


"Gosh! Sungchan, stop it. Here in North Korea. "

"I know it's North Korea, but what do you think of these babies if you let them go?"

"Lee Jin-hyuk."

“…….”Park turned his head with a blank face and found the source of his voice.

Seo Ayeong looked at me like I had made a mistake.

No, it's not.

Park Sung – chan did not answer.

"If you let the baby go kneading, we'll just go to the eyes of them."

"That's right, but … … "

At least you should not be talking like that?

No matter what the pants manager is, but there is still a job title, if you make a statement that put your position in the trash can like that … … .

"It's true."

Seo Aoyong said it was not a small sum.


Seo 's words were not finished.

"But we have to show that Lee Ji-hyeok's cock is a proper cock that dude can not afford."

“…….”It was a hell of a speech.

Park also bowed his head to see if he lost his motivation and turned his body.

"Anyway, really!"

Choi Jung – hoon raised his thumb without knowing himself when he watched Seo – young, who had subdued Park Sung – chan in a way he could not think of.

"Do well."

"Is there anyway, sir?"

"I'll show you that the manager is not doing anything wrong."

with a newer version as well.

It was a feeling I really wanted to believe in now.


At that time, Lee Ji-kyun wanted to look at the distant place and opened his mouth with a smile.

"It's going to come up?"


It seemed to me that the east was gradually getting bright.

"And I almost arrived."

This time, I did not ask Choi Jeong Hoon.

He already knew that Lee Ji-hyeok's words related to monsters were mostly correct.

"Get ready."

When Choi Jung Hoon became a serious face, the NDFs started to look for their proper position without grumbing anymore.

"The chief of staff."

"What's on your mind?"

"The monsters are about to arrive soon. I think we need to prepare. "


The Chief of the General Staff called a deputy who was watching the situation from the side and instructed him to do a few things. The deputy went to the radio and talked to the chief of staff again.

"It's awesome. No, but now the report is coming up. You do not have a satellite, do you? "

“…There's a dog on our side. "

Choi Jung – hoon solved the suspicion of the total staff with a slight joke.

"But do not you conduct?"

"I have something to lead. Commanding is what the commander does, not what I do. "

Choi Jung – hoon nodded his head.

Even in the case of North Korea, where politics is strong, respect for the right to operate existed.

"If you do not feel like it, it will be a sudden fall. Be careful of you too. "

“…….”It was not like that.

Choi Jung-hoon was awkward in his breath and looked down through Shia, who was brightened by the dawn.

'It's subtle.'

It was a great experience to see the gathering of close to 100,000 troops in the dark. But when the light began to emerge, I began to see a totally different appearance.

'Are these people a soldier?'

If they were from Korea, they were so dry and small that they could not even enlist. It is quite different to see what the people of the Republic of Korea can not know about the reality of North Korea.

'This is an elite collection of gathered and collected.'

Given the availability of troops in North Korea, the 100,000 troops gathered here may literally be a handful.

However, Pyongyang will not be able to afford the country to which it will fly, and it can be said that North Korea 's weapons and resources have gathered as much as possible.

It is only about this time that the time is tight … … .

'The situation is not better than I imagined.'

It may be necessary to refrain from expecting the help of a general force. I can not wait to see what is going on and how much it will function.

Given the ability of North Korea to maintain its warfare and its ability to supply peace, it is difficult to predict how many things are properly maintained.

Of course, if you want to live in them, you may have been able to save as much as you can … … .


At that moment, a sharp voice rang.

Choi looked down at the horizon with his lowly sunk eyes.

There is a small cloud.

As soon as I thought something like a tiny dust cloud was visible at that end, I saw a wave of clouds coming out of the dust clouds rolling toward them.


Choi grabbed his fist tightly.


The monsters were literally running like a lump of union, entangled and rushing over them.

Choi Jung-hoon loses his first words to the scene to be processed.


However, Lee Ji-hyeon glanced at the scene and smiled at him.

"It's a very nostalgic sight."

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